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Golang dag.AcyclicGraph类代码示例

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本文整理汇总了Golang中github.com/hashicorp/terraform/dag.AcyclicGraph的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang AcyclicGraph类的具体用法?Golang AcyclicGraph怎么用?Golang AcyclicGraph使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: buildProviderAliasGraph

func (t *Tree) buildProviderAliasGraph(g *dag.AcyclicGraph, parent dag.Vertex) {
	// Add all our defined aliases
	defined := make(map[string]struct{})
	for _, p := range t.config.ProviderConfigs {
		defined[p.FullName()] = struct{}{}

	// Add all our used aliases
	used := make(map[string]struct{})
	for _, r := range t.config.Resources {
		if r.Provider != "" {
			used[r.Provider] = struct{}{}

	// Add it to the graph
	vertex := &providerAliasVertex{
		Path:    t.Path(),
		Defined: defined,
		Used:    used,

	// Connect to our parent if we have one
	if parent != nil {
		g.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(vertex, parent))

	// Build all our children
	for _, c := range t.Children() {
		c.buildProviderAliasGraph(g, vertex)

示例2: graph

func (l *Layered) graph(db *bolt.DB) (*dag.AcyclicGraph, error) {
	graph := new(dag.AcyclicGraph)

	// First, add all the layers
	layers := make(map[string]*layerVertex)
	err := db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
		bucket := tx.Bucket(boltLayersBucket)
		return bucket.ForEach(func(k, data []byte) error {
			var v layerVertex
			if err := l.structRead(&v, data); err != nil {
				return err

			// Add this layer to the graph

			// Store the mapping for later
			layers[v.Layer.ID] = &v
			return nil
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Next, connect the layers
	err = db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
		bucket := tx.Bucket(boltEdgesBucket)
		return bucket.ForEach(func(k, data []byte) error {
			from := layers[string(k)]
			to := layers[string(data)]
			if from != nil && to != nil {
				graph.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(from, to))

			return nil
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Finally, add and connect all the envs
	err = db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
		bucket := tx.Bucket(boltEnvsBucket)
		return bucket.ForEach(func(k, data []byte) error {
			key := fmt.Sprintf("env-%s", string(k))

			// Connect the env to the layer it depends on
			to := &layerVertex{Layer: &Layer{ID: string(data)}}
			graph.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(key, to))

			// Connect the root to the environment that is active
			graph.Connect(dag.BasicEdge("root", key))
			return nil
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return graph, nil

示例3: compileImports

// compileImports takes a File, loads all the imports, and merges them
// into the File.
func (c *Compiler) compileImports(root *File) error {
	// If we have no imports, short-circuit the whole thing
	if len(root.Imports) == 0 {
		return nil

	// Pull these out into variables so they're easier to reference
	storage := c.importStorage
	cache := c.importCache
	cacheLock := &c.importLock

	// A graph is used to track for cycles
	var graphLock sync.Mutex
	graph := new(dag.AcyclicGraph)

	// Since we run the import in parallel, multiple errors can happen
	// at the same time. We use multierror and a lock to keep track of errors.
	var resultErr error
	var resultErrLock sync.Mutex

	// Forward declarations for some nested functions we use. The docs
	// for these functions are above each.
	var importSingle func(parent string, f *File) bool
	var downloadSingle func(string, *sync.WaitGroup, *sync.Mutex, []*File, int)

	// importSingle is responsible for kicking off the imports and merging
	// them for a single file. This will return true on success, false on
	// failure. On failure, it is expected that any errors are appended to
	// resultErr.
	importSingle = func(parent string, f *File) bool {
		var wg sync.WaitGroup

		// Build the list of files we'll merge later
		var mergeLock sync.Mutex
		merge := make([]*File, len(f.Imports))

		// Go through the imports and kick off the download
		for idx, i := range f.Imports {
			source, err := getter.Detect(
				i.Source, filepath.Dir(f.Path),
			if err != nil {
				defer resultErrLock.Unlock()
				resultErr = multierror.Append(resultErr, fmt.Errorf(
					"Error loading import source: %s", err))
				return false

			// Add this to the graph and check now if there are cycles
			graph.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(parent, source))
			cycles := graph.Cycles()
			if len(cycles) > 0 {
				for _, cycle := range cycles {
					names := make([]string, len(cycle))
					for i, v := range cycle {
						names[i] = dag.VertexName(v)

					defer resultErrLock.Unlock()
					resultErr = multierror.Append(resultErr, fmt.Errorf(
						"Cycle found: %s", strings.Join(names, ", ")))
					return false

			go downloadSingle(source, &wg, &mergeLock, merge, idx)

		// Wait for completion

		// Go through the merge list and look for any nil entries, which
		// means that download failed. In that case, return immediately.
		// We assume any errors were put into resultErr.
		for _, importF := range merge {
			if importF == nil {
				return false

		for _, importF := range merge {
			// We need to copy importF here so that we don't poison
			// the cache by modifying the same pointer.
			importFCopy := *importF
			importF = &importFCopy
			source := importF.ID
			importF.ID = ""
			importF.Path = ""

			// Merge it into our file!
			if err := f.Merge(importF); err != nil {

示例4: compileDependencies

func (c *Compiler) compileDependencies(root *CompiledGraphVertex, graph *dag.AcyclicGraph) error {
	// For easier reference below
	storage := c.depStorage

	// Make a map to keep track of the dep source to vertex mapping
	vertexMap := make(map[string]*CompiledGraphVertex)

	// Store ourselves in the map
	key, err := getter.Detect(
		".", filepath.Dir(root.File.Path),
	if err != nil {
		return err
	vertexMap[key] = root

	// Make a queue for the other vertices we need to still get
	// dependencies for. We arbitrarily make the cap for this slice
	// 30, since that is a ton of dependencies and we don't expect the
	// average case to have more than this.
	queue := make([]*CompiledGraphVertex, 1, 30)
	queue[0] = root

	// While we still have dependencies to get, continue loading them.
	// TODO: parallelize
	for len(queue) > 0 {
		var current *CompiledGraphVertex
		current, queue = queue[len(queue)-1], queue[:len(queue)-1]

		log.Printf("[DEBUG] compiling dependencies for: %s", current.Name())
		for _, dep := range current.File.Application.Dependencies {
			key, err := getter.Detect(
				dep.Source, filepath.Dir(current.File.Path),
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf(
					"Error loading source: %s", err)

			vertex := vertexMap[key]
			if vertex == nil {
				log.Printf("[DEBUG] loading dependency: %s", key)

				// Call the callback if we have one
				if c.opts.Callback != nil {
						Source: key,

				// Download the dependency
				if err := storage.Get(key, key, true); err != nil {
					return err
				dir, _, err := storage.Dir(key)
				if err != nil {
					return err

				// Parse the Appfile if it exists
				var f *File
				appfilePath := filepath.Join(dir, "Appfile")
				_, err = os.Stat(appfilePath)
				if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
					return fmt.Errorf(
						"Error parsing Appfile in %s: %s", key, err)
				if err == nil {
					f, err = ParseFile(appfilePath)
					if err != nil {
						return fmt.Errorf(
							"Error parsing Appfile in %s: %s", key, err)

					// Realize all the imports for this file
					if err := c.compileImports(f); err != nil {
						return err

				// Do any additional loading if we have a loader
				if c.opts.Loader != nil {
					f, err = c.opts.Loader(f, dir)
					if err != nil {
						return fmt.Errorf(
							"Error loading Appfile in %s: %s", key, err)

				// Set the source
				f.Source = key

				// If it doesn't have an otto ID then we can't do anything
				hasID, err := f.hasID()
				if err != nil {
					return fmt.Errorf(
						"Error checking for ID file for Appfile in %s: %s",
						key, err)
				if !hasID {

示例5: compileImports

// compileImports需要一个文件,load所有的imports,然后合并到文件中
func compileImports(root *File, importOpts *compileImportOpts, opts *CompileOpts) error {
	// 如果没有imports,直接短路(返回)
	if len(root.Imports) == 0 {
		return nil

	// 把它们放入变量,以便我们可以更早的引用
	//storage := importOpts.Storage
	//cache := importOpts.Cache
	//cacheLock := importOpts.CacheLock

	// A graph is used to track for cycles
	var graphLock sync.Mutex
	graph := new(dag.AcyclicGraph)

	// 自从我们平行的执行导入,在同一时间会有多个error发生
	// 我们使用multierror lock和跟踪error
	var resultErr error
	var resultErrLock sync.Mutex

	// Forward declarations for some nested functions we use. The docs
	// for these functions are above each.
	var importSingle func(parent string, f *File) bool
	var downloadSingle func(string, *sync.WaitGroup, *sync.Mutex, []*File, int)

	// importSingle is responsible for kicking off the imports and merging
	// them for a single file. This will return true on success, false on
	// failure. On failure, it is expected that any errors are appended to
	// resultErr.
	importSingle = func(parent string, f *File) bool {
		var wg sync.WaitGroup

		// 构建文件列表,后面将合并
		var mergeLock sync.Mutex
		merge := make([]*File, len(f.Imports))

		// 通过导入并开始处理下载
		for idx, i := range f.Imports {
			source, err := getter.Detect(i.Source, filepath.Dir(f.Path), getter.Detectors)
			if err != nil {
				defer resultErrLock.Unlock()
				resultErr = multierror.Append(resultErr, fmt.Errorf(
					"获取import源错误: %s", err))
				return false

			// Add this to the graph and check now if there are cycles
			graph.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(parent, source))
			cycles := graph.Cycles()
			if len(cycles) > 0 {
				for _, cycle := range cycles {
					names := make([]string, len(cycle))
					for i, v := range cycle {
						names[i] = dag.VertexName(v)

					defer resultErrLock.Unlock()
					resultErr = multierror.Append(resultErr, fmt.Errorf(
						"Cycle found: %s", strings.Join(names, ", ")))
					return false
			go downloadSingle(source, &wg, &mergeLock, merge, idx)

		// Wait for completion

		// Go through the merge list and look for any nil entries, which
		// means that download failed. In that case, return immediately.
		// We assume any errors were put into resultErr.
		for _, importF := range merge {
			if importF == nil {
				return false

		for _, importF := range merge {
			// We need to copy importF here so that we don't poison
			// the cache by modifying the same pointer.
			importFCopy := *importF
			importF = &importFCopy
			source := importF.ID
			importF.ID = ""
			importF.Path = ""

			// Merge it into our file!
			if err := f.Merge(importF); err != nil {
				defer resultErrLock.Unlock()
				resultErr = multierror.Append(resultErr, fmt.Errorf(
					"合并import错误 %s : %s", source, err))

示例6: validateProviderAlias

// validateProviderAlias validates that all provider alias references are
// defined at some point in the parent tree. This improves UX by catching
// alias typos at the slight cost of requiring a declaration of usage. This
// is usually a good tradeoff since not many aliases are used.
func (t *Tree) validateProviderAlias() error {
	// If we're not the root, don't perform this validation. We must be the
	// root since we require full tree visibilty.
	if len(t.path) != 0 {
		return nil

	// We'll use a graph to keep track of defined aliases at each level.
	// As long as a parent defines an alias, it is okay.
	var g dag.AcyclicGraph
	t.buildProviderAliasGraph(&g, nil)

	// Go through the graph and check that the usage is all good.
	var err error
	for _, v := range g.Vertices() {
		pv, ok := v.(*providerAliasVertex)
		if !ok {
			// This shouldn't happen, just ignore it.

		// If we're not using any aliases, fast track and just continue
		if len(pv.Used) == 0 {

		// Grab the ancestors since we're going to have to check if our
		// parents define any of our aliases.
		var parents []*providerAliasVertex
		ancestors, _ := g.Ancestors(v)
		for _, raw := range ancestors.List() {
			if pv, ok := raw.(*providerAliasVertex); ok {
				parents = append(parents, pv)
		for k, _ := range pv.Used {
			// Check if we define this
			if _, ok := pv.Defined[k]; ok {

			// Check for a parent
			found := false
			for _, parent := range parents {
				_, found = parent.Defined[k]
				if found {
			if found {

			// We didn't find the alias, error!
			err = multierror.Append(err, fmt.Errorf(
				"module %s: provider alias must be defined by the module or a parent: %s",
				strings.Join(pv.Path, "."), k))

	return err









Golang dag.Set类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-28
Golang dag.VertexName函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-28





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