本文整理汇总了Python中scipy.sign函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python sign函数的具体用法?Python sign怎么用?Python sign使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: f
def f(self,xarr,t):
x0dot = -self.coef*pl.exp(-self.k*(1.0+abs(xarr[3]-1.0)))*pl.sin(self.w*t-self.k*xarr[2])
x1dot = pl.sign(xarr[3]-1.0)*self.coef*pl.exp(-self.k*(1.0+abs(xarr[3]-1.0)))*pl.cos(self.w*t-self.k*xarr[2]) -\
x2dot = xarr[0]
x3dot = xarr[1]
return [x0dot,x1dot,x2dot,x3dot]
示例2: plot_histogram
def plot_histogram(X, Y, w, b):
''' Plots a histogram of classifier outputs (w^T X) for each class with pl.hist
The title of the histogram is the accuracy of the classification
Accuracy = #correctly classified points / N
Definition: plot_histogram(X, Y, w, b)
Input: X - DxN array of N data points with D features
Y - 1D array of length N of class labels
w - 1D array of length D, weight vector
b - bias term for linear classification
# ... your code here
output = (w.T.dot(X) - b)
wrong = (sp.sign(output) != Y).nonzero()[0]
correct = (sp.sign(output) == Y).nonzero()[0]
acc = float(correct.shape[0])/float(output.shape[0]) * 100.
non_target = [output[i] for i in correct]
target = [output[i] for i in wrong]
pl.hist(non_target, bins = 10, histtype='bar',color='b', rwidth=0.4, label=['non-target'])
pl.hist(target, bins = 10, histtype='bar', color='g', rwidth=0.4, label=['target'])
pl.xlabel('w^T X')
pl.title('Acc %d'%acc +'%')
示例3: rpropUpdate
def rpropUpdate(self, w):
""" edit the update vector according to the rprop mechanism. """
n = self.xdim
self.oldParams.append(self.combineParams(self.alpha, self.x, self.factorSigma))
if self.generation > 0:
neww = zeros(len(w))
for i in range(len(w)-1):
self.delta[self.generation][i] = self.delta[self.generation - 1][i]
assert len(self.wStored[self.generation]) == len(self.wStored[self.generation-1])
if self.wStored[self.generation][i] * self.wStored[self.generation-1][i] > 0.0:
self.delta[self.generation][i] = min(self.delta[self.generation-1][i] * self.etaPlus, self.rpropMaxUpdate)
if self.rpropUseGradient:
neww[i] = self.wStored[self.generation][i] * self.delta[self.generation][i]
neww[i] = sign(self.wStored[self.generation][i]) * self.delta[self.generation][i]
elif self.wStored[self.generation][i] * self.wStored[self.generation-1][i] < 0.0:
self.delta[self.generation][i] = max(self.delta[self.generation - 1][i] * self.etaMin, self.rpropMinUpdate)
if self.rpropPerformance[self.generation] < self.rpropPerformance[self.generation - 1]:
# undo the last update
neww[i] = self.oldParams[self.generation-1][i] - self.oldParams[self.generation][i]
self.wStored[self.generation][i] = 0.0
elif self.wStored[self.generation][i] * self.wStored[self.generation - 1][i] == 0.0:
if self.rpropUseGradient:
neww[i] = self.wStored[self.generation][i] * self.delta[self.generation][i]
neww[i] = sign(self.wStored[self.generation][i]) * self.delta[self.generation][i]
示例4: train_perceptron
def train_perceptron(X,Y,iterations=200,eta=.1):
''' Trains a linear perceptron
Definition: w, b, acc = train_perceptron(X,Y,iterations=200,eta=.1)
Input: X - DxN array of N data points with D features
Y - 1D array of length N of class labels {-1, 1}
iter - optional, number of iterations, default 200
eta - optional, learning rate, default 0.1
Output: w - 1D array of length D, weight vector
b - bias term for linear classification
#include the bias term by adding a row of ones to X
X = sp.concatenate((sp.ones((1,X.shape[1])), X))
#initialize weight vector
weights = sp.ones((X.shape[0]))/X.shape[0]
for it in sp.arange(iterations):
# indices of misclassified data
wrong = (sp.sign(weights.dot(X)) != Y).nonzero()[0]
if wrong.shape[0] > 0:
# pick a random misclassified data point
m = wrong[sp.random.random_integers(0, wrong.shape[0]-1)]
#update weight vector (use variable learning rate (eta/(1.+it)) )
weights = weights + (eta/(1.+it)) * X[:, m] * Y[m];
# compute accuracy
wrong = (sp.sign(weights.dot(X)) != Y).nonzero()[0]
b = -weights[0]
w = weights[1:]
return w,b
示例5: crossvalidate
def crossvalidate(X,Y, f=5, trainfun=train_ncc):
Test generalization performance of a linear classifier by crossvalidation
Definition: crossvalidate(X,Y, f=5, trainfun=train_ncc)
Input: X - DxN array of N data points with D features
Y - 1D array of length N of class labels
f - number of cross-validation folds
trainfun - function for linear classification training
Output: acc_train - (f,) array of accuracies in test train folds
acc_test - (f,) array of accuracies in each test fold
N = f*(X.shape[-1]/f)
idx = sp.reshape(sp.arange(N),(f,N/f))
acc_train = sp.zeros((f))
acc_test = sp.zeros((f))
for ifold in sp.arange(f):
testidx = sp.zeros((f),dtype=bool)
testidx[ifold] = 1
test = idx[testidx,:].flatten()
train = idx[~testidx,:].flatten()
w,b = trainfun(X[:,train],Y[train])
acc_train[ifold] = sp.sum(sp.sign(w.dot(X[:,train])-b)==Y[train])/sp.double(train.shape[0])
acc_test[ifold] = sp.sum(sp.sign(w.dot(X[:,test])-b)==Y[test])/sp.double(test.shape[0])
# pdb.set_trace()
return acc_train,acc_test
示例6: predict
def predict(self, Xtest):
print "starting predict with:",Xtest.shape[0]," samples : ",datetime.datetime.now()
num_batches = Xtest.shape[0] / float(self.n_pred_samples)
test_ids = []
for i in range(0, int(num_batches)):
test_ids.append(range((i) * self.n_pred_samples, (i + 1) * self.n_pred_samples))
if (num_batches - int(num_batches)) > 0:
test_ids.append(range(int(num_batches) * self.n_pred_samples, Xtest.shape[0]))
# values = [(test_id, exp_ids) for test_id in test_ids for exp_ids in self.X_exp_ids]
yhattotal = []
for i in range(0,len(test_ids)):
# print "computing result with batches:",i," of:",len(test_ids)
yraw = Parallel(n_jobs=self.workers)(delayed(svm_predict_raw_batches)(self.X, Xtest[test_ids[i]], \
self.w, v, self.gamma) for v in self.X_exp_ids)
yhat = sp.sign(sp.vstack(yraw).mean(axis=0))
yhattotal = [item for sublist in yhattotal for item in sublist]
print "stopping predict:", datetime.datetime.now()
return sp.sign(yhattotal)
示例7: zero_crossing_rate
def zero_crossing_rate(self, frames):
nf = len(frames) # 帧数
zcr = np.zeros(nf) # 初始化
for k in range(nf):
x_sub = frames[k]
x_sub1 = x_sub[:-1]
x_sub2 = x_sub[1:]
zcr[k] = np.sum(np.abs(scipy.sign(x_sub1) - scipy.sign(x_sub2))) / 2 / len(x_sub1)
return zcr
示例8: dsekl_test_predict
def dsekl_test_predict(dname='sonar', num_test=1000, maxN=1000):
print "started loading:", datetime.datetime.now()
Xtotal, Ytotal = load_realdata(dname)
print "loading data done!", datetime.datetime.now()
# decrease dataset size
N = Xtotal.shape[0]
if maxN > 0:
N = sp.minimum(Xtotal.shape[0], maxN)
Xtotal = Xtotal[:N + num_test]
Ytotal = Ytotal[:N + num_test]
# randomize datapoints
print "randomization", datetime.datetime.now()
idx = sp.random.permutation(Xtotal.shape[0])
print idx
Xtotal = Xtotal[idx]
Ytotal = Ytotal[idx]
# divide test and train
print "dividing in train and test", datetime.datetime.now()
Xtest = Xtotal[N:N+num_test]
Ytest = Ytotal[N:N+num_test]
Xtrain = Xtotal[:N]
Ytrain = Ytotal[:N]
print "densifying", datetime.datetime.now()
# unit variance and zero mean
Xtrain = Xtrain.todense()
Xtest = Xtest.todense()
if not sp.sparse.issparse(Xtrain):
scaler = StandardScaler()
print "fitting scaler", datetime.datetime.now()
scaler.fit(Xtrain) # Don't cheat - fit only on training data
print "transforming data train", datetime.datetime.now()
Xtrain = scaler.transform(Xtrain)
print "transforming data test", datetime.datetime.now()
Xtest = scaler.transform(Xtest)
scaler = StandardScaler(with_mean=False)
Xtrain = scaler.transform(Xtrain)
Xtest = scaler.transform(Xtest)
DS = pickle.load(file("DS","rb"))
res_hl = DS.predict_support_hardlimits(Xtest)
res_hl = sp.mean(sp.sign(res_hl) != Ytest)
print "res_hl",res_hl
res_perc = DS.predict_support_percentiles(Xtest)
res_perc = sp.mean(sp.sign(res_perc) != Ytest)
print "res_perc",res_perc
示例9: performAstroActions
def performAstroActions(self):
for j, active in enumerate(self.astro_statuses):
assert active in [-1, 0, 1]
if active == 1:
assert sign(self.remaining_active_durs[j]) == 1
self.neur_in_ws[:,j] += self.neur_in_ws[:,j] * self.incr_percent
self.remaining_active_durs[j] -= 1
elif active == -1:
assert sign(self.remaining_active_durs[j]) == -1
self.neur_in_ws[:,j] += self.neur_in_ws[:,j] * -self.decr_percent
self.remaining_active_durs[j] += 1
示例10: svdInverse
def svdInverse(mat,maxEig=1e10,minEig=1e-10): #1e10,1e-10
u,w,vt = scipy.linalg.svd(mat)
if any(w==0.):
raise ZeroDivisionError, "Singular matrix."
wInv = w ** -1
largeIndices = pylab.find( abs(wInv) > maxEig )
if len(largeIndices) > 0: print "svdInverse:",len(largeIndices),"large singular values out of",len(w)
wInv[largeIndices] = maxEig*scipy.sign(wInv[largeIndices])
smallIndices = pylab.find( abs(wInv) < minEig )
if len(smallIndices) > 0: print "svdInverse:",len(smallIndices),"small singular values out of",len(w)
wInv[smallIndices] = minEig*scipy.sign(wInv[smallIndices])
return scipy.dot( scipy.dot(vt.T,scipy.diag(wInv)), u.T )
示例11: expectation_prop_inner
def expectation_prop_inner(m0,V0,Y,Z,F,z,needed):
#expectation propagation on multivariate gaussian for soft inequality constraint
#m0,v0 are mean vector , covariance before EP
#Y is inequality value, Z is sign, 1 for geq, -1 for leq, F is softness variance
#z is number of ep rounds to run
#returns mt, Vt the value and variance for observations created by ep
n = V0.shape[0]
print "expectation prpagation running on "+str(n)+" dimensions for "+str(z)+" loops:"
mt =sp.zeros(n)
Vt= sp.eye(n)*float(1e10)
m = sp.empty(n)
V = sp.empty([n,n])
conv = sp.empty(z)
for i in xrange(z):
#compute the m V give ep obs
m,V = gaussian_fusion(m0,mt,V0,Vt)
for j in [k for k in xrange(n) if needed[k]]:
print [i,j]
#the cavity dist at index j
tmp = 1./(Vt[j,j]-V[j,j])
v_ = (V[j,j]*Vt[j,j])*tmp
m_ = tmp*(m[j]*Vt[j, j]-mt[j]*V[j, j])
alpha = sp.sign(Z[j])*(m_-Y[j]) / (sp.sqrt(v_+F[j]))
pr = PhiR(alpha)
if sp.isnan(pr):
pr = -alpha
beta = pr*(pr+alpha)/(v_+F[j])
kappa = sp.sign(Z[j])*(pr+alpha) / (sp.sqrt(v_+F[j]))
#print [alpha,beta,kappa,pr]
mt[j] = m_+1./kappa
#mt[j] = min(abs(mt[j]),1e5)*sp.sign(mt[j])
Vt[j,j] = min(1e10,1./beta - v_)
#print sp.amax(mtprev-mt)
#print sp.amax(sp.diagonal(Vtprev)-sp.diagonal(Vt))
#TODO make this a ratio instead of absolute
delta = max(sp.amax(mtprev-mt),sp.amax(sp.diagonal(Vtprev)-sp.diagonal(Vt)))
print "EP finished with final max deltas "+str(conv[-3:])
V = V0.dot(spl.solve(V0+Vt,Vt))
m = V.dot((spl.solve(V0,m0)+spl.solve(Vt,mt)).T)
return mt, Vt
示例12: performAstrocyteActions
def performAstrocyteActions(self):
i = len(self.neuronal_input_connection.params)/self.dim
for j, active in enumerate(self.astrocyte_statuses):
J = j*i
assert active in [-1, 0, 1]
if active == 1:
# NEED TO CHECK _setParameters and _params method
assert sign(self.remaining_active_durations[j]) == 1
self.neuronal_input_connection.params[J:J+i] += \
self.remaining_active_durations[j] -= 1
elif active == -1:
assert sign(self.remaining_active_durations[j]) == -1
self.neuronal_input_connection.params[J:J+i] += \
self.remaining_active_durations[j] += 1
示例13: calc_modal_vector
def calc_modal_vector(atoms1,atoms2):
Calculate the 'modal vector', i.e. the difference vector between the two configurations.
The minimum image convention is applied!
from scipy.linalg import inv
from scipy import array,dot
from scipy import sign,floor
cell1 = atoms1.get_cell()
cell2 = atoms2.get_cell()
# The cells need to be the same (otherwise the whole process won't make sense)
if (cell1 != cell2).any():
raise ValueError("Encountered different cells in atoms1 and atoms2. Those need to be the same.")
cell = cell1
icell = inv(cell)
frac1 = atoms1.get_scaled_positions()
frac2 = atoms2.get_scaled_positions()
modal_vector_frac = frac1 - frac2
for i in range(modal_vector_frac.shape[0]):
for j in range(modal_vector_frac.shape[1]):
if abs(modal_vector_frac[i,j]) > .5:
value = modal_vector_frac[i,j]
vsign = sign(modal_vector_frac[i,j])
absvalue = abs(value)
modal_vector_frac[i,j] = value - vsign*floor(absvalue+.5)
return dot(modal_vector_frac,cell)
示例14: plot_histogram
def plot_histogram(X, Y, w, b):
''' Plots a histogram of classifier outputs (w^T X) for each class with pl.hist
The title of the histogram is the accuracy of the classification
Accuracy = #correctly classified points / N
Definition: plot_histogram(X, Y, w, b)
Input: X - DxN array of N data points with D features
Y - 1D array of length N of class labels
w - 1D array of length D, weight vector
b - bias term for linear classification
#calculate the correct classified
correct = (sp.sign(w.dot(X) - b) == Y).nonzero()[0]
#class labels 1
target = w.dot(X[:, (Y == 1)])
#class balels -1
non_target = w.dot(X[:, (Y == -1)])
pl.title("Acc %0.0f%%" % (float(correct.shape[0]) / X.shape[1] * 100,))
pl.xlabel('w^T X')
pl.legend(["non target", "target"], loc=0)
示例15: classify
def classify(self, xL, xR):
a1L, a1R, a2L, a2LR, a2R, a3, z1Lb, z1LRb, z1Rb, z2b, xLb, xRb = self.forward_pass(xL, xR)
if self.k == 2 :
classif = sp.sign(a3);
else :
classif = sp.argmax(a3,axis=0);
return a3, classif
示例16: bin_correlation_nu
def bin_correlation_nu(self, lag_inds, freq_diffs, norms=False, cross_power=False):
""""bin the correlation function in frequency only"""
nf = len(self.freq_inds)
n_diffs = len(freq_diffs)
# Allowcate memory.
corrf = sp.zeros((n_diffs, len(lag_inds)))
countsf = sp.zeros(n_diffs, dtype=int)
for ii in range(nf):
for jj in range(nf):
if norms:
thiscorr = (self.corr[ii, jj, lag_inds] *
self.norms[ii, jj, sp.newaxis])
thiscorr = self.corr[ii, jj, lag_inds]
df = abs(self.freq1[ii] - self.freq2[jj])
for kk in range(1, n_diffs - 1):
if (abs(freq_diffs[kk] - df) <= abs(freq_diffs[kk - 1] - df)
and abs(freq_diffs[kk] - df) < abs(freq_diffs[kk + 1] - df)):
d_ind = kk
if abs(freq_diffs[0] - df) < abs(freq_diffs[1] - df):
d_ind = 0
if abs(freq_diffs[-1] - df) <= abs(freq_diffs[-2] - df):
d_ind = n_diffs - 1
corrf[d_ind, :] += thiscorr
countsf[d_ind] += 1
corrf /= countsf[:, sp.newaxis]
if cross_power:
pdat = corrf * 1e3
pdat = sp.sign(corrf) * sp.sqrt(abs(corrf)) * 1e3
return pdat
示例17: featurex
def featurex(self):
feature X:(c1, r1,c2,r2,c3,r3,...,#crrtness)
for sample in self.train_data:
for n in xrange(0,len(self.user)):
for sample in self.train_data:
for n in xrange(0,len(self.X)):
for m in xrange(0,len(self.questions.category)):
if self.X[n,m*2]>0.5:
示例18: north_direction
def north_direction(lat):
'''get the north direction relative to image positive y coordinate'''
dlatdx = nd.filters.sobel(lat,axis=1,mode='constant',cval=sp.nan) #gradient in x-direction
dlatdy = nd.filters.sobel(lat,axis=0,mode='constant',cval=sp.nan)
ydir = lat[-1,0] -lat[0,0] # check if latitude is ascending or descending in y axis
# same step might have to be done with x direction.
return sp.arctan2(dlatdx,dlatdy*sp.sign(ydir) )*180/sp.pi
示例19: PlotEigenvectors
def PlotEigenvectors(eigVects, net = None, title = None):
nEv = 3
nOv = len(eigVects[:,0])
for jj in range(nEv):
subplot(nEv, 1, jj+1)
if jj == 0 and title is not None:
bar(range(nOv), eigVects[:,jj]/scipy.linalg.norm(eigVects[:,jj]))
axis([-1, nOv] + axis()[2:])
if net is not None:
mags = zip(abs(eigVects[:,jj]), range(nOv), eigVects[:,jj])
for mag, index, val in mags[:5]:
name = net.optimizableVars[index].name
if name is None:
name = net.optimizableVars[index].id
text(index, val + scipy.sign(val)*0.05,
a = list(axis())
a[0:2] = [-.03*nOv, nOv*1.03]
a[2] -= 0.1
a[3] += 0.1
示例20: to_bool_array
def to_bool_array(self):
Returns a dense matrix (`scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`), which rows
represent the number of spike trains and the columns represent the
binned index position of a spike in a spike train.
The matrix columns contain **True**, which indicate a spike and
**False** for non spike.
bool matrix : numpy.ndarray
Returns a dense matrix representation of the sparse matrix,
with **True** indicating a spike and **False*** for
non spike.
The **Trues** in the columns represent the index
position of the spike in the spike train and rows represent the
number of spike trains.
>>> import elephant.conversion as conv
>>> import neo as n
>>> import quantities as pq
>>> a = n.SpikeTrain([0.5, 0.7, 1.2, 3.1, 4.3, 5.5, 6.7] * pq.s, t_stop=10.0 * pq.s)
>>> x = conv.BinnedSpikeTrain(a, num_bins=10, binsize=1 * pq.s, t_start=0 * pq.s)
>>> print(x.to_bool_array())
[[ True True False True True True True False False False]]
See also
return abs(scipy.sign(self.to_array())).astype(bool)
注:本文中的scipy.sign函数示例由纯净天空整理自Github/MSDocs等源码及文档管理平台,相关代码片段筛选自各路编程大神贡献的开源项目,源码版权归原作者所有,传播和使用请参考对应项目的License;未经允许,请勿转载。 |