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Golang sets.DimensionSet类代码示例

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本文整理汇总了Golang中github.com/henrylee2cn/algorithm/cvx/sets.DimensionSet的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang DimensionSet类的具体用法?Golang DimensionSet怎么用?Golang DimensionSet使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: sgemv

   Matrix-vector multiplication.

   A is a matrix or spmatrix of size (m, n) where

       N = dims['l'] + sum(dims['q']) + sum( k**2 for k in dims['s'] )

   representing a mapping from R^n to S.

   If trans is 'N':

       y := alpha*A*x + beta * y   (trans = 'N').

   x is a vector of length n.  y is a vector of length N.

   If trans is 'T':

       y := alpha*A'*x + beta * y  (trans = 'T').

   x is a vector of length N.  y is a vector of length n.

   The 's' components in S are stored in unpacked 'L' storage.
func sgemv(A, x, y *matrix.FloatMatrix, alpha, beta float64, dims *sets.DimensionSet, opts ...la_.Option) error {

	m := dims.Sum("l", "q") + dims.SumSquared("s")
	n := la_.GetIntOpt("n", -1, opts...)
	if n == -1 {
		n = A.Cols()
	trans := la_.GetIntOpt("trans", int(la_.PNoTrans), opts...)
	offsetX := la_.GetIntOpt("offsetx", 0, opts...)
	offsetY := la_.GetIntOpt("offsety", 0, opts...)
	offsetA := la_.GetIntOpt("offseta", 0, opts...)

	if trans == int(la_.PTrans) && alpha != 0.0 {
		trisc(x, dims, offsetX)
		//fmt.Printf("trisc x=\n%v\n", x.ConvertToString())
	//fmt.Printf("alpha=%.4f beta=%.4f m=%d n=%d\n", alpha, beta, m, n)
	//fmt.Printf("A=\n%v\nx=\n%v\ny=\n%v\n", A, x.ConvertToString(), y.ConvertToString())
	err := blas.GemvFloat(A, x, y, alpha, beta, &la_.IOpt{"trans", trans},
		&la_.IOpt{"n", n}, &la_.IOpt{"m", m}, &la_.IOpt{"offseta", offsetA},
		&la_.IOpt{"offsetx", offsetX}, &la_.IOpt{"offsety", offsetY})
	//fmt.Printf("gemv y=\n%v\n", y.ConvertToString())

	if trans == int(la_.PTrans) && alpha != 0.0 {
		triusc(x, dims, offsetX)
	return err

示例2: triusc

   Scales the strictly lower triangular part of the 's' components of x
   by 0.5.

func triusc(x *matrix.FloatMatrix, dims *sets.DimensionSet, offset int) error {

	//m := dims.Sum("l", "q") + dims.SumSquared("s")
	ind := offset + dims.Sum("l", "q")

	for _, mk := range dims.At("s") {
		for j := 1; j < mk; j++ {
			blas.ScalFloat(x, 0.5, &la_.IOpt{"n", mk - j}, &la_.IOpt{"offset", ind + mk*(j-1) + j})
		ind += mk * mk
	return nil

示例3: pack

   Copy x to y using packed storage.

   The vector x is an element of S, with the 's' components stored in
   unpacked storage.  On return, x is copied to y with the 's' components
   stored in packed storage and the off-diagonal entries scaled by
func pack(x, y *matrix.FloatMatrix, dims *sets.DimensionSet, opts ...la_.Option) (err error) {
	err = nil
	mnl := la_.GetIntOpt("mnl", 0, opts...)
	offsetx := la_.GetIntOpt("offsetx", 0, opts...)
	offsety := la_.GetIntOpt("offsety", 0, opts...)

	nlq := mnl + dims.At("l")[0] + dims.Sum("q")
	blas.Copy(x, y, &la_.IOpt{"n", nlq}, &la_.IOpt{"offsetx", offsetx},
		&la_.IOpt{"offsety", offsety})

	iu, ip := offsetx+nlq, offsety+nlq
	for _, n := range dims.At("s") {
		for k := 0; k < n; k++ {
			blas.Copy(x, y, &la_.IOpt{"n", n - k}, &la_.IOpt{"offsetx", iu + k*(n+1)},
				&la_.IOpt{"offsety", ip})
			y.SetIndex(ip, (y.GetIndex(ip) / math.Sqrt(2.0)))
			ip += n - k
		iu += n * n
	np := dims.SumPacked("s")
	blas.ScalFloat(y, math.Sqrt(2.0), &la_.IOpt{"n", np}, &la_.IOpt{"offset", offsety + nlq})

示例4: trisc

   Sets upper triangular part of the 's' components of x equal to zero
   and scales the strictly lower triangular part by 2.0.
func trisc(x *matrix.FloatMatrix, dims *sets.DimensionSet, offset int) error {

	//m := dims.Sum("l", "q") + dims.SumSquared("s")
	ind := offset + dims.Sum("l", "q")

	for _, mk := range dims.At("s") {
		for j := 1; j < mk; j++ {
			blas.ScalFloat(x, 0.0, la_.IntOpt("n", mk-j), la_.IntOpt("inc", mk),
				la_.IntOpt("offset", ind+j*(mk+1)-1))
			blas.ScalFloat(x, 2.0, la_.IntOpt("n", mk-j), la_.IntOpt("offset", ind+mk*(j-1)+j))
		ind += mk * mk
	return nil

示例5: cp_problem

// Here problem is already translated to epigraph format except original convex problem.
// We wrap it and create special CP epigraph kktsolver.
func cp_problem(F ConvexProg, c MatrixVariable, G MatrixVarG, h *matrix.FloatMatrix, A MatrixVarA,
	b MatrixVariable, dims *sets.DimensionSet, kktsolver KKTCpSolver,
	solopts *SolverOptions, x0 *matrix.FloatMatrix, mnl int) (sol *Solution, err error) {

	err = nil

	F_e := &cpProg{F}

	//mx0 := newEpigraph(x0, 0.0)
	cdim := dims.Sum("l", "q") + dims.SumSquared("s")
	ux := x0.Copy()
	uz := matrix.FloatZeros(mnl+cdim, 1)

	kktsolver_e := func(W *sets.FloatMatrixSet, xa MatrixVariable, znl *matrix.FloatMatrix) (KKTFuncVar, error) {
		x, x_ok := xa.(*epigraph)
		_ = x_ok
		We := W.Copy()
		// dnl is matrix
		dnl := W.At("dnl")[0]
		dnli := W.At("dnli")[0]
		We.Set("dnl", matrix.FloatVector(dnl.FloatArray()[1:]))
		We.Set("dnli", matrix.FloatVector(dnli.FloatArray()[1:]))
		g, err := kktsolver(We, x.m(), znl)
		_, Df, _ := F.F1(x.m())
		gradf0 := Df.GetRow(0, nil).Transpose()

		solve := func(xa, ya MatrixVariable, z *matrix.FloatMatrix) (err error) {
			x, x_ok := xa.(*epigraph)
			_ = x_ok // TODO: remove or use x_ok
			y := ya.Matrix()
			err = nil
			a := z.GetIndex(0)
			blas.Copy(x.m(), ux)
			blas.AxpyFloat(gradf0, ux, x.t())
			blas.Copy(z, uz, &la.IOpt{"offsetx", 1})
			err = g(ux, y, uz)
			z.SetIndex(0, -x.t()*dnl.GetIndex(0))
			blas.Copy(uz, z, &la.IOpt{"offsety", 1})
			blas.Copy(ux, x.m())
			val := blas.DotFloat(gradf0, x.m()) + dnl.GetIndex(0)*dnl.GetIndex(0)*x.t() - a
		return solve, err
	return cpl_solver(F_e, c, G, h, A, b, dims, kktsolver_e, solopts, nil, mnl)

示例6: checkConeQpDimensions

func checkConeQpDimensions(dims *sets.DimensionSet) error {
	if len(dims.At("l")) < 1 {
		dims.Set("l", []int{0})
	} else if dims.At("l")[0] < 0 {
		return errors.New("dimension 'l' must be nonnegative integer")
	for _, m := range dims.At("q") {
		if m < 1 {
			return errors.New("dimension 'q' must be list of positive integers")
	for _, m := range dims.At("s") {
		if m < 0 {
			return errors.New("dimension 's' must be list of nonnegative integers")
	return nil

示例7: pack2

// In-place version of pack(), which also accepts matrix arguments x.
// The columns of x are elements of S, with the 's' components stored
// in unpacked storage.  On return, the 's' components are stored in
// packed storage and the off-diagonal entries are scaled by sqrt(2).
func pack2(x *matrix.FloatMatrix, dims *sets.DimensionSet, mnl int) (err error) {
	if len(dims.At("s")) == 0 {
		return nil

	const sqrt2 = 1.41421356237309504880

	iu := mnl + dims.Sum("l", "q")
	ip := iu
	row := matrix.FloatZeros(1, x.Cols())
	//fmt.Printf("x.size = %d %d\n", x.Rows(), x.Cols())
	for _, n := range dims.At("s") {
		for k := 0; k < n; k++ {
			cnt := n - k
			row = x.GetRow(iu+(n+1)*k, row)
			//fmt.Printf("%02d: %v\n", iu+(n+1)*k, x.FloatArray())
			x.SetRow(ip, row)
			for i := 1; i < n-k; i++ {
				row = x.GetRow(iu+(n+1)*k+i, row)
				//fmt.Printf("%02d: %v\n", iu+(n+1)*k+i, x.FloatArray())
				x.SetRow(ip+i, row.Scale(sqrt2))
			ip += cnt
		iu += n * n
	return nil

示例8: sinv

func sinv(x, y *matrix.FloatMatrix, dims *sets.DimensionSet, mnl int) (err error) {

	err = nil

	// For the nonlinear and 'l' blocks:
	//     yk o\ xk = yk .\ xk.

	ind := mnl + dims.At("l")[0]
	blas.Tbsv(y, x, &la_.IOpt{"n", ind}, &la_.IOpt{"k", 0}, &la_.IOpt{"ldA", 1})

	// For the 'q' blocks:
	//                        [ l0   -l1'              ]
	//     yk o\ xk = 1/a^2 * [                        ] * xk
	//                        [ -l1  (a*I + l1*l1')/l0 ]
	// where yk = (l0, l1) and a = l0^2 - l1'*l1.

	for _, m := range dims.At("q") {
		aa := blas.Nrm2Float(y, &la_.IOpt{"n", m - 1}, &la_.IOpt{"offset", ind + 1})
		ee := y.GetIndex(ind)
		aa = (ee + aa) * (ee - aa)
		cc := x.GetIndex(ind)
		dd := blas.DotFloat(x, y, &la_.IOpt{"n", m - 1}, &la_.IOpt{"offsetx", ind + 1},
			&la_.IOpt{"offsety", ind + 1})
		x.SetIndex(ind, cc*ee-dd)
		blas.ScalFloat(x, aa/ee, &la_.IOpt{"n", m - 1}, &la_.IOpt{"offset", ind + 1})
		blas.AxpyFloat(y, x, dd/ee-cc, &la_.IOpt{"n", m - 1},
			&la_.IOpt{"offsetx", ind + 1}, &la_.IOpt{"offsety", ind + 1})
		blas.ScalFloat(x, 1.0/aa, &la_.IOpt{"n", m}, &la_.IOpt{"offset", ind})
		ind += m

	// For the 's' blocks:
	//     yk o\ xk =  xk ./ gamma
	// where gammaij = .5 * (yk_i + yk_j).

	ind2 := ind
	for _, m := range dims.At("s") {
		for j := 0; j < m; j++ {
			u := matrix.FloatVector(y.FloatArray()[ind2+j : ind2+m])
			u.Add(y.GetIndex(ind2 + j))
			blas.Tbsv(u, x, &la_.IOpt{"n", m - j}, &la_.IOpt{"k", 0}, &la_.IOpt{"lda", 1},
				&la_.IOpt{"offsetx", ind + j*(m+1)})
		ind += m * m
		ind2 += m

示例9: maxStep

// Returns min {t | x + t*e >= 0}, where e is defined as follows
//  - For the nonlinear and 'l' blocks: e is the vector of ones.
//  - For the 'q' blocks: e is the first unit vector.
//  - For the 's' blocks: e is the identity matrix.
// When called with the argument sigma, also returns the eigenvalues
// (in sigma) and the eigenvectors (in x) of the 's' components of x.
func maxStep(x *matrix.FloatMatrix, dims *sets.DimensionSet, mnl int, sigma *matrix.FloatMatrix) (rval float64, err error) {

	rval = 0.0
	err = nil
	t := make([]float64, 0, 10)
	ind := mnl + dims.Sum("l")
	if ind > 0 {
		t = append(t, -minvec(x.FloatArray()[:ind]))
	for _, m := range dims.At("q") {
		if m > 0 {
			v := blas.Nrm2Float(x, &la_.IOpt{"offset", ind + 1}, &la_.IOpt{"n", m - 1})
			v -= x.GetIndex(ind)
			t = append(t, v)
		ind += m

	//var Q *matrix.FloatMatrix
	//var w *matrix.FloatMatrix
	ind2 := 0
	//if sigma == nil && len(dims.At("s")) > 0 {
	//	mx := dims.Max("s")
	//	Q = matrix.FloatZeros(mx, mx)
	//	w = matrix.FloatZeros(mx, 1)
	for _, m := range dims.At("s") {
		if sigma == nil {
			Q := matrix.FloatZeros(m, m)
			w := matrix.FloatZeros(m, 1)
			blas.Copy(x, Q, &la_.IOpt{"offsetx", ind}, &la_.IOpt{"n", m * m})
			err = lapack.SyevrFloat(Q, w, nil, 0.0, nil, []int{1, 1}, la_.OptRangeInt,
				&la_.IOpt{"n", m}, &la_.IOpt{"lda", m})
			if m > 0 && err == nil {
				t = append(t, -w.GetIndex(0))
		} else {
			err = lapack.SyevdFloat(x, sigma, la_.OptJobZValue, &la_.IOpt{"n", m},
				&la_.IOpt{"lda", m}, &la_.IOpt{"offseta", ind}, &la_.IOpt{"offsetw", ind2})
			if m > 0 {
				t = append(t, -sigma.GetIndex(ind2))
		ind += m * m
		ind2 += m

	if len(t) > 0 {
		rval = maxvec(t)

示例10: sdot

// Inner product of two vectors in S.
func sdot(x, y *matrix.FloatMatrix, dims *sets.DimensionSet, mnl int) float64 {
	ind := mnl + dims.At("l")[0] + dims.Sum("q")
	a := blas.DotFloat(x, y, &la_.IOpt{"n", ind})
	for _, m := range dims.At("s") {
		a += blas.DotFloat(x, y, &la_.IOpt{"offsetx", ind}, &la_.IOpt{"offsety", ind},
			&la_.IOpt{"incx", m + 1}, &la_.IOpt{"incy", m + 1}, &la_.IOpt{"n", m})
		for j := 1; j < m; j++ {
			a += 2.0 * blas.DotFloat(x, y, &la_.IOpt{"offsetx", ind + j}, &la_.IOpt{"offsety", ind + j},
				&la_.IOpt{"incx", m + 1}, &la_.IOpt{"incy", m + 1}, &la_.IOpt{"n", m - j})
		ind += m * m
	return a

示例11: ssqr

// The product x := y o y.   The 's' components of y are diagonal and
// only the diagonals of x and y are stored.
func ssqr(x, y *matrix.FloatMatrix, dims *sets.DimensionSet, mnl int) (err error) {
	blas.Copy(y, x)
	ind := mnl + dims.At("l")[0]
	err = blas.Tbmv(y, x, &la_.IOpt{"n", ind}, &la_.IOpt{"k", 0}, &la_.IOpt{"lda", 1})
	if err != nil {

	for _, m := range dims.At("q") {
		v := blas.Nrm2Float(y, &la_.IOpt{"n", m}, &la_.IOpt{"offset", ind})
		x.SetIndex(ind, v*v)
		blas.ScalFloat(x, 2.0*y.GetIndex(ind), &la_.IOpt{"n", m - 1}, &la_.IOpt{"offset", ind + 1})
		ind += m
	err = blas.Tbmv(y, x, &la_.IOpt{"n", dims.Sum("s")}, &la_.IOpt{"k", 0},
		&la_.IOpt{"lda", 1}, &la_.IOpt{"offseta", ind}, &la_.IOpt{"offsetx", ind})

示例12: unpack

   The vector x is an element of S, with the 's' components stored
   in unpacked storage and off-diagonal entries scaled by sqrt(2).
   On return, x is copied to y with the 's' components stored in
   unpacked storage.

func unpack(x, y *matrix.FloatMatrix, dims *sets.DimensionSet, opts ...la_.Option) (err error) {
	err = nil
	mnl := la_.GetIntOpt("mnl", 0, opts...)
	offsetx := la_.GetIntOpt("offsetx", 0, opts...)
	offsety := la_.GetIntOpt("offsety", 0, opts...)

	nlq := mnl + dims.At("l")[0] + dims.Sum("q")
	err = blas.Copy(x, y, &la_.IOpt{"n", nlq}, &la_.IOpt{"offsetx", offsetx},
		&la_.IOpt{"offsety", offsety})
	if err != nil {

	ip, iu := offsetx+nlq, offsety+nlq
	for _, n := range dims.At("s") {
		for k := 0; k < n; k++ {
			err = blas.Copy(x, y, &la_.IOpt{"n", n - k}, &la_.IOpt{"offsetx", ip},
				&la_.IOpt{"offsety", iu + k*(n+1)})
			if err != nil {

			ip += n - k
			blas.ScalFloat(y, 1.0/math.Sqrt(2.0),
				&la_.IOpt{"n", n - k - 1}, &la_.IOpt{"offset", iu + k*(n+1) + 1})
		iu += n * n
		nu := dims.SumSquared("s")
		fmt.Printf("-- UnPack: nu=%d, offset=%d\n", nu, offsety+nlq)
		err = blas.ScalFloat(y,
			&la_.IOpt{"n", nu}, &la_.IOpt{"offset", offsety+nlq})

示例13: cpl_solver

// Internal CPL solver for CP and CLP problems. Everything is wrapped to proper interfaces
func cpl_solver(F ConvexVarProg, c MatrixVariable, G MatrixVarG, h *matrix.FloatMatrix,
	A MatrixVarA, b MatrixVariable, dims *sets.DimensionSet, kktsolver KKTCpSolverVar,
	solopts *SolverOptions, x0 MatrixVariable, mnl int) (sol *Solution, err error) {

	const (
		STEP              = 0.99
		BETA              = 0.5
		ALPHA             = 0.01
		EXPON             = 3

	var refinement int

	sol = &Solution{Unknown,
		0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
		0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0}

	feasTolerance := FEASTOL
	absTolerance := ABSTOL
	relTolerance := RELTOL
	maxIter := MAXITERS
	if solopts.FeasTol > 0.0 {
		feasTolerance = solopts.FeasTol
	if solopts.AbsTol > 0.0 {
		absTolerance = solopts.AbsTol
	if solopts.RelTol > 0.0 {
		relTolerance = solopts.RelTol
	if solopts.Refinement > 0 {
		refinement = solopts.Refinement
	} else {
		refinement = 1
	if solopts.MaxIter > 0 {
		maxIter = solopts.MaxIter

	if x0 == nil {
		mnl, x0, err = F.F0()
		if err != nil {

	if c == nil {
		err = errors.New("Must define objective.")

	if h == nil {
		h = matrix.FloatZeros(0, 1)
	if dims == nil {
		err = errors.New("Problem dimensions not defined.")
	if err = checkConeLpDimensions(dims); err != nil {

	cdim := dims.Sum("l", "q") + dims.SumSquared("s")
	cdim_diag := dims.Sum("l", "q", "s")

	if h.Rows() != cdim {
		err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("'h' must be float matrix of size (%d,1)", cdim))

	if G == nil {
		err = errors.New("'G' must be non-nil MatrixG interface.")
	fG := func(x, y MatrixVariable, alpha, beta float64, trans la.Option) error {
		return G.Gf(x, y, alpha, beta, trans)

	// Check A and set defaults if it is nil
	if A == nil {
		err = errors.New("'A' must be non-nil MatrixA interface.")
	fA := func(x, y MatrixVariable, alpha, beta float64, trans la.Option) error {
		return A.Af(x, y, alpha, beta, trans)

	if b == nil {
		err = errors.New("'b' must be non-nil MatrixVariable interface.")

	if kktsolver == nil {
		err = errors.New("nil kktsolver not allowed.")


示例14: conelp_solver

func conelp_solver(c MatrixVariable, G MatrixVarG, h *matrix.FloatMatrix,
	A MatrixVarA, b MatrixVariable, dims *sets.DimensionSet, kktsolver KKTConeSolverVar,
	solopts *SolverOptions, primalstart, dualstart *sets.FloatMatrixSet) (sol *Solution, err error) {

	err = nil
	const EXPON = 3
	const STEP = 0.99

	sol = &Solution{Unknown,
		0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
		0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0}

	var refinement int

	if solopts.Refinement > 0 {
		refinement = solopts.Refinement
	} else {
		refinement = 0
		if len(dims.At("q")) > 0 || len(dims.At("s")) > 0 {
			refinement = 1
	feasTolerance := FEASTOL
	absTolerance := ABSTOL
	relTolerance := RELTOL
	maxIter := MAXITERS
	if solopts.FeasTol > 0.0 {
		feasTolerance = solopts.FeasTol
	if solopts.AbsTol > 0.0 {
		absTolerance = solopts.AbsTol
	if solopts.RelTol > 0.0 {
		relTolerance = solopts.RelTol
	if solopts.MaxIter > 0 {
		maxIter = solopts.MaxIter
	if err = checkConeLpDimensions(dims); err != nil {

	cdim := dims.Sum("l", "q") + dims.SumSquared("s")
	//cdim_pckd := dims.Sum("l", "q") + dims.SumPacked("s")
	cdim_diag := dims.Sum("l", "q", "s")

	if h.Rows() != cdim {
		err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("'h' must be float matrix of size (%d,1)", cdim))

	// Data for kth 'q' constraint are found in rows indq[k]:indq[k+1] of G.
	indq := make([]int, 0)
	indq = append(indq, dims.At("l")[0])
	for _, k := range dims.At("q") {
		indq = append(indq, indq[len(indq)-1]+k)

	// Data for kth 's' constraint are found in rows inds[k]:inds[k+1] of G.
	inds := make([]int, 0)
	inds = append(inds, indq[len(indq)-1])
	for _, k := range dims.At("s") {
		inds = append(inds, inds[len(inds)-1]+k*k)

	Gf := func(x, y MatrixVariable, alpha, beta float64, trans la.Option) error {
		return G.Gf(x, y, alpha, beta, trans)

	Af := func(x, y MatrixVariable, alpha, beta float64, trans la.Option) error {
		return A.Af(x, y, alpha, beta, trans)

	// kktsolver(W) returns a routine for solving 3x3 block KKT system
	//     [ 0   A'  G'*W^{-1} ] [ ux ]   [ bx ]
	//     [ A   0   0         ] [ uy ] = [ by ].
	//     [ G   0   -W'       ] [ uz ]   [ bz ]

	if kktsolver == nil {
		err = errors.New("nil kktsolver not allowed.")

	// res() evaluates residual in 5x5 block KKT system
	//     [ vx   ]    [ 0         ]   [ 0   A'  G'  c ] [ ux        ]
	//     [ vy   ]    [ 0         ]   [-A   0   0   b ] [ uy        ]
	//     [ vz   ] += [ W'*us     ] - [-G   0   0   h ] [ W^{-1}*uz ]
	//     [ vtau ]    [ dg*ukappa ]   [-c' -b' -h'  0 ] [ utau/dg   ]
	//           vs += lmbda o (dz + ds)
	//       vkappa += lmbdg * (dtau + dkappa).
	ws3 := matrix.FloatZeros(cdim, 1)
	wz3 := matrix.FloatZeros(cdim, 1)
	checkpnt.AddMatrixVar("ws3", ws3)
	checkpnt.AddMatrixVar("wz3", wz3)


示例15: ConeLpCustomMatrix

// Solves a pair of primal and dual cone programs using custom KKT solver and constraint
// interfaces MatrixG and MatrixA
func ConeLpCustomMatrix(c *matrix.FloatMatrix, G MatrixG, h *matrix.FloatMatrix,
	A MatrixA, b *matrix.FloatMatrix, dims *sets.DimensionSet, kktsolver KKTConeSolver,
	solopts *SolverOptions, primalstart, dualstart *sets.FloatMatrixSet) (sol *Solution, err error) {

	err = nil

	if c == nil || c.Cols() > 1 {
		err = errors.New("'c' must be matrix with 1 column")
	if h == nil || h.Cols() > 1 {
		err = errors.New("'h' must be matrix with 1 column")

	if err = checkConeLpDimensions(dims); err != nil {

	cdim := dims.Sum("l", "q") + dims.SumSquared("s")
	cdim_pckd := dims.Sum("l", "q") + dims.SumPacked("s")
	//cdim_diag := dims.Sum("l", "q", "s")

	if h.Rows() != cdim {
		err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("'h' must be float matrix of size (%d,1)", cdim))

	// Data for kth 'q' constraint are found in rows indq[k]:indq[k+1] of G.
	indq := make([]int, 0)
	indq = append(indq, dims.At("l")[0])
	for _, k := range dims.At("q") {
		indq = append(indq, indq[len(indq)-1]+k)

	// Data for kth 's' constraint are found in rows inds[k]:inds[k+1] of G.
	inds := make([]int, 0)
	inds = append(inds, indq[len(indq)-1])
	for _, k := range dims.At("s") {
		inds = append(inds, inds[len(inds)-1]+k*k)

	// Check b and set defaults if it is nil
	if b == nil {
		b = matrix.FloatZeros(0, 1)
	if b.Cols() != 1 {
		estr := fmt.Sprintf("'b' must be a matrix with 1 column")
		err = errors.New(estr)
	if b.Rows() > c.Rows() || b.Rows()+cdim_pckd < c.Rows() {
		err = errors.New("Rank(A) < p or Rank([G; A]) < n")

	if kktsolver == nil {
		err = errors.New("nil kktsolver not allowed.")

	var mA MatrixVarA
	var mG MatrixVarG
	if G == nil {
		mG = &matrixVarG{matrix.FloatZeros(0, c.Rows()), dims}
	} else {
		mG = &matrixIfG{G}
	if A == nil {
		mA = &matrixVarA{matrix.FloatZeros(0, c.Rows())}
	} else {
		mA = &matrixIfA{A}
	var mc = &matrixVar{c}
	var mb = &matrixVar{b}

	return conelp_problem(mc, mG, h, mA, mb, dims, kktsolver, solopts, primalstart, dualstart)

示例16: ConeQpCustomMatrix

// Solves a pair of primal and dual cone programs using custom KKT solver and custom
// matrices P, G and A.
// P must implement interface MatrixP, G must implement interface MatrixG
// and A must implement interface MatrixA.
func ConeQpCustomMatrix(P MatrixP, q *matrix.FloatMatrix, G MatrixG, h *matrix.FloatMatrix,
	A MatrixA, b *matrix.FloatMatrix, dims *sets.DimensionSet, kktsolver KKTConeSolver,
	solopts *SolverOptions, initvals *sets.FloatMatrixSet) (sol *Solution, err error) {

	err = nil

	if q == nil || q.Cols() != 1 {
		err = errors.New("'q' must be non-nil matrix with one column")

	if h == nil {
		h = matrix.FloatZeros(0, 1)
	if h.Cols() != 1 {
		err = errors.New("'h' must be non-nil matrix with one column")
	if dims == nil {
		dims = sets.NewDimensionSet("l", "q", "s")
		dims.Set("l", []int{h.Rows()})

	err = checkConeQpDimensions(dims)
	if err != nil {

	cdim := dims.Sum("l", "q") + dims.SumSquared("s")
	//cdim_diag := dims.Sum("l", "q", "s")

	if h.Rows() != cdim {
		err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("'h' must be float matrix of size (%d,1)", cdim))

	if P == nil {
		err = errors.New("'P' must be non-nil MatrixP interface.")

	// Check b and set defaults if it is nil
	if b == nil {
		b = matrix.FloatZeros(0, 1)
	if b.Cols() != 1 {
		estr := fmt.Sprintf("'b' must be a matrix with 1 column")
		err = errors.New(estr)

	if b.Rows() > q.Rows() {
		err = errors.New("Rank(A) < p or Rank[G; A] < n")

	if kktsolver == nil {
		err = errors.New("nil kktsolver not allowed.")

	var mG MatrixVarG
	var mP MatrixVarP
	var mA MatrixVarA

	if A == nil {
		mA = &matrixVarA{matrix.FloatZeros(0, q.Rows())}
	} else {
		mA = &matrixIfA{A}
	if G == nil {
		mG = &matrixVarG{matrix.FloatZeros(0, q.Rows()), dims}
	} else {
		mG = &matrixIfG{G}
	mP = &matrixIfP{P}

	mq := &matrixVar{q}
	mb := &matrixVar{b}

	return coneqp_problem(mP, mq, mG, h, mA, mb, dims, kktsolver, solopts, initvals)

示例17: ConeQpCustomKKT

// Solves a pair of primal and dual convex quadratic cone programs using custom KKT solver.
func ConeQpCustomKKT(P, q, G, h, A, b *matrix.FloatMatrix, dims *sets.DimensionSet, kktsolver KKTConeSolver,
	solopts *SolverOptions, initvals *sets.FloatMatrixSet) (sol *Solution, err error) {

	if q == nil || q.Cols() != 1 {
		err = errors.New("'q' must be non-nil matrix with one column")
	if P == nil || P.Rows() != q.Rows() || P.Cols() != q.Rows() {
		err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("'P' must be non-nil matrix of size (%d, %d)",
			q.Rows(), q.Rows()))

	if h == nil {
		h = matrix.FloatZeros(0, 1)
	if h.Cols() != 1 {
		err = errors.New("'h' must be non-nil matrix with one column")
	if dims == nil {
		dims = sets.NewDimensionSet("l", "q", "s")
		dims.Set("l", []int{h.Rows()})

	err = checkConeQpDimensions(dims)
	if err != nil {

	cdim := dims.Sum("l", "q") + dims.SumSquared("s")

	if h.Rows() != cdim {
		err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("'h' must be float matrix of size (%d,1)", cdim))

	if G == nil {
		G = matrix.FloatZeros(0, q.Rows())
	if !G.SizeMatch(cdim, q.Rows()) {
		estr := fmt.Sprintf("'G' must be of size (%d,%d)", cdim, q.Rows())
		err = errors.New(estr)

	// Check A and set defaults if it is nil
	if A == nil {
		// zeros rows reduces Gemv to vector products
		A = matrix.FloatZeros(0, q.Rows())
	if A.Cols() != q.Rows() {
		estr := fmt.Sprintf("'A' must have %d columns", q.Rows())
		err = errors.New(estr)

	// Check b and set defaults if it is nil
	if b == nil {
		b = matrix.FloatZeros(0, 1)
	if b.Cols() != 1 {
		estr := fmt.Sprintf("'b' must be a matrix with 1 column")
		err = errors.New(estr)
	if b.Rows() != A.Rows() {
		estr := fmt.Sprintf("'b' must have length %d", A.Rows())
		err = errors.New(estr)

	if kktsolver == nil {
		err = errors.New("nil kktsolver not allowed")

	mA := &matrixVarA{A}
	mG := &matrixVarG{G, dims}
	mP := &matrixVarP{P}
	mq := &matrixVar{q}
	mb := &matrixVar{b}

	return coneqp_problem(mP, mq, mG, h, mA, mb, dims, kktsolver, solopts, initvals)

示例18: ConeLpCustomKKT

// Solves a pair of primal and dual cone programs  using custom KKT solver.
func ConeLpCustomKKT(c, G, h, A, b *matrix.FloatMatrix, dims *sets.DimensionSet,
	kktsolver KKTConeSolver, solopts *SolverOptions, primalstart,
	dualstart *sets.FloatMatrixSet) (sol *Solution, err error) {

	if c == nil || c.Cols() > 1 {
		err = errors.New("'c' must be matrix with 1 column")
	if h == nil {
		h = matrix.FloatZeros(0, 1)
	if h.Cols() > 1 {
		err = errors.New("'h' must be matrix with 1 column")

	if dims == nil {
		dims = sets.NewDimensionSet("l", "q", "s")
		dims.Set("l", []int{h.Rows()})
	cdim := dims.Sum("l", "q") + dims.SumSquared("s")
	cdim_pckd := dims.Sum("l", "q") + dims.SumPacked("s")
	//cdim_diag := dims.Sum("l", "q", "s")

	if G == nil {
		G = matrix.FloatZeros(0, c.Rows())
	if !G.SizeMatch(cdim, c.Rows()) {
		estr := fmt.Sprintf("'G' must be of size (%d,%d)", cdim, c.Rows())
		err = errors.New(estr)

	// Check A and set defaults if it is nil
	if A == nil {
		// zeros rows reduces Gemv to vector products
		A = matrix.FloatZeros(0, c.Rows())
	if A.Cols() != c.Rows() {
		estr := fmt.Sprintf("'A' must have %d columns", c.Rows())
		err = errors.New(estr)

	// Check b and set defaults if it is nil
	if b == nil {
		b = matrix.FloatZeros(0, 1)
	if b.Cols() != 1 {
		estr := fmt.Sprintf("'b' must be a matrix with 1 column")
		err = errors.New(estr)
	if b.Rows() != A.Rows() {
		estr := fmt.Sprintf("'b' must have length %d", A.Rows())
		err = errors.New(estr)

	if b.Rows() > c.Rows() || b.Rows()+cdim_pckd < c.Rows() {
		err = errors.New("Rank(A) < p or Rank([G; A]) < n")

	mA := &matrixVarA{A}
	mG := &matrixVarG{G, dims}
	mc := &matrixVar{c}
	mb := &matrixVar{b}

	return conelp_problem(mc, mG, h, mA, mb, dims, kktsolver, solopts, primalstart, dualstart)

示例19: CplCustomKKT

// Solves a convex optimization problem with a linear objective
//        minimize    c'*x
//        subject to  f(x) <= 0
//                    G*x <= h
//                    A*x = b.
// using custom KTT equation solver.
func CplCustomKKT(F ConvexProg, c *matrix.FloatMatrix, G, h, A, b *matrix.FloatMatrix,
	dims *sets.DimensionSet, kktsolver KKTCpSolver,
	solopts *SolverOptions) (sol *Solution, err error) {

	var mnl int
	var x0 *matrix.FloatMatrix

	mnl, x0, err = F.F0()
	if err != nil {

	if x0.Cols() != 1 {
		err = errors.New("'x0' must be matrix with one column")
	if c == nil {
		err = errors.New("'c' must be non nil matrix")
	if !c.SizeMatch(x0.Size()) {
		err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("'c' must be matrix of size (%d,1)", x0.Rows()))

	if h == nil {
		h = matrix.FloatZeros(0, 1)
	if h.Cols() > 1 {
		err = errors.New("'h' must be matrix with 1 column")

	if dims == nil {
		dims = sets.NewDimensionSet("l", "q", "s")
		dims.Set("l", []int{h.Rows()})

	cdim := dims.Sum("l", "q") + dims.SumSquared("s")

	if h.Rows() != cdim {
		err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("'h' must be float matrix of size (%d,1)", cdim))

	if G == nil {
		G = matrix.FloatZeros(0, c.Rows())
	if !G.SizeMatch(cdim, c.Rows()) {
		estr := fmt.Sprintf("'G' must be of size (%d,%d)", cdim, c.Rows())
		err = errors.New(estr)

	// Check A and set defaults if it is nil
	if A == nil {
		// zeros rows reduces Gemv to vector products
		A = matrix.FloatZeros(0, c.Rows())
	if A.Cols() != c.Rows() {
		estr := fmt.Sprintf("'A' must have %d columns", c.Rows())
		err = errors.New(estr)

	// Check b and set defaults if it is nil
	if b == nil {
		b = matrix.FloatZeros(0, 1)
	if b.Cols() != 1 {
		estr := fmt.Sprintf("'b' must be a matrix with 1 column")
		err = errors.New(estr)
	if b.Rows() != A.Rows() {
		estr := fmt.Sprintf("'b' must have length %d", A.Rows())
		err = errors.New(estr)

	var mc = matrixVar{c}
	var mb = matrixVar{b}
	var mA = matrixVarA{A}
	var mG = matrixVarG{G, dims}

	return cpl_problem(F, &mc, &mG, h, &mA, &mb, dims, kktsolver, solopts, x0, mnl)

示例20: coneqp_solver

func coneqp_solver(P MatrixVarP, q MatrixVariable, G MatrixVarG, h *matrix.FloatMatrix,
	A MatrixVarA, b MatrixVariable, dims *sets.DimensionSet, kktsolver KKTConeSolverVar,
	solopts *SolverOptions, initvals *sets.FloatMatrixSet) (sol *Solution, err error) {

	err = nil
	EXPON := 3
	STEP := 0.99

	sol = &Solution{Unknown,
		0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
		0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0}

	//var kktsolver func(*sets.FloatMatrixSet)(KKTFunc, error) = nil
	var refinement int
	var correction bool = true

	feasTolerance := FEASTOL
	absTolerance := ABSTOL
	relTolerance := RELTOL
	maxIter := MAXITERS
	if solopts.FeasTol > 0.0 {
		feasTolerance = solopts.FeasTol
	if solopts.AbsTol > 0.0 {
		absTolerance = solopts.AbsTol
	if solopts.RelTol > 0.0 {
		relTolerance = solopts.RelTol
	if solopts.MaxIter > 0 {
		maxIter = solopts.MaxIter
	if q == nil {
		err = errors.New("'q' must be non-nil MatrixVariable with one column")

	if h == nil {
		h = matrix.FloatZeros(0, 1)
	if h.Cols() != 1 {
		err = errors.New("'h' must be non-nil matrix with one column")
	if dims == nil {
		dims = sets.NewDimensionSet("l", "q", "s")
		dims.Set("l", []int{h.Rows()})

	err = checkConeQpDimensions(dims)
	if err != nil {

	cdim := dims.Sum("l", "q") + dims.SumSquared("s")
	//cdim_pckd := dims.Sum("l", "q") + dims.SumPacked("s")
	cdim_diag := dims.Sum("l", "q", "s")

	if h.Rows() != cdim {
		err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("'h' must be float matrix of size (%d,1)", cdim))

	// Data for kth 'q' constraint are found in rows indq[k]:indq[k+1] of G.
	indq := make([]int, 0)
	indq = append(indq, dims.At("l")[0])
	for _, k := range dims.At("q") {
		indq = append(indq, indq[len(indq)-1]+k)

	// Data for kth 's' constraint are found in rows inds[k]:inds[k+1] of G.
	inds := make([]int, 0)
	inds = append(inds, indq[len(indq)-1])
	for _, k := range dims.At("s") {
		inds = append(inds, inds[len(inds)-1]+k*k)

	if P == nil {
		err = errors.New("'P' must be non-nil MatrixVarP interface.")
	fP := func(u, v MatrixVariable, alpha, beta float64) error {
		return P.Pf(u, v, alpha, beta)

	if G == nil {
		err = errors.New("'G' must be non-nil MatrixG interface.")
	fG := func(x, y MatrixVariable, alpha, beta float64, trans la.Option) error {
		return G.Gf(x, y, alpha, beta, trans)

	// Check A and set defaults if it is nil
	fA := func(x, y MatrixVariable, alpha, beta float64, trans la.Option) error {
		return A.Af(x, y, alpha, beta, trans)

	// Check b and set defaults if it is nil









Golang sets.FloatMatrixSet类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-28
Golang wrangler.Wrangler类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-28





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