本文整理汇总了Python中scipy.tile函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python tile函数的具体用法?Python tile怎么用?Python tile使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: sinc_interp1d
def sinc_interp1d(x, s, r):
"""Interpolates `x`, sampled at times `s`
Output `y` is sampled at times `r`
inspired from from Matlab:
:param ndarray x: input data time series
:param ndarray s: input sampling time series (regular sample interval)
:param ndarray r: output sampling time series
:return ndarray: output data time series (regular sample interval)
# init
s = sp.asarray(s)
r = sp.asarray(r)
x = sp.asarray(x)
if x.ndim == 1:
x = sp.atleast_2d(x)
if x.shape[0] == len(s):
x = x.T
if x.shape[1] != s.shape[0]:
raise ValueError('x and s must be same temporal extend')
if sp.allclose(s, r):
return x.T
T = s[1] - s[0]
# resample
sincM = sp.tile(r, (len(s), 1)) - sp.tile(s[:, sp.newaxis], (1, len(r)))
return sp.vstack([sp.dot(xx, sp.sinc(sincM / T)) for xx in x]).T
示例2: MakePulseDataRepLPC
def MakePulseDataRepLPC(pulse,spec,N,rep1,numtype = sp.complex128):
""" This will make data by assuming the data is an autoregressive process.
spec - The properly weighted spectrum.
N - The size of the ar process used to model the filter.
pulse - The pulse shape.
rep1 - The number of repeats of the process.
outdata - A numpy Array with the shape of the """
lp = len(pulse)
lenspec = len(spec)
r1 = scfft.ifft(scfft.ifftshift(spec))
rp1 = r1[:N]
rp2 = r1[1:N+1]
# Use Levinson recursion to find the coefs for the data
xr1 = sp.linalg.solve_toeplitz(rp1, rp2)
lpc = sp.r_[sp.ones(1), -xr1]
# The Gain term.
G = sp.sqrt(sp.sum(sp.conjugate(r1[:N+1])*lpc))
Gvec = sp.r_[G, sp.zeros(N)]
Npnt = (N+1)*3+lp
# Create the noise vector and normalize
xin = sp.random.randn(rep1, Npnt)+1j*sp.random.randn(rep1, Npnt)
xinsum = sp.tile(sp.sqrt(sp.mean(xin.real**2+xin.imag**2, axis=1))[:, sp.newaxis],(1, Npnt))
xin = xin/xinsum
outdata = sp.signal.lfilter(Gvec, lpc, xin, axis=1)
outpulse = sp.tile(pulse[sp.newaxis], (rep1, 1))
outdata = outpulse*outdata[:, 2*N:2*N+lp]
return outdata
示例3: phenSpecificEffects
def phenSpecificEffects(snps,pheno1,pheno2,K=None,covs=None,test='lrt'):
Univariate fixed effects interaction test for phenotype specific SNP effects
snps: [N x S] SP.array of S SNPs for N individuals (test SNPs)
pheno1: [N x 1] SP.array of 1 phenotype for N individuals
pheno2: [N x 1] SP.array of 1 phenotype for N individuals
K: [N x N] SP.array of LMM-covariance/kinship koefficients (optional)
If not provided, then linear regression analysis is performed
covs: [N x D] SP.array of D covariates for N individuals
test: 'lrt' for likelihood ratio test (default) or 'f' for F-test
limix LMM object
if K is None:
assert (pheno1.shape[1]==pheno2.shape[1]), "Only consider equal number of phenotype dimensions"
if covs is None:
covs = SP.ones(N,1)
assert (pheno1.shape[1]==1 and pheno2.shape[1]==1 and pheno1.shape[0]==N and pheno2.shape[0]==N and K.shape[0]==N and K.shape[1]==N and covs.shape[0]==N), "shapes missmatch"
Inter = SP.zeros((N*2,1))
Inter0 = SP.ones((N*2,1))
Xinter = SP.tile(snps,(2,1))
Covitner= SP.tile(covs(2,1))
lm = simple_interaction(snps=Xinter,pheno=Yinter,covs=Covinter,Inter=Inter,Inter0=Inter0,test=test)
return lm
示例4: MakePulseDataRep
def MakePulseDataRep(pulse_shape, filt_freq, delay=16,rep=1,numtype = sp.complex128):
""" This function will create a repxLp numpy array, where rep is number of independent
repeats and Lp is number of pulses, of noise shaped by the filter who's frequency
response is passed as the parameter filt_freq. The pulse shape is delayed by the parameter
delay into the data. The noise vector that will be multiplied by the filter's frequency
response will be zero mean complex white Gaussian noise with a power of 1. The user
then will need to multiply the filter by its size to get the desired power from using
the function.
pulse_shape: A numpy array that holds the shape of the single pulse.
filt_freq - a numpy array that holds the complex frequency response of the filter
that will be used to shape the noise data.
delay - The number of samples that the pulse will be delayed into the
array of noise data to avoid any problems with filter overlap.
rep - Number of indepent samples/pulses shaped by the filter.
numtype - The type of numbers used for the output.
data_out - A repxLp of data that has been shaped by the filter. Points along
The first axis are independent of each other while samples along the second
axis are colored using the filter and multiplied by the pulse shape.
npts = len(filt_freq)
filt_tile = sp.tile(filt_freq[sp.newaxis,:],(rep,1))
shaperep = sp.tile(pulse_shape[sp.newaxis,:],(rep,1))
noisereal = sp.random.randn(rep,npts).astype(numtype)
noiseimag = sp.random.randn(rep,npts).astype(numtype)
noise_vec =(noisereal+1j*noiseimag)/sp.sqrt(2.0)
# noise_vec = noisereal
mult_freq = filt_tile.astype(numtype)*noise_vec
data = scfft.ifft(mult_freq,axis=-1)
data_out = shaperep*data[:,delay:(delay+len(pulse_shape))]
return data_out
示例5: trueFeatureStats
def trueFeatureStats(T, R, fMap, discountFactor, stateProp=1, MAT_LIMIT=1e8):
""" Gather the statistics needed for LSTD,
assuming infinite data (true probabilities).
Option: if stateProp is < 1, then only a proportion of all
states will be seen as starting state for transitions """
dim = len(fMap)
numStates = len(T)
statMatrix = zeros((dim, dim))
statResidual = zeros(dim)
ss = range(numStates)
repVersion = False
if stateProp < 1:
ss = random.sample(ss, int(numStates * stateProp))
elif dim * numStates**2 < MAT_LIMIT:
repVersion = True
# two variants, depending on how large we can afford our matrices to become.
if repVersion:
tmp1 = tile(fMap, (numStates,1,1))
tmp2 = transpose(tmp1, (2,1,0))
tmp3 = tmp2 - discountFactor * tmp1
tmp4 = tile(T, (dim,1,1))
tmp4 *= transpose(tmp1, (1,2,0))
statMatrix = tensordot(tmp3, tmp4, axes=[[0,2], [1,2]]).T
statResidual = dot(R, dot(fMap, T).T)
for sto in ss:
tmp = fMap - discountFactor * repmat(fMap[:, sto], numStates, 1).T
tmp2 = fMap * repmat(T[:, sto], dim, 1)
statMatrix += dot(tmp2, tmp.T)
statResidual += R[sto] * dot(fMap, T[:, sto])
return statMatrix, statResidual
示例6: massmatrix_rowcols
def massmatrix_rowcols(complex,k):
Compute the row and column arrays in the COO
format of the Whitney form mass matrix
simplices = complex[-1].simplices
num_simplices = simplices.shape[0]
p = complex.complex_dimension()
if k == p:
#top dimension
rows = arange(num_simplices,dtype=simplices.dtype)
cols = arange(num_simplices,dtype=simplices.dtype)
return rows,cols
k_faces = [tuple(x) for x in combinations(range(p+1),k+1)]
faces_per_simplex = len(k_faces)
num_faces = num_simplices*faces_per_simplex
faces = empty((num_faces,k+1),dtype=simplices.dtype)
for n,face in enumerate(k_faces):
for m,i in enumerate(face):
faces[n::faces_per_simplex,m] = simplices[:,i]
#faces.sort() #we can't assume that the p-simplices are sorted
indices = simplex_array_searchsorted(complex[k].simplices,faces)
rows = tile(indices.reshape((-1,1)),(faces_per_simplex,)).flatten()
cols = tile(indices.reshape((-1,faces_per_simplex)),(faces_per_simplex,)).flatten()
return rows,cols
示例7: plot_results_interval
def plot_results_interval(twosample_interval_object, xlabel='Time/hr', ylabel='expression level', title="", legend=False, *args, **kwargs):
Plot results of resampling of a (subclass of)
This method will predict some data new, for plotting purpose.
twosample_interval_object: :py:class:`gptwosample.twosample.interval_smooth`
The GPTwosample resample object, from which to take the results.
predicted_indicators = twosample_interval_object.get_predicted_indicators()
model_dist,Xp = twosample_interval_object.get_predicted_model_distribution()
IS = SP.tile(~predicted_indicators, twosample_interval_object._n_replicates_ind)
IJ = SP.tile(predicted_indicators, twosample_interval_object._n_replicates_comm)
# predict GPTwoSample object with indicators as interval_indices
if(IS.any() and IJ.any()):
interval_indices={individual_id:IS, common_id:IJ}, messages=False)
interval_indices={individual_id:IS, common_id:IJ})
#now plot stuff
ax1 = PL.axes([0.15, 0.1, 0.8, 0.7])
legend=legend,#interval_indices={individual_id:IS, common_id:IJ},
title="", *args, **kwargs)
PL.xlim([Xp.min(), Xp.max()])
yticks = ax1.get_yticks()[0:-1]
data = twosample_interval_object._twosample_object.get_data(common_id)
Ymax = data[1].max()
Ymin = data[1].min()
DY = Ymax - Ymin
PL.ylim([Ymin - 0.1 * DY, Ymax + 0.1 * DY])
#2nd. plot prob. of diff
ax2 = PL.axes([0.15, 0.8, 0.8, 0.10], sharex=ax1)
PL.plot(Xp, model_dist, 'k-', linewidth=2)
# PL.yticks([0.0,0.5,1.0])
#horizontal bar
PL.axhline(linewidth=0.5, color='#aaaaaa', y=0.5)
PL.ylim([0, 1])
PL.setp(ax2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
示例8: _LMLgrad_covar
def _LMLgrad_covar(self,hyperparams,debugging=False):
evaluates the gradient of the log marginal likelihood with respect to the
hyperparameters of the covariance function
KV = self.get_covariances(hyperparams,debugging=debugging)
except LA.LinAlgError:
LG.error('linalg exception in _LMLgrad_covar')
return {'covar_r':SP.zeros(len(hyperparams['covar_r'])),'covar_c':SP.zeros(len(hyperparams['covar_c'])),'covar_r':SP.zeros(len(hyperparams['covar_r']))}
except ValueError:
LG.error('value error in _LMLgrad_covar')
return {'covar_r':SP.zeros(len(hyperparams['covar_r'])),'covar_c':SP.zeros(len(hyperparams['covar_c'])),'covar_r':SP.zeros(len(hyperparams['covar_r']))}
RV = {}
Si = unravel(1./KV['S'],self.n,self.t)
if 'covar_r' in hyperparams:
theta = SP.zeros(len(hyperparams['covar_r']))
for i in range(len(theta)):
Kgrad_r = self.covar_r.Kgrad_theta(hyperparams['covar_r'],i)
LMLgrad_det = SP.dot(d,SP.dot(Si,KV['S_c']))
UdKU = SP.dot(KV['U_r'].T,SP.dot(Kgrad_r,KV['U_r']))
SYUdKU = SP.dot(UdKU,(KV['Ytilde']*SP.tile(KV['S_c'][SP.newaxis,:],(self.n,1))))
LMLgrad_quad = - (KV['Ytilde']*SYUdKU).sum()
LMLgrad = 0.5*(LMLgrad_det + LMLgrad_quad)
theta[i] = LMLgrad
if debugging:
Kd = SP.kron(KV['K_c'], Kgrad_r)
_LMLgrad = 0.5 * (KV['W']*Kd).sum()
assert SP.allclose(LMLgrad,_LMLgrad), 'ouch, gradient is wrong for covar_r'
RV['covar_r'] = theta
if 'covar_c' in hyperparams:
theta = SP.zeros(len(hyperparams['covar_c']))
for i in range(len(theta)):
Kgrad_c = self.covar_c.Kgrad_theta(hyperparams['covar_c'],i)
LMLgrad_det = SP.dot(KV['S_r'],SP.dot(Si,d))
UdKU = SP.dot(KV['U_c'].T,SP.dot(Kgrad_c,KV['U_c']))
SYUdKU = SP.dot((KV['Ytilde']*SP.tile(KV['S_r'][:,SP.newaxis],(1,self.t))),UdKU.T)
LMLgrad_quad = -SP.sum(KV['Ytilde']*SYUdKU)
LMLgrad = 0.5*(LMLgrad_det + LMLgrad_quad)
theta[i] = LMLgrad
if debugging:
Kd = SP.kron(Kgrad_c, KV['K_r'])
_LMLgrad = 0.5 * (KV['W']*Kd).sum()
assert SP.allclose(LMLgrad,_LMLgrad), 'ouch, gradient is wrong for covar_c'
RV['covar_c'] = theta
return RV
示例9: regular_cube_innerproduct
def regular_cube_innerproduct(rcc,k):
For a given regular_cube_complex, compute a matrix
representing the k-form innerproduct.
These elements are similar to Whitney forms,
except using standard linear (bilinear,trilinear,..)
elements for 0-forms.
N = rcc.complex_dimension()
#standard cube is [0,0,..,0] [0,1,...,N]
standard_cube = atleast_2d(array([0]*N + range(N),dtype='i'))
standard_k_faces = standard_cube
for i in range(N,k,-1):
standard_k_faces = cube_array_boundary(standard_k_faces,i)[0]
k_faces_per_cube = standard_k_faces.shape[0]
K = zeros((k_faces_per_cube,k_faces_per_cube)) #local stiffness matrix
h = 1
V = h**N #cube volume
scale = V * (1/h)**2 * (1/3.0)**(N-k)
for i,row_i in enumerate(standard_k_faces):
for j,row_j in enumerate(standard_k_faces):
if all(row_i[N:] == row_j[N:]):
differences = (row_i[:N] != row_j[:N])
differences[row_i[N:]] = 0
K[i,j] = scale * (1.0/2.0)**sum(differences)
K[i,j] = 0
CA = rcc[-1].cube_array[:,:N]
num_cubes = CA.shape[0]
k_faces = tile(hstack((CA,zeros((CA.shape[0],k),dtype=CA.dtype))),(1,k_faces_per_cube)).reshape((-1,N+k))
k_faces += tile(standard_k_faces,(num_cubes,1))
k_face_array = rcc[k].cube_array
face_indices = cube_array_search(k_face_array,k_faces)
rows = face_indices.repeat(k_faces_per_cube)
cols = face_indices.reshape((-1,k_faces_per_cube)).repeat(k_faces_per_cube,axis=0).reshape((-1,))
data = K.reshape((1,-1)).repeat(num_cubes,axis=0).reshape((-1,))
# temporary memory cost solution - eliminate zeros from COO representation
nz_mask = data != 0.0
rows = rows[nz_mask]
cols = cols[nz_mask]
data = data[nz_mask]
shape = (len(k_face_array),len(k_face_array))
return coo_matrix( (data,(rows,cols)), shape).tocsr()
示例10: plot_stoch_value
def plot_stoch_value():
#Compute Solution==========================================================
sigma = .5
mu = 4*sigma
K = 7
Gamma, eps = discretenorm.discretenorm(K,mu,sigma)
N = 100
W = sp.linspace(0,1,N)
V = sp.zeros((N,K))
u = lambda c: sp.sqrt(c)
beta = 0.99
X,Y= sp.meshgrid(W,W)
Wdiff = Y-X
index = Wdiff < 0
Wdiff[index] = 0
util_grid = u(Wdiff)
util3 = sp.tile(util_grid[:,:,sp.newaxis],(1,1,K))
eps_grid = eps[sp.newaxis,sp.newaxis,:]
eps_util = eps_grid*util3
Gamma_grid = Gamma[sp.newaxis,:]
delta = 1
Vprime = V
z = 0
while (delta > 10**-9):
z= z+1
V = Vprime
gamV = Gamma_grid*V
Expval = sp.sum(gamV,1)
Exp_grid = sp.tile(Expval[sp.newaxis,:,sp.newaxis],(N,1,K))
arg = eps_util+beta*Exp_grid
arg[index] = -10^10
Vprime = sp.amax(arg,1)
psi_ind = sp.argmax(arg,1)
psi = W[psi_ind]
delta = sp.linalg.norm(Vprime - V)
#Plot 3D
fig1 = plt.figure()
ax1= Axes3D(fig1)
ax1.plot_surface(W[X],Y,sp.transpose(Vprime), cmap=cm.coolwarm)
示例11: krondiag
def krondiag(v1,v2):
"""calcualte diagonal of kronecker(diag(v1),diag(v2)))
note that this returns a non-flattened matrix
M1 = SP.tile(v1[:,SP.newaxis],[1,v2.shape[0]])
M2 = SP.tile(v2[SP.newaxis,:],[v1.shape[0],1])
M1 *= M2
#RV = (M1).ravel()
#r=SP.kron(SP.diag(v1), SP.diag(v2)).diagonal()
return M1
示例12: _gradQuadrForm
def _gradQuadrForm(self, hyperparams,dK,columns =True ):
"""derivative of the quadtratic form w.r.t. kernel derivative matrix (dK)"""
KV = self.get_covariances(hyperparams)
Si = KV['Si']
Ytilde = (KV['YSi'])
if columns:
UdKU = SP.dot(KV['Uc'].T,SP.dot(dK,KV['Uc']))
SYUdKU = SP.dot((Ytilde*SP.tile(KV['Sr'][:,SP.newaxis],(1,Ytilde.shape[1]))),UdKU.T)
UdKU = SP.dot(KV['Ur'].T,SP.dot(dK,KV['Ur']))
SYUdKU = SP.dot(UdKU,(Ytilde*SP.tile(KV['Sc'][SP.newaxis,:],(Ytilde.shape[0],1))))
return -SP.dot(Ytilde.ravel(),SYUdKU.ravel())
示例13: _gradQuadrFormX
def _gradQuadrFormX(self, hyperparams,dKx,columns =True ):
"""derivative of the quadtratic form with.r.t. covarianceparameters for row or column covariance"""
KV = self.get_covariances(hyperparams)
Ytilde = (KV['YSi'])
if columns:
UYS = UY*SP.tile(KV['Sr'][SP.newaxis,:],(Ytilde.shape[1],1))
UYS = UY*SP.tile(KV['Sc'][SP.newaxis,:],(Ytilde.shape[0],1))
return -2.0*trUYSYUdK
示例14: MNEfit
def MNEfit(stim,resp,order):
# in order for dlogloss to work, we need to know -<g(yt(n),xt)>data
# == calculate the constrained averages over the data set
Nsamples = sp.size(stim,0)
Ndim = sp.size(stim,1)
psp = sp.mean(sp.mean(resp)) #spike probability (first constraint)
avg = (1.0*stim.T*resp)/(Nsamples*1.0)
avgs = sp.vstack((psp,avg))
if(order > 1):
avgsqrd = (stim.T*1.0)*(sp.array(sp.tile(resp,(1,Ndim)))*sp.array(stim))/(Nsamples*1.0)
avgsqrd = sp.reshape(avgsqrd,(Ndim**2,1))
avgs = sp.vstack((avgs,avgsqrd))
#initialize params:
pstart = sp.log(1/avgs[0,0] - 1)
pstart = sp.hstack((pstart,(.001*(2*sp.random.rand(Ndim)-1))))
if(order > 1):
temp = .0005*(2*sp.random.rand(Ndim,Ndim)-1)
pstart = sp.hstack((pstart,sp.reshape(temp+temp.T,(1,Ndim**2))[0]))
#redefine functions with fixed vals:
def logLoss(p):
return LLF.log_loss(p, stim, resp, order)
def dlogLoss(p):
return LLF.d_log_loss(p, stim, avgs, order)
#run the function:
#pfinal = opt.fmin_tnc(logLoss,pstart,fprime=dlogLoss)
# conjugate-gradient:
pfinal = opt.fmin_cg(logLoss,pstart,fprime=dlogLoss)
#pfinal = opt.fmin(logLoss,pstart,fprime=dlogLoss)
return pfinal
示例15: _non_dominated_front_arr
def _non_dominated_front_arr(iterable, key=lambda x: x, allowequality=True):
"""Return a subset of items from iterable which are not dominated by any
other item in iterable.
Faster version, based on boolean matrix manipulations.
items = list(iterable)
fits = map(key, items)
l = len(items)
x = array(fits)
a = tile(x, (l, 1, 1))
b = a.transpose((1, 0, 2))
if allowequality:
ndom = sum(a <= b, axis=2)
ndom = sum(a < b, axis=2)
ndom = array(ndom, dtype=bool)
res = set()
for ii in range(l):
for ij in list(res):
if ii == ij:
if not ndom[ij, ii]:
elif not ndom[ii, ij]:
return set(map(lambda i: items[i], res))
示例16: Problem1Real
def Problem1Real():
beta = 0.9;
T = 10;
N = 100;
u = lambda c: sp.sqrt(c);
W = sp.linspace(0,1,N);
X, Y = sp.meshgrid(W,W);
Wdiff = Y-X
index = Wdiff <0;
Wdiff[index] = 0;
util_grid = u(Wdiff);
util_grid[index] = -10**10;
V = sp.zeros((N,T+2));
psi = sp.zeros((N,T+1));
for k in xrange(T,-1,-1):
val = util_grid + beta*sp.tile(sp.transpose(V[:,k+1]),(N,1));
vt = sp.amax(val, axis = 1);
psi_ind = sp.argmax(val,axis = 1)
V[:,k] = vt;
psi[:,k] = W[psi_ind];
return V,psi
示例17: _sig_surface
def _sig_surface(self, siglevel):
Significance surface for plotting.
sig = wave_signif(self, siglevel, lag1(self.series))
sig = sp.tile(sig, (len(self.series), 1)).T
return sig
示例18: center_on_cos
def center_on_cos(raw_quadratures, phi0=None, omega=None, snap_omega=False):
mean = scipy.average(raw_quadratures, axis=1)
no_angles, no_pulses = raw_quadratures.shape
model = Model(cos_model)
offset, amplitude, phi0, omega = guess_initial_parameters(mean, phi0, omega)
model.set_param_hint("offset", value=offset)
model.set_param_hint("amplitude", min=0., value=amplitude)
model.set_param_hint("phi0", value=phi0)
model.set_param_hint("omega", min=0., value=omega)
steps = scipy.arange(no_angles)
res = model.fit(mean, x=steps, verbose=False)
omega_param = res.params["omega"]
if snap_omega:
appx_omega = float(omega_param)
no_pi_intervals = int(round(pi/appx_omega))
omega = pi/no_pi_intervals
omega_param.set(omega, vary=False)
res.fit(mean, x=steps, verbose=False)
d_value, p_value_ks = kstest(res.residual, 'norm')
mean_fit = res.eval(x=steps)
offset = mean-mean_fit
aligned_quadratures = raw_quadratures - scipy.tile(offset, (no_pulses, 1)).T
centered_quadratures = aligned_quadratures - float(res.params["offset"])
return (centered_quadratures,
float(omega_param), float(res.params["phi0"]), p_value_ks)
示例19: make_batches
def make_batches(data, labels=None, batch_size=100):
if labels is not None:
num_labels = labels.shape[1]
cls_data = [data[find(labels[:,i] == 1)] for i in range(num_labels)]
cls_sizes = [d.shape[0] for d in cls_data]
cls_sels = [permutation(range(s)) for s in cls_sizes]
n = min(cls_sizes) * len(cls_sizes)
batch_size = min(n, batch_size)
lpb = batch_size / num_labels
new_dat = []
for i in range(n/batch_size):
for sel, cd in zip(cls_sels, cls_data):
if sparse.issparse(data):
data = sparse.vstack(new_dat).tocsr()
data = np.vstack(new_dat)
labels = np.tile(np.repeat(np.eye(num_labels),lpb,0), (n/batch_size,1))
n = len(labels)
perm = range(n)
n = data.shape[0]
perm = permutation(range(n))
i = 0
while i < n:
batch = perm[i:i+batch_size]
i += batch_size
yield (data[batch], None) if labels is None else (data[batch], labels[batch])
示例20: con2vert
def con2vert(A, b):
Convert sets of constraints to a list of vertices (of the feasible region).
If the shape is open, con2vert returns False for the closed property.
# Python implementation of con2vert.m by Michael Kleder (July 2005),
# available: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/7894
# -con2vert-constraints-to-vertices
# Author: Michael Kelder (Original)
# Andre Campher (Python implementation)
c = linalg.lstsq(mat(A), mat(b))[0]
btmp = mat(b)-mat(A)*c
D = mat(A)/matlib.repmat(btmp, 1, A.shape[1])
fmatv = qhull(D, "Ft") #vertices on facets
G = zeros((fmatv.shape[0], D.shape[1]))
for ix in range(0, fmatv.shape[0]):
F = D[fmatv[ix, :], :].squeeze()
G[ix, :] = linalg.lstsq(F, ones((F.shape[0], 1)))[0].transpose()
V = G + matlib.repmat(c.transpose(), G.shape[0], 1)
ux = uniqm(V)
eps = 1e-13
Av = dot(A, ux.T)
bv = tile(b, (1, ux.shape[0]))
closed = sciall(Av - bv <= eps)
return ux, closed
注:本文中的scipy.tile函数示例由纯净天空整理自Github/MSDocs等源码及文档管理平台,相关代码片段筛选自各路编程大神贡献的开源项目,源码版权归原作者所有,传播和使用请参考对应项目的License;未经允许,请勿转载。 |