def build_service_map(self):
Adds all known service definitions to service registry.
@todo: May be a bit fragile due to using BaseService.__subclasses__
for cls in BaseService.__subclasses__():
assert hasattr(cls, 'name'), 'Service class must define name value. Service class in error: %s' % cls
self.services_by_name[] = cls
self.add_servicedef_entry(, "base", cls)
self.add_servicedef_entry(, "schema", json.loads(cls.SCHEMA_JSON))
except Exception as ex:
log.exception("Cannot parse service schema " +
interfaces = list(implementedBy(cls))
if interfaces:
self.add_servicedef_entry(, "interface", interfaces[0])
if cls.__name__.startswith("Base"):
client = "%s.%sProcessClient" % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__[4:])
self.add_servicedef_entry(, "client", named_any(client))
sclient = "%s.%sClient" % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__[4:])
self.add_servicedef_entry(, "simple_client", named_any(sclient))
except Exception, ex:
log.warning("Cannot find client for service %s" % (
def initialize_res_lcsms():
Initializes resource type lifecycle state machines.
res_lifecycle = (Config(["res/config/resource_lifecycle.yml"])).data
# Initialize the set of available resource lifecycle workflows
lcsm_defs = res_lifecycle["LifecycleWorkflowDefinitions"]
for wf in lcsm_defs:
wfname = wf["name"]
clsname = wf.get("lcsm_class", None)
if clsname:
wf_cls = named_any(clsname)
lcs_workflow_defs[wfname] = wf_cls(**wf)
based_on = wf.get("based_on", None)
wf_base = lcs_workflow_defs[based_on]
lcs_workflow_defs[wfname] = wf_base._clone_with_restrictions(wf)
# Initialize the set of resource types with lifecycle
for res_type, wf_name in res_lifecycle["LifecycleResourceTypes"].iteritems():
lcs_workflows[res_type] = lcs_workflow_defs[wf_name]
示例6: get_records
def get_records(self, max_count=MAX_RECORDS_PER_GRANULE):
records = []
for ch_num, chunk in enumerate(self._chunks):
if ch_num < self._chunk_index:
before_records = len(records)
dev_type = chunk["dev_type"]
dev_parser = DEVICE_TYPES[dev_type]
clss = named_any(dev_parser)
chunk_parser = clss(chunk)
new_records = chunk_parser.get_records(max_count=max_count)
start_idx = 0
if ch_num == self._chunk_index and self._record_index > 0:
# Before we stopped in the middle of a chunk
new_records = new_records[self._record_index :]
start_idx = self._record_index
self._chunk_index = ch_num
if before_records + len(new_records) > max_count:
records.extend(new_records[: max_count - before_records])
self._record_index = start_idx + (max_count - before_records)
if len(records) == max_count:
self._chunk_index += 1
self._record_index = 0
except Exception as ex:
log.warn("Error: %s", ex)
return records
def initialize_res_lcsms():
Initializes default and special resource type state machines
@todo. Make dynamic later and maybe move out.
res_lifecycle = (Config(["res/config/resource_lifecycle.yml"])).data
# Initialize the set of available resource lifecycle workflows
lcsm_defs = res_lifecycle["LifecycleWorkflowDefinitions"]
for wf in lcsm_defs:
#print "****** FOUND RES WORKFLOW %s" % (wf)
wfname = wf['name']
clsname = wf.get('lcsm_class', None)
if clsname:
wf_cls = named_any(clsname)
lcs_workflow_defs[wfname] = wf_cls(**wf)
based_on = wf.get('based_on', None)
wf_base = lcs_workflow_defs[based_on]
lcs_workflow_defs[wfname] = wf_base._clone_with_restrictions(wf)
# Initialize the set of resource types with lifecycle
for res_type, wf_name in res_lifecycle["LifecycleResourceTypes"].iteritems():
lcs_workflows[res_type] = lcs_workflow_defs[wf_name]
def get_datastore(cls,
scope=None):"get_datastore(%s, variant=%s, profile=%s, scope=%s, config=%s)", datastore_name, variant, profile, scope, "")
# Step 1: Get datastore server config
if not config and container:
config = container.CFG
if config:
if "container" in config:
server_cfg = cls.get_server_config(config)
server_cfg = config
config = None
if not server_cfg:
raise BadRequest("No config available to determine datastore")
# Step 2: Find type specific implementation class
if config:
server_types = get_safe(config, "container.datastore.server_types",
if not server_types:
# Some tests fudge the CFG - make it more lenient
#raise BadRequest("Server types not configured!")
variant_store = cls.get_datastore_class(
server_cfg, variant=variant)
server_type = server_cfg.get("type", "postgresql")
type_cfg = server_types.get(server_type, None)
if not type_cfg:
raise BadRequest(
"Server type '%s' not configured!" % server_type)
variant_store = type_cfg.get(variant, cls.DS_BASE)
# Fallback in case a server config was given (NOT NICE)
variant_store = cls.get_datastore_class(
server_cfg, variant=variant)
# Step 3: Instantiate type specific implementation
store_class = named_any(variant_store)
profile = profile or DataStore.DS_PROFILE_MAPPING.get(
datastore_name, DataStore.DS_PROFILE.BASIC)
log.debug("get_datastore(%s, profile=%s, scope=%s, variant=%s) -> %s",
datastore_name, profile, scope, variant,
store = store_class(
return store
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
BaseContainerAgent.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
# Coordinates the container start
self._status = INIT
self._is_started = False
# set container id and cc_agent name (as they are set in base class call) = get_default_container_id() = "cc_agent_%s" %
bootstrap.container_instance = self
Container.instance = self
self.container = self # Make self appear as process to service clients
self.CCAP = CCAP
self.CFG = CFG
log.debug("Container (sysname=%s) initializing ..." % bootstrap.get_sys_name())
# Keep track of the overrides from the command-line, so they can trump app/rel file data
self.spawn_args = kwargs
# Greenlet context-local storage
self.context = LocalContextMixin()
# Load general capabilities file and augment with specific profile
# Start the capabilities
start_order = self.cap_profile['start_order']
for cap in start_order:
if cap not in self._cap_definitions:
raise ContainerError("CC capability %s not defined in profile" % cap)
if cap in self._capabilities or cap in self._cap_instances:
raise ContainerError("CC capability %s already initialized" % cap)
cap_def = self._cap_definitions[cap]
log.debug("__init__(): Initializing '%s'" % cap)
cap_obj = named_any(cap_def['class'])(container=self)
self._cap_instances[cap] = cap_obj
if 'depends_on' in cap_def and cap_def['depends_on']:
dep_list = cap_def['depends_on'].split(',')
for dep in dep_list:
dep = dep.strip()
if dep not in self._cap_initialized:
raise ContainerError("CC capability %s dependent on non-existing capability %s" % (cap, dep))
if 'field' in cap_def and cap_def['field']:
setattr(self, cap_def['field'], cap_obj)
except Exception as ex:
log.error("Container Capability %s init error: %s" % (cap, ex))
log.debug("Container initialized, OK.")
示例10: spawn_process
def spawn_process(self, name=None, module=None, cls=None, config=None):
Spawn a process within the container. Processes can be of different type.
# Generate a new process id
# TODO: Ensure it is system-wide unique
process_id = "%s.%s" % (, self.proc_id_pool.get_id())
log.debug("ProcManager.spawn_process(name=%s, module.cls=%s.%s) as pid=%s", name, module, cls, process_id)
if config is None:
config = DictModifier(CFG)
log.debug("spawn_process() pid=%s config=%s", process_id, config)
# PROCESS TYPE. Determines basic process context (messaging, service interface)
# One of: service, stream_process, agent, simple, immediate
service_cls = named_any("%s.%s" % (module, cls))
process_type = config.get("process", {}).get("type", None) or getattr(service_cls, "process_type", "service")
service_instance = None
# spawn service by type
if process_type == "service":
service_instance = self._spawn_service_process(process_id, name, module, cls, config)
elif process_type == "stream_process":
service_instance = self._spawn_stream_process(process_id, name, module, cls, config)
elif process_type == "agent":
service_instance = self._spawn_agent_process(process_id, name, module, cls, config)
elif process_type == "standalone":
service_instance = self._spawn_standalone_process(process_id, name, module, cls, config)
elif process_type == "immediate":
service_instance = self._spawn_immediate_process(process_id, name, module, cls, config)
elif process_type == "simple":
service_instance = self._spawn_simple_process(process_id, name, module, cls, config)
raise Exception("Unknown process type: %s" % process_type)
service_instance._proc_type = process_type
self._register_process(service_instance, name)
service_instance.errcause = "OK""AppManager.spawn_process: %s.%s -> pid=%s OK" % (module, cls, process_id))
except Exception:
errcause = service_instance.errcause if service_instance else "instantiating service"
log.exception("Error spawning %s %s process (process_id: %s): %s" % (name, process_type, process_id, errcause))
示例11: initialize_from_config
def initialize_from_config(self, config):
self.governance_dispatcher = GovernanceDispatcher()
self.policy_decision_point_manager = PolicyDecisionPointManager(self)
self.interceptor_order = config.get('interceptor_order', None) or []
gov_ints = config.get('governance_interceptors', None) or {}
for name in gov_ints:
interceptor_def = gov_ints[name]
classobj = named_any(interceptor_def["class"])
classinst = classobj()
self.interceptor_by_name_dict[name] = classinst
def _call_target(self, target, value=None, resource_id=None, res_type=None, cmd_args=None, cmd_kwargs=None):
Makes a call to a specified function. Function specification can be of varying type.
if not target:
return None
match = re.match("(func|serviceop):([\w.]+)\s*\(\s*([\w,$\s]*)\s*\)\s*(?:->\s*([\w\.]+))?\s*$", target)
if match:
func_type, func_name, func_args, res_path = match.groups()
func = None
if func_type == "func":
if func_name.startswith("self."):
func = getattr(self, func_name[5:])
func = named_any(func_name)
elif func_type == "serviceop":
svc_name, svc_op = func_name.split('.', 1)
svc_client_cls = get_service_registry().get_service_by_name(svc_name).client
except Exception as ex:
log.error("No service client found for service: %s", svc_name)
svc_client = svc_client_cls(process=self)
func = getattr(svc_client, svc_op)
if not func:
return None
args = self._get_call_args(func_args, resource_id, res_type, value, cmd_args)
kwargs = {} if not cmd_kwargs else cmd_kwargs
func_res = func(*args, **kwargs)"Function %s result: %s", func, func_res)
if res_path and isinstance(func_res, dict):
func_res = get_safe(func_res, res_path, None)
return func_res
log.error("Unknown call target expression: %s", target)
except Unauthorized as ex:
# No need to log as this is not an application error, however, need to pass on the exception because
# when called by the Service Gateway, the error message in the exception is required
raise ex
except Exception as ex:
log.exception("_call_target exception")
raise ex #Should to pass it back because when called by the Service Gateway, the error message in the exception is required
def start_app(self, appdef=None, config=None):
@brief Start an app from an app definition.
Note: apps can come in one of 2 variants:
1 processapp: In-line defined process to be started
2 regular app: Full app definition
log.debug("AppManager.start_app(appdef=%s) ..." % appdef)
appdef = DotDict(appdef)
if 'config' in appdef:
app_cfg = deepcopy(appdef.config)
if config:
dict_merge(app_cfg, config, inplace=True)
config = app_cfg
if 'processapp' in appdef:
# Case 1: Appdef contains definition of process to start
name, module, cls = appdef.processapp
pid = self.container.spawn_process(name, module, cls, config)
appdef._pid = pid
except Exception:
log.exception("Appl %s start from processapp failed" %
# Case 2: Appdef contains full app start params
modpath = appdef.mod
mod = named_any(modpath)
appdef._mod_loaded = mod
# Start the app
supid, state = mod.start(self.container, START_PERMANENT, appdef, config)
appdef._supid = supid
appdef._state = state
log.debug("App '%s' started. Root sup-id=%s" % (, supid))
except Exception:
log.exception("Appl %s start from appdef failed" %
def on_init(self):
# Time in between event persists
self.persist_interval = float(self.CFG.get_safe("process.event_persister.persist_interval", 1.0))
self.persist_blacklist = self.CFG.get_safe("process.event_persister.persist_blacklist", {})
self._event_type_blacklist = [entry['event_type'] for entry in self.persist_blacklist if entry.get('event_type', None) and len(entry) == 1]
self._complex_blacklist = [entry for entry in self.persist_blacklist if not (entry.get('event_type', None) and len(entry) == 1)]
if self._complex_blacklist:
log.warn("EventPersister does not yet support complex blacklist expressions: %s", self._complex_blacklist)
# Time in between view refreshs
self.refresh_interval = float(self.CFG.get_safe("process.event_persister.refresh_interval", 60.0))
# Holds received events FIFO in syncronized queue
self.event_queue = Queue()
# Temporarily holds list of events to persist while datastore operation are not yet completed
# This is where events to persist will remain if datastore operation fails occasionally.
self.events_to_persist = None
# Number of unsuccessful attempts to persist in a row
self.failure_count = 0
# bookkeeping for greenlet
self._persist_greenlet = None
self._terminate_persist = Event() # when set, exits the persister greenlet
self._refresh_greenlet = None
self._terminate_refresh = Event() # when set, exits the refresher greenlet
# The event subscriber
self.event_sub = None
# Registered event process plugins
self.process_plugins = {}
for plugin_name, plugin_cls, plugin_args in PROCESS_PLUGINS:
plugin = named_any(plugin_cls)(**plugin_args)
self.process_plugins[plugin_name]= plugin"Loaded event processing plugin %s (%s)", plugin_name, plugin_cls)
except Exception as ex:
log.error("Cannot instantiate event processing plugin %s (%s): %s", plugin_name, plugin_cls, ex)
def spawn_process(self, name=None, module=None, cls=None, config=None, process_id=None):
Spawn a process within the container. Processes can be of different type.
if process_id and not is_valid_identifier(process_id, ws_sub='_'):
raise BadRequest("Given process_id %s is not a valid identifier" % process_id)
# PROCESS ID. Generate a new process id if not provided
# TODO: Ensure it is system-wide unique
process_id = process_id or "%s.%s" % (, self.proc_id_pool.get_id())
log.debug("ProcManager.spawn_process(name=%s, module.cls=%s.%s, config=%s) as pid=%s", name, module, cls, config, process_id)
process_cfg = self._create_process_config(config)
service_cls = named_any("%s.%s" % (module, cls))
except AttributeError as ae:
# Try to nail down the error
import importlib
# PROCESS TYPE. Determines basic process context (messaging, service interface)
process_type = get_safe(process_cfg, "process.type") or getattr(service_cls, "process_type", PROCTYPE_SERVICE)
process_start_mode = get_safe(config, "process.start_mode")
process_instance = None
# alert we have a spawning process, but we don't have the instance yet, so give the class instead (more accurate than name)
# Note: this uses a str as first argument instead of a process instance
self._call_proc_state_changed("%s.%s" % (module, cls), ProcessStateEnum.PENDING)
# Additional attributes to set with the process instance
proc_attr = {"_proc_type": process_type,
"_proc_spawn_cfg": config
# SPAWN. Determined by type
if process_type == PROCTYPE_SERVICE:
process_instance = self._spawn_service_process(process_id, name, module, cls, process_cfg, proc_attr)
elif process_type == PROCTYPE_STREAMPROC:
process_instance = self._spawn_stream_process(process_id, name, module, cls, process_cfg, proc_attr)
elif process_type == PROCTYPE_AGENT:
process_instance = self._spawn_agent_process(process_id, name, module, cls, process_cfg, proc_attr)
elif process_type == PROCTYPE_STANDALONE:
process_instance = self._spawn_standalone_process(process_id, name, module, cls, process_cfg, proc_attr)
elif process_type == PROCTYPE_IMMEDIATE:
process_instance = self._spawn_immediate_process(process_id, name, module, cls, process_cfg, proc_attr)
elif process_type == PROCTYPE_SIMPLE:
process_instance = self._spawn_simple_process(process_id, name, module, cls, process_cfg, proc_attr)
raise BadRequest("Unknown process type: %s" % process_type)
self._register_process(process_instance, name)
process_instance.errcause = "OK""ProcManager.spawn_process: %s.%s -> pid=%s OK", module, cls, process_id)
if process_type == PROCTYPE_IMMEDIATE:
log.debug('Terminating immediate process: %s',
# Terminate process also triggers TERMINATING/TERMINATED
self._call_proc_state_changed(process_instance, ProcessStateEnum.EXITED)
# Update local policies for the new process
if self.container.has_capability(self.container.CCAP.GOVERNANCE_CONTROLLER):
process_instance, safe_mode=True, force_update=False)
except IonProcessError:
errcause = process_instance.errcause if process_instance else "instantiating process"
log.exception("Error spawning %s %s process (process_id: %s): %s", name, process_type, process_id, errcause)
return None
except Exception:
errcause = process_instance.errcause if process_instance else "instantiating process"
log.exception("Error spawning %s %s process (process_id: %s): %s", name, process_type, process_id, errcause)
# trigger failed notification - catches problems in init/start
self._call_proc_state_changed(process_instance, ProcessStateEnum.FAILED)
def spawn_process(self, name=None, module=None, cls=None, config=None):
Spawn a process within the container. Processes can be of different type.
# Generate a new process id
# TODO: Ensure it is system-wide unique
process_id = "%s.%s" % (, self.proc_id_pool.get_id())
log.debug("ProcManager.spawn_process(name=%s, module.cls=%s.%s) as pid=%s", name, module, cls, process_id)
if not config:
# Use system CFG. It has the command line args in it
config = DictModifier(CFG)
# Use provided config. Must be dict or DotDict
if not isinstance(config, DotDict):
config = DotDict(config)
config = DictModifier(CFG, config)
if self.container.spawn_args:
# Override config with spawn args
dict_merge(config, self.container.spawn_args, inplace=True)
log.debug("spawn_process() pid=%s config=%s", process_id, config)
# PROCESS TYPE. Determines basic process context (messaging, service interface)
# One of: service, stream_process, agent, simple, immediate
service_cls = named_any("%s.%s" % (module, cls))
process_type = get_safe(config, "process.type") or getattr(service_cls, "process_type", "service")
service_instance = None
# spawn service by type
if process_type == "service":
service_instance = self._spawn_service_process(process_id, name, module, cls, config)
elif process_type == "stream_process":
service_instance = self._spawn_stream_process(process_id, name, module, cls, config)
elif process_type == "agent":
service_instance = self._spawn_agent_process(process_id, name, module, cls, config)
elif process_type == "standalone":
service_instance = self._spawn_standalone_process(process_id, name, module, cls, config)
elif process_type == "immediate":
service_instance = self._spawn_immediate_process(process_id, name, module, cls, config)
elif process_type == "simple":
service_instance = self._spawn_simple_process(process_id, name, module, cls, config)
raise BadRequest("Unknown process type: %s" % process_type)
service_instance._proc_type = process_type
self._register_process(service_instance, name)
service_instance.errcause = "OK""AppManager.spawn_process: %s.%s -> pid=%s OK" % (module, cls, process_id))
except Exception:
errcause = service_instance.errcause if service_instance else "instantiating service"
log.exception("Error spawning %s %s process (process_id: %s): %s" % (name, process_type, process_id, errcause))
示例19: on_init
def on_init(self):
# Retain a pointer to this object for use in routes
global ui_instance
ui_instance = self
# Main references to basic components (if initialized)
self.http_server = None
self.socket_io = None
self.service_gateway = None
self.oauth = oauth
# Configuration
self.server_enabled = self.CFG.get_safe(CFG_PREFIX + ".server.enabled") is True
self.server_debug = self.CFG.get_safe(CFG_PREFIX + ".server.debug") is True
# Note: this may be the empty string. Using localhost does not make the server publicly accessible
self.server_hostname = self.CFG.get_safe(CFG_PREFIX + ".server.hostname", DEFAULT_WEB_SERVER_HOSTNAME)
self.server_port = self.CFG.get_safe(CFG_PREFIX + ".server.port", DEFAULT_WEB_SERVER_PORT)
self.server_log_access = self.CFG.get_safe(CFG_PREFIX + ".server.log_access") is True
self.server_log_errors = self.CFG.get_safe(CFG_PREFIX + ".server.log_errors") is True
self.server_socket_io = self.CFG.get_safe(CFG_PREFIX + ".server.socket_io") is True
self.server_secret = self.CFG.get_safe(CFG_PREFIX + ".security.secret") or ""
self.session_timeout = int(self.CFG.get_safe(CFG_PREFIX + ".security.session_timeout") or DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT)
self.extend_session_timeout = self.CFG.get_safe(CFG_PREFIX + ".security.extend_session_timeout") is True
self.max_session_validity = int(self.CFG.get_safe(CFG_PREFIX + ".security.max_session_validity") or DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT)
self.remember_user = self.CFG.get_safe(CFG_PREFIX + ".security.remember_user") is True
self.set_cors_headers = self.CFG.get_safe(CFG_PREFIX + ".server.set_cors") is True
self.develop_mode = self.CFG.get_safe(CFG_PREFIX + ".server.develop_mode") is True
self.oauth_enabled = self.CFG.get_safe(CFG_PREFIX + ".oauth.enabled") is True
self.oauth_scope = self.CFG.get_safe(CFG_PREFIX + ".oauth.default_scope") or "scioncc"
self.has_service_gateway = self.CFG.get_safe(CFG_PREFIX + ".service_gateway.enabled") is True
self.service_gateway_prefix = self.CFG.get_safe(CFG_PREFIX + ".service_gateway.url_prefix", DEFAULT_GATEWAY_PREFIX)
self.extensions = self.CFG.get_safe(CFG_PREFIX + ".extensions") or []
self.extension_objs = []
# TODO: What about https?
self.base_url = "http://%s:%s" % (self.server_hostname or "localhost", self.server_port)
self.gateway_base_url = None
self.idm_client = IdentityManagementServiceProcessClient(process=self)
# One time setup
if self.server_enabled:
app.secret_key = self.server_secret or self.__class__.__name__ # Enables encrypted session cookies
if self.server_debug:
app.debug = True
if self.server_socket_io:
self.socket_io = SocketIO(app)
if self.has_service_gateway:
from import ServiceGateway, sg_blueprint
self.gateway_base_url = self.base_url + self.service_gateway_prefix
self.service_gateway = ServiceGateway(process=self, config=self.CFG, response_class=app.response_class)
app.register_blueprint(sg_blueprint, url_prefix=self.service_gateway_prefix)
for ext_cls in self.extensions:
cls = named_any(ext_cls)
except AttributeError as ae:
# Try to nail down the error
import importlib
importlib.import_module(ext_cls.rsplit(".", 1)[0])
for ext_obj in self.extension_objs:
ext_obj.on_init(self, app)
if self.extensions:"UI Server: %s extensions initialized", len(self.extensions))
# Start the web server
self.start_service()"UI Server: Started server on %s" % self.base_url)
log.warn("UI Server: Server disabled in config")