def repo_remove_share(request):
If repo is shared from one person to another person, only these two peson
can remove share.
If repo is shared from one person to a group, then only the one share the
repo and group staff can remove share.
repo_id = request.GET.get('repo_id', '')
group_id = request.GET.get('gid', '')
from_email = request.GET.get('from', '')
if not is_valid_username(from_email):
return render_error(request, _(u'Argument is not valid'))
username = request.user.username
# if request params don't have 'gid', then remove repos that share to
# to other person; else, remove repos that share to groups
if not group_id:
to_email = request.GET.get('to', '')
if not is_valid_username(to_email):
return render_error(request, _(u'Argument is not valid'))
if username != from_email and username != to_email:
return render_permission_error(request, _(u'Failed to remove share'))
if is_org_context(request):
org_id =
org_remove_share(org_id, repo_id, from_email, to_email)
seaserv.remove_share(repo_id, from_email, to_email)
group_id = int(group_id)
return render_error(request, _(u'group id is not valid'))
group = seaserv.get_group(group_id)
if not group:
return render_error(request, _(u"Failed to unshare: the group doesn't exist."))
if not seaserv.check_group_staff(group_id, username) \
and username != from_email:
return render_permission_error(request, _(u'Failed to remove share'))
if is_org_group(group_id):
org_id = get_org_id_by_group(group_id)
del_org_group_repo(repo_id, org_id, group_id)
seafile_api.unset_group_repo(repo_id, group_id, from_email)
messages.success(request, _('Successfully removed share'))
next = request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', SITE_ROOT)
return HttpResponseRedirect(next)
示例2: repo_remove_share
def repo_remove_share(request):
If repo is shared from one person to another person, only these two peson
can remove share.
If repo is shared from one person to a group, then only the one share the
repo and group staff can remove share.
repo_id = request.GET.get('repo_id', '')
group_id = request.GET.get('gid', '')
from_email = request.GET.get('from', '')
if not is_valid_username(from_email):
return render_error(request, _(u'Argument is not valid'))
# if request params don't have 'gid', then remove repos that share to
# to other person; else, remove repos that share to groups
if not group_id:
to_email = request.GET.get('to', '')
if not is_valid_username(to_email):
return render_error(request, _(u'Argument is not valid'))
if request.user.username != from_email and \
request.user.username != to_email:
return render_permission_error(request, _(u'Failed to remove share'))
remove_share(repo_id, from_email, to_email)
group_id_int = int(group_id)
return render_error(request, _(u'group id is not valid'))
if not check_group_staff(group_id_int, request.user.username) \
and request.user.username != from_email:
return render_permission_error(request, _(u'Failed to remove share'))
if is_org_group(group_id_int):
org_id = get_org_id_by_group(group_id_int)
del_org_group_repo(repo_id, org_id, group_id_int)
from import group_unshare_repo
group_unshare_repo(request, repo_id, group_id_int, from_email)
messages.success(request, _('Successfully removed share'))
next = request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', None)
if not next:
next = SITE_ROOT
return HttpResponseRedirect(next)
示例3: org_group_remove
def org_group_remove(request, url_prefix, group_id):
# Request header may missing HTTP_REFERER, we need to handle that case.
next = request.META.get("HTTP_REFERER", None)
if not next:
next = seahub_settings.SITE_ROOT
group_id_int = int(group_id)
except ValueError:
return HttpResponseRedirect(next)
# Check whether is the org group.
org_id = get_org_id_by_group(group_id_int)
if["org_id"] != org_id:
return render_permission_error(
_(u"This group doesn't belong to current organazation"),
extra_ctx={"org":, "base_template": "org_base.html"},
ccnet_threaded_rpc.remove_group(group_id_int, request.user.username)
seafserv_threaded_rpc.remove_repo_group(group_id_int, None)
ccnet_threaded_rpc.remove_org_group(org_id, group_id_int)
except SearpcError, e:
return render_error(request, e.msg, extra_ctx={"org":, "base_template": "org_base.html"})
示例4: group_dismiss
def group_dismiss(request, group_id):
Dismiss a group, only group staff can perform this operation.
next = request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', None)
if not next:
next = SITE_ROOT
group_id_int = int(group_id)
except ValueError:
return HttpResponseRedirect(next)
# Check whether user is group staff
user = request.user.username
if not ccnet_threaded_rpc.check_group_staff(group_id_int, user):
return render_permission_error(request, _(u'Only administrators can dismiss the group'))
ccnet_threaded_rpc.remove_group(group_id_int, user)
seafserv_threaded_rpc.remove_repo_group(group_id_int, None)
org_id =['org_id']
url_prefix =['url_prefix']
ccnet_threaded_rpc.remove_org_group(org_id, group_id_int)
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('org_groups',
except SearpcError, e:
return render_error(request, _(e.msg))
def repo_history(request, repo_id):
List library modification histories.
user_perm = check_folder_permission(request, repo_id, '/')
if not user_perm:
return render_permission_error(request, _(u'Unable to view library modification'))
repo = get_repo(repo_id)
if not repo:
raise Http404
username = request.user.username
server_crypto = UserOptions.objects.is_server_crypto(username)
except CryptoOptionNotSetError:
# Assume server_crypto is ``False`` if this option is not set.
server_crypto = False
password_set = False
if repo.props.encrypted and \
(repo.enc_version == 1 or (repo.enc_version == 2 and server_crypto)):
ret = seafserv_rpc.is_passwd_set(repo_id, username)
if ret == 1:
password_set = True
except SearpcError, e:
return render_error(request, e.msg)
if not password_set:
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("view_common_lib_dir", args=[repo_id, '']))
示例6: repo_recycle_view
def repo_recycle_view(request, repo_id):
if not seafile_api.get_dir_id_by_path(repo_id, '/') or \
check_folder_permission(request, repo_id, '/') != 'rw':
return render_permission_error(request, _(u'Unable to view recycle page'))
commit_id = request.GET.get('commit_id', '')
if not commit_id:
return render_recycle_root(request, repo_id)
return render_recycle_dir(request, repo_id, commit_id)
def group_unshare_repo(request, repo_id, group_id, from_email):
Unshare a repo in group.
# Check whether group exists
group = get_group(group_id)
if not group:
return render_error(request, _(u"Failed to unshare: the group doesn't exist."))
# Check whether user is group staff or the one share the repo
if not check_group_staff(group_id, from_email) and \
seafserv_threaded_rpc.get_group_repo_owner(repo_id) != from_email:
return render_permission_error(request, _(u"Operation failed: only administrators and the owner of the library can unshare it."))
if seafserv_threaded_rpc.group_unshare_repo(repo_id, group_id, from_email) != 0:
return render_error(request, _(u"Failed to unshare: internal error."))
def group_remove(request, group_id):
Remove group from groupadmin page. Only system admin can perform this
# Check whether user is system admin.
if not request.user.is_staff:
return render_permission_error(request, _(u'Only administrators can delete the group.'))
# Request header may missing HTTP_REFERER, we need to handle that case.
next = request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', None)
if not next:
next = SITE_ROOT
group_id_int = int(group_id)
except ValueError:
return HttpResponseRedirect(next)
ccnet_threaded_rpc.remove_group(group_id_int, request.user.username)
seafserv_threaded_rpc.remove_repo_group(group_id_int, None)
except SearpcError, e:
return render_error(request, _(e.msg))
def view_file(request, repo_id):
Steps to view file:
1. Get repo id and file path.
2. Check user's permission.
3. Check whether this file can be viewed online.
4.1 Get file content if file is text file.
4.2 Prepare flash if file is document.
4.3 Prepare or use pdfjs if file is pdf.
4.4 Other file return it's raw path.
username = request.user.username
# check arguments
repo = get_repo(repo_id)
if not repo:
raise Http404
path = request.GET.get("p", "/").rstrip("/")
obj_id = get_file_id_by_path(repo_id, path)
if not obj_id:
return render_error(request, _(u"File does not exist"))
# construct some varibles
u_filename = os.path.basename(path)
current_commit = get_commits(repo_id, 0, 1)[0]
# Check whether user has permission to view file and get file raw path,
# render error page if permission deny.
raw_path, inner_path, user_perm = get_file_view_path_and_perm(request, repo_id, obj_id, path)
if not user_perm:
return render_permission_error(request, _(u"Unable to view file"))
# check if the user is the owner or not, for 'private share'
if is_org_context(request):
repo_owner = seafile_api.get_org_repo_owner(
is_repo_owner = True if repo_owner == username else False
is_repo_owner = seafile_api.is_repo_owner(username,
# get file type and extension
filetype, fileext = get_file_type_and_ext(u_filename)
img_prev = None
img_next = None
ret_dict = {
"err": "",
"file_content": "",
"encoding": "",
"file_enc": "",
"file_encoding_list": [],
"html_exists": False,
"filetype": filetype,
fsize = get_file_size(repo.store_id, repo.version, obj_id)
exceeds_limit, err_msg = file_size_exceeds_preview_limit(fsize, filetype)
if exceeds_limit:
ret_dict["err"] = err_msg
"""Choose different approach when dealing with different type of file."""
if is_textual_file(file_type=filetype):
handle_textual_file(request, filetype, inner_path, ret_dict)
if filetype == MARKDOWN:
c = ret_dict["file_content"]
ret_dict["file_content"] = convert_md_link(c, repo_id, username)
elif filetype == DOCUMENT:
handle_document(inner_path, obj_id, fileext, ret_dict)
elif filetype == SPREADSHEET:
handle_spreadsheet(inner_path, obj_id, fileext, ret_dict)
elif filetype == OPENDOCUMENT:
if fsize == 0:
ret_dict["err"] = _(u"Invalid file format.")
elif filetype == PDF:
handle_pdf(inner_path, obj_id, fileext, ret_dict)
elif filetype == IMAGE:
parent_dir = os.path.dirname(path)
dirs = seafile_api.list_dir_by_commit_and_path(current_commit.repo_id,, parent_dir)
if not dirs:
raise Http404
img_list = []
for dirent in dirs:
if not stat.S_ISDIR(dirent.props.mode):
fltype, flext = get_file_type_and_ext(dirent.obj_name)
if fltype == "Image":
if len(img_list) > 1:
img_list.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.lower(), y.lower()))
cur_img_index = img_list.index(u_filename)
if cur_img_index != 0:
img_prev = posixpath.join(parent_dir, img_list[cur_img_index - 1])
if cur_img_index != len(img_list) - 1:
img_next = posixpath.join(parent_dir, img_list[cur_img_index + 1])
# generate file path navigator
zipped = gen_path_link(path,
示例15: org_repo_share
def org_repo_share(request, url_prefix):
Share org repo to members or groups in current org.
if request.method != "POST":
raise Http404
org = get_user_current_org(request.user.username, url_prefix)
if not org:
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse(myhome))
form = RepoShareForm(request.POST)
if not form.is_valid():
# TODO: may display error msg on form
raise Http404
email_or_group = form.cleaned_data["email_or_group"]
repo_id = form.cleaned_data["repo_id"]
permission = form.cleaned_data["permission"]
from_email = request.user.username
# Test whether user is the repo owner
if not validate_org_repo_owner(org.org_id, repo_id, request.user.username):
return render_permission_error(
_(u"Only the owner of this library has permission to share it."),
extra_ctx={"org": org, "base_template": "org_base.html"},
share_to_list = string2list(email_or_group)
for share_to in share_to_list:
if share_to == "all":
""" Share to public """
seafserv_threaded_rpc.set_org_inner_pub_repo(org.org_id, repo_id, permission)
msg = _(u"Failed to share to all members")
messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, msg)
msg = _(u'Shared to all members successfully, you can go check it at <a href="%s">Share</a>.') % (
reverse("org_shareadmin", args=[org.url_prefix])
messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, msg)
elif share_to.find("@") == -1:
""" Share repo to group """
# TODO: if we know group id, then we can simplly call group_share_repo
group_name = share_to
# Get all org groups.
groups = get_org_groups(org.org_id, -1, -1)
find = False
for group in groups:
# for every group that user joined, if group name and
# group creator matchs, then has finded the group
if group.props.group_name == group_name:
seafserv_threaded_rpc.add_org_group_repo(repo_id, org.org_id,, from_email, permission)
find = True
msg = _(
u'Shared to %(group)s successfully,you can go check it at <a href="%(share)s">Share</a>.'
) % {"group": group_name, "share": reverse("org_shareadmin", args=[org.url_prefix])}
messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, msg)
if not find:
msg = _(u"Failed to share to %s.") % group_name
messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, msg)
""" Share repo to user """
# Test whether share_to is in this org
if not org_user_exists(org.org_id, share_to):
msg = _(u"Failed to share to %s: this user does not exist in the organization.") % share_to
messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, msg)
# Record share info to db.
seafserv_threaded_rpc.add_share(repo_id, from_email, share_to, permission)
msg = _(
u'Shared to %(share_to)s successfully,you can go check it at <a href="%(share)s">Share</a>.'
) % {"share_to": share_to, "share": reverse("org_shareadmin", args=[org.url_prefix])}
messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, msg)
except SearpcError, e:
msg = _(u"Failed to share to %s.") % share_to
messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, msg)
示例16: view_file
def view_file(request, repo_id):
Steps to view file:
1. Get repo id and file path.
2. Check user's permission.
3. Check whether this file can be viewed online.
4.1 Get file content if file is text file.
4.2 Prepare flash if file is document.
4.3 Prepare or use pdfjs if file is pdf.
4.4 Other file return it's raw path.
username = request.user.username
# check arguments
repo = get_repo(repo_id)
if not repo:
raise Http404
path = request.GET.get("p", "/")
obj_id = get_file_id_by_path(repo_id, path)
if not obj_id:
return render_error(request, _(u"File does not exist"))
# construct some varibles
u_filename = os.path.basename(path)
filename_utf8 = urllib2.quote(u_filename.encode("utf-8"))
current_commit = get_commits(repo_id, 0, 1)[0]
# Check whether user has permission to view file and get file raw path,
# render error page if permission is deny.
raw_path, user_perm = get_file_view_path_and_perm(request, repo_id, obj_id, u_filename)
if not user_perm:
return render_permission_error(request, _(u"Unable to view file"))
# get file type and extension
filetype, fileext = get_file_type_and_ext(u_filename)
img_prev = None
img_next = None
ret_dict = {
"err": "",
"file_content": "",
"encoding": "",
"file_enc": "",
"file_encoding_list": [],
"swf_exists": False,
"filetype": filetype,
# Check file size
fsize = get_file_size(obj_id)
from django.template.defaultfilters import filesizeformat
err = _(u"File size surpasses %s, can not be opened online.") % filesizeformat(FILE_PREVIEW_MAX_SIZE)
ret_dict["err"] = err
"""Choose different approach when dealing with different type of file."""
if is_textual_file(file_type=filetype):
handle_textual_file(request, filetype, raw_path, ret_dict)
if filetype == MARKDOWN:
c = ret_dict["file_content"]
ret_dict["file_content"] = convert_md_link(c, repo_id, username)
elif filetype == DOCUMENT:
handle_document(raw_path, obj_id, fileext, ret_dict)
elif filetype == PDF:
handle_pdf(raw_path, obj_id, fileext, ret_dict)
elif filetype == IMAGE:
parent_dir = os.path.dirname(path)
dirs = list_dir_by_path(, parent_dir)
if not dirs:
raise Http404
img_list = []
for dirent in dirs:
if not stat.S_ISDIR(dirent.props.mode):
fltype, flext = get_file_type_and_ext(dirent.obj_name)
if fltype == "Image":
if len(img_list) > 1:
img_list.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.lower(), y.lower()))
cur_img_index = img_list.index(u_filename)
if cur_img_index != 0:
img_prev = os.path.join(parent_dir, img_list[cur_img_index - 1])
if cur_img_index != len(img_list) - 1:
img_next = os.path.join(parent_dir, img_list[cur_img_index + 1])
# generate file path navigator
zipped = gen_path_link(path,
# file shared link
l = FileShare.objects.filter(repo_id=repo_id).filter(username=username).filter(path=path)
fileshare = l[0] if len(l) > 0 else None
http_or_https = request.is_secure() and "https" or "http"
domain = RequestSite(request).domain
if fileshare:
file_shared_link = gen_shared_link(request, fileshare.token, "f")
示例17: file_edit
def file_edit(request, repo_id):
repo = get_repo(repo_id)
if not repo:
raise Http404
if request.method == 'POST':
return file_edit_submit(request, repo_id)
if get_user_permission(request, repo_id) != 'rw':
return render_permission_error(request, _(u'Unable to edit file'))
path = request.GET.get('p', '/')
if path[-1] == '/':
path = path[:-1]
u_filename = os.path.basename(path)
filename = urllib2.quote(u_filename.encode('utf-8'))
head_id = repo.head_cmmt_id
obj_id = get_file_id_by_path(repo_id, path)
if not obj_id:
return render_error(request, _(u'The file does not exist.'))
token = web_get_access_token(repo_id, obj_id, 'view', request.user.username)
# generate path and link
zipped = gen_path_link(path,
filetype, fileext = get_file_type_and_ext(filename)
op = None
err = ''
file_content = None
encoding = None
file_encoding_list = FILE_ENCODING_LIST
if filetype == TEXT or filetype == MARKDOWN or filetype == SF:
if repo.encrypted:
repo.password_set = seafserv_rpc.is_passwd_set(repo_id, request.user.username)
if not repo.password_set:
op = 'decrypt'
if not op:
raw_path = gen_file_get_url(token, filename)
file_enc = request.GET.get('file_enc', 'auto')
if not file_enc in FILE_ENCODING_LIST:
file_enc = 'auto'
err, file_content, encoding = repo_file_get(raw_path, file_enc)
if encoding and encoding not in FILE_ENCODING_LIST:
err = _(u'Edit online is not offered for this type of file.')
# Redirect to different place according to from page when user click
# cancel button on file edit page.
cancel_url = reverse('repo_view_file', args=[]) + '?p=' + urlquote(path)
page_from = request.GET.get('from', '')
gid = request.GET.get('gid', '')
wiki_name = os.path.splitext(u_filename)[0]
if page_from == 'wiki_page_edit' or page_from == 'wiki_page_new':
cancel_url = reverse('group_wiki', args=[gid, wiki_name])
elif page_from == 'personal_wiki_page_edit' or page_from == 'personal_wiki_page_new':
cancel_url = reverse('personal_wiki', args=[wiki_name])
search_repo_id = None
if not repo.encrypted:
search_repo_id =
return render_to_response('file_edit.html', {
'wiki_name': wiki_name,
'encoding': encoding,
'head_id': head_id,
'from': page_from,
'gid': gid,
'cancel_url': cancel_url,
'search_repo_id': search_repo_id,
}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def view_file(request, repo_id):
Steps to view file:
1. Get repo id and file path.
2. Check user's permission.
3. Check whether this file can be viewed online.
4.1 Get file content if file is text file.
4.2 Prepare flash if file is document.
4.3 Prepare or use pdfjs if file is pdf.
4.4 Other file return it's raw path.
username = request.user.username
# check arguments
repo = get_repo(repo_id)
if not repo:
raise Http404
path = request.GET.get('p', '/')
obj_id = get_file_id_by_path(repo_id, path)
if not obj_id:
return render_error(request, _(u'File does not exist'))
# construct some varibles
u_filename = os.path.basename(path)
current_commit = get_commits(repo_id, 0, 1)[0]
# Check whether user has permission to view file and get file raw path,
# render error page if permission is deny.
raw_path, user_perm = get_file_view_path_and_perm(request, repo_id,
obj_id, u_filename)
if not user_perm:
return render_permission_error(request, _(u'Unable to view file'))
# get file type and extension
filetype, fileext = get_file_type_and_ext(u_filename)
img_prev = None
img_next = None
ret_dict = {'err': '', 'file_content': '', 'encoding': '', 'file_enc': '',
'file_encoding_list': [], 'html_exists': False,
'filetype': filetype}
fsize = get_file_size(obj_id)
exceeds_limit, err_msg = file_size_exceeds_preview_limit(fsize, filetype)
if exceeds_limit:
ret_dict['err'] = err_msg
"""Choose different approach when dealing with different type of file."""
if is_textual_file(file_type=filetype):
handle_textual_file(request, filetype, raw_path, ret_dict)
if filetype == MARKDOWN:
c = ret_dict['file_content']
ret_dict['file_content'] = convert_md_link(c, repo_id, username)
elif filetype == DOCUMENT:
handle_document(raw_path, obj_id, fileext, ret_dict)
elif filetype == PDF:
handle_pdf(raw_path, obj_id, fileext, ret_dict)
elif filetype == IMAGE:
parent_dir = os.path.dirname(path)
dirs = list_dir_by_path(, parent_dir)
if not dirs:
raise Http404
img_list = []
for dirent in dirs:
if not stat.S_ISDIR(dirent.props.mode):
fltype, flext = get_file_type_and_ext(dirent.obj_name)
if fltype == 'Image':
if len(img_list) > 1:
img_list.sort(lambda x, y : cmp(x.lower(), y.lower()))
cur_img_index = img_list.index(u_filename)
if cur_img_index != 0:
img_prev = os.path.join(parent_dir, img_list[cur_img_index - 1])
if cur_img_index != len(img_list) - 1:
img_next = os.path.join(parent_dir, img_list[cur_img_index + 1])
# generate file path navigator
zipped = gen_path_link(path,
# file shared link
l = FileShare.objects.filter(repo_id=repo_id).filter(
fileshare = l[0] if len(l) > 0 else None
http_or_https = request.is_secure() and 'https' or 'http'
domain = RequestSite(request).domain
if fileshare:
file_shared_link = gen_shared_link(request, fileshare.token, 'f')
file_shared_link = ''
# my contacts used in shared link autocomplete
contacts = Contact.objects.filter(user_email=username)
"""List repo groups"""
# Get groups this repo is shared.
def share_repo(request):
Handle repo share request
if request.method != 'POST':
raise Http404
form = RepoShareForm(request.POST)
if not form.is_valid():
# TODO: may display error msg on form
raise Http404
email_or_group = form.cleaned_data['email_or_group']
repo_id = form.cleaned_data['repo_id']
permission = form.cleaned_data['permission']
from_email = request.user.username
repo = get_repo(repo_id)
if not repo:
raise Http404
is_encrypted = True if repo.encrypted else False
# Test whether user is the repo owner.
if not validate_owner(request, repo_id):
return render_permission_error(request, _(u'Only the owner of the library has permission to share it.'))
to_email_list = string2list(email_or_group)
for to_email in to_email_list:
if to_email == 'all':
''' Share to public '''
# ignore 'all' if we're running in cloud mode
if not CLOUD_MODE:
seafserv_threaded_rpc.set_inner_pub_repo(repo_id, permission)
msg = _(u'Failed to share to all members')
message.add_message(request, message.ERROR, msg)
msg = _(u'Shared to all members successfully, go check it at <a href="%s">Share</a>.') % \
messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, msg)
elif to_email.find('@') == -1:
''' Share repo to group '''
# TODO: if we know group id, then we can simplly call group_share_repo
group_name = to_email
# get all personal groups
groups = get_personal_groups(-1, -1)
find = False
for group in groups:
# for every group that user joined, if group name matchs,
# then has find the group
if group.props.group_name == group_name:
from import group_share_repo
group_share_repo(request, repo_id, int(,
from_email, permission)
find = True
msg = _(u'Shared to %(group)s successfully,go check it at <a href="%(share)s">Share</a>.') % \
{'group':group_name, 'share':reverse('share_admin')}
messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, msg)
if not find:
msg = _(u'Failed to share to %s,as it does not exists.') % group_name
messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, msg)
''' Share repo to user '''
# Add email to contacts.
mail_sended.send(sender=None, user=request.user.username,
if not is_registered_user(to_email):
# Generate shared link and send mail if user has not registered.
# kwargs = {'repo_id': repo_id,
# 'repo_owner': from_email,
# 'anon_email': to_email,
# 'is_encrypted': is_encrypted,
# }
# anonymous_share(request, **kwargs)
msg = _(u'Failed to share to %s, as the email is not registered.') % to_email
messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, msg)
# Record share info to db.
seafserv_threaded_rpc.add_share(repo_id, from_email, to_email,
except SearpcError, e:
msg = _(u'Failed to share to %s .') % to_email
messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, msg)
msg = _(u'Shared to %(email)s successfully,go check it at <a href="%(share)s">Share</a>.') % \
{'email':to_email, 'share':reverse('share_admin')}
messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, msg)