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Python log.debug函数代码示例

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本文整理汇总了Python中stem.util.log.debug函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python debug函数的具体用法?Python debug怎么用?Python debug使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: _expand_cookie_path

def _expand_cookie_path(protocolinfo_response, pid_resolver, pid_resolution_arg):
  Attempts to expand a relative cookie path with the given pid resolver. This
  leaves the cookie_path alone if it's already absolute, **None**, or the
  system calls fail.

  cookie_path = protocolinfo_response.cookie_path
  if cookie_path and not os.path.isabs(cookie_path):
      tor_pid = pid_resolver(pid_resolution_arg)

      if not tor_pid:
        raise IOError('pid lookup failed')

      tor_cwd = stem.util.system.cwd(tor_pid)

      if not tor_cwd:
        raise IOError('cwd lookup failed')

      cookie_path = stem.util.system.expand_path(cookie_path, tor_cwd)
    except IOError as exc:
      resolver_labels = {
        stem.util.system.pid_by_name: ' by name',
        stem.util.system.pid_by_port: ' by port',
        stem.util.system.pid_by_open_file: ' by socket file',

      pid_resolver_label = resolver_labels.get(pid_resolver, '')
      log.debug('unable to expand relative tor cookie path%s: %s' % (pid_resolver_label, exc))

  protocolinfo_response.cookie_path = cookie_path

示例2: get_bsd_jail_id

def get_bsd_jail_id(pid):
  Gets the jail id for a process. These seem to only exist for FreeBSD (this
  style for jails does not exist on Linux, OSX, or OpenBSD).

  :param int pid: process id of the jail id to be queried

  :returns: **int** for the jail id, zero if this can't be determined

  # Output when called from a FreeBSD jail or when Tor isn't jailed:
  #   JID
  #    0
  # Otherwise it's something like:
  #   JID
  #    1

  ps_output = call(GET_BSD_JAIL_ID_PS % pid)

  if ps_output and len(ps_output) == 2 and len(ps_output[1].split()) == 1:
    jid = ps_output[1].strip()

    if jid.isdigit():
      return int(jid)

  os_name = platform.system()
  if os_name == "FreeBSD":
    log.warn("Unable to get the jail id for process %s." % pid)
    log.debug("get_bsd_jail_id(%s): jail ids do not exist on %s" % (pid, os_name))

  return 0

示例3: _download_descriptors

  def _download_descriptors(self, retries):
      use_authority = retries == 0 and self.fall_back_to_authority
      self.download_url = self._pick_url(use_authority)

      self.start_time = time.time()
      response = urllib2.urlopen(self.download_url, timeout = self.timeout).read()

      if self.download_url.endswith('.z'):
        response = zlib.decompress(response)

      self.content = response.strip()

      self.runtime = time.time() - self.start_time
      log.trace("Descriptors retrieved from '%s' in %0.2fs" % (self.download_url, self.runtime))
      exc = sys.exc_info()[1]

      if retries > 0:
        log.debug("Unable to download descriptors from '%s' (%i retries remaining): %s" % (self.download_url, retries, exc))
        return self._download_descriptors(retries - 1)
        log.debug("Unable to download descriptors from '%s': %s" % (self.download_url, exc))
        self.error = exc
      self.is_done = True

示例4: load

  def load(self, path = None):
    Reads in the contents of the given path, adding its configuration values
    to our current contents.

    :param str path: file path to be loaded, this uses the last loaded path if
      not provided

      * **IOError** if we fail to read the file (it doesn't exist, insufficient
        permissions, etc)
      * **ValueError** if no path was provided and we've never been provided one

    if path:
      self._path = path
    elif not self._path:
      raise ValueError("Unable to load configuration: no path provided")

    with open(self._path, "r") as config_file:
      read_contents = config_file.readlines()

    with self._contents_lock:
      self._raw_contents = read_contents
      remainder = list(self._raw_contents)

      while remainder:
        line = remainder.pop(0)

        # strips any commenting or excess whitespace
        comment_start = line.find("#")

        if comment_start != -1:
          line = line[:comment_start]

        line = line.strip()

        # parse the key/value pair
        if line:
            key, value = line.split(" ", 1)
            value = value.strip()
          except ValueError:
            log.debug("Config entry '%s' is expected to be of the format 'Key Value', defaulting to '%s' -> ''" % (line, line))
            key, value = line, ""

          if not value:
            # this might be a multi-line entry, try processing it as such
            multiline_buffer = []

            while remainder and remainder[0].lstrip().startswith("|"):
              content = remainder.pop(0).lstrip()[1:]  # removes '\s+|' prefix
              content = content.rstrip("\n")           # trailing newline

            if multiline_buffer:
              self.set(key, "\n".join(multiline_buffer), False)

          self.set(key, value, False)

示例5: get_str_csv

 def get_str_csv(self, key, default = None, count = None, sub_key = None):
   Fetches the given key as a comma separated value.
   :param str key: config setting to be fetched, last if multiple exists
   :param object default: value provided if no such key exists or doesn't match the count
   :param int count: if set then the default is returned when the number of elements doesn't match this value
   :param str sub_key: handle the configuration entry as a dictionary and use this key within it
   :returns: list with the stripped values
   if sub_key: conf_value = self.get(key, {}).get(sub_key)
   else: conf_value = self.get_value(key)
   if conf_value is None: return default
   elif not conf_value.strip(): return [] # empty string
     conf_comp = [entry.strip() for entry in conf_value.split(",")]
     # check if the count doesn't match
     if count != None and len(conf_comp) != count:
       msg = "Config entry '%s' is expected to be %i comma separated values" % (key, count)
       if default != None and (isinstance(default, list) or isinstance(default, tuple)):
         defaultStr = ", ".join([str(i) for i in default])
         msg += ", defaulting to '%s'" % defaultStr
       return default
     return conf_comp

示例6: call

def call(command, default = UNDEFINED, ignore_exit_status = False):
  Issues a command in a subprocess, blocking until completion and returning the
  results. This is not actually ran in a shell so pipes and other shell syntax
  are not permitted.

  :param str,list command: command to be issued
  :param object default: response if the query fails
  :param bool ignore_exit_status: reports failure if our command's exit status
    was non-zero

  :returns: **list** with the lines of output from the command

  :raises: **OSError** if this fails and no default was provided

  if isinstance(command, str):
    command_list = command.split(' ')
    command_list = command

    is_shell_command = command_list[0] in SHELL_COMMANDS

    start_time = time.time()
    process = subprocess.Popen(command_list, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, shell = is_shell_command)

    stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
    stdout, stderr = stdout.strip(), stderr.strip()
    runtime = time.time() - start_time

    log.debug('System call: %s (runtime: %0.2f)' % (command, runtime))
    trace_prefix = 'Received from system (%s)' % command

    if stdout and stderr:
      log.trace(trace_prefix + ', stdout:\n%s\nstderr:\n%s' % (stdout, stderr))
    elif stdout:
      log.trace(trace_prefix + ', stdout:\n%s' % stdout)
    elif stderr:
      log.trace(trace_prefix + ', stderr:\n%s' % stderr)

    exit_code = process.poll()

    if not ignore_exit_status and exit_code != 0:
      raise OSError('%s returned exit status %i' % (command, exit_code))

    if stdout:
      return stdout.decode('utf-8', 'replace').splitlines()
      return []
  except OSError as exc:
    log.debug('System call (failed): %s (error: %s)' % (command, exc))

    if default != UNDEFINED:
      return default
      raise exc

示例7: _log_failure

def _log_failure(parameter, exc):
  Logs a message indicating that the proc query failed.

  :param str parameter: description of the proc attribute being fetch
  :param Exception exc: exception that we're raising

  log.debug("proc call failed (%s): %s" % (parameter, exc))

示例8: __init__

  def __init__(self, use_mirrors = False, **default_args):
    self._default_args = default_args
    self._endpoints = DIRECTORY_AUTHORITIES.values()

    if use_mirrors:
        start_time = time.time()
        log.debug("Retrieved directory mirrors (took %0.2fs)" % (time.time() - start_time))
      except Exception as exc:
        log.debug("Unable to retrieve directory mirrors: %s" % exc)

示例9: _log_runtime

def _log_runtime(parameter, proc_location, start_time):
  Logs a message indicating a successful proc query.

  :param str parameter: description of the proc attribute being fetch
  :param str proc_location: proc files we were querying
  :param int start_time: unix time for when this query was started

  runtime = time.time() - start_time
  log.debug("proc call (%s): %s (runtime: %0.4f)" % (parameter, proc_location, runtime))

示例10: __init__

  def __init__(self, use_mirrors = False, **default_args):
    self._default_args = default_args

    authorities = filter(HAS_V3IDENT, get_authorities().values())
    self._endpoints = [(auth.address, auth.dir_port) for auth in authorities]

    if use_mirrors:
        start_time = time.time()
        log.debug('Retrieved directory mirrors (took %0.2fs)' % (time.time() - start_time))
      except Exception as exc:
        log.debug('Unable to retrieve directory mirrors: %s' % exc)

示例11: get_int_csv

    def get_int_csv(self, key, default=None, count=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, sub_key=None):
    Fetches the given comma separated value, returning the default if the
    values aren't integers or don't follow the given constraints.
    :param str key: config setting to be fetched, last if multiple exists
    :param object default: value provided if no such key exists, doesn't match
      the count, values aren't all integers, or doesn't match the bounds
    :param int count: checks that the number of values matches this if set
    :param int min_value: checks that all values are over this if set
    :param int max_value: checks that all values are under this if set
    :param str sub_key: handle the configuration entry as a dictionary and use
      this key within it
    :returns: **list** with the stripped values

        conf_comp = self.get_str_csv(key, default, count, sub_key)
        if conf_comp == default:
            return default

        # validates the input, setting the error_msg if there's a problem
        error_msg = None
        base_error_msg = "Config entry '%s' is expected to %%s" % key

        # includes our default value in the message
        if default != None and (isinstance(default, list) or isinstance(default, tuple)):
            default_str = ", ".join([str(i) for i in default])
            base_error_msg += ", defaulting to '%s'" % default_str

        for val in conf_comp:
            if not val.isdigit():
                error_msg = base_error_msg % "only have integer values"
                if min_value != None and int(val) < min_value:
                    error_msg = base_error_msg % "only have values over %i" % min_value
                elif max_value != None and int(val) > max_value:
                    error_msg = base_error_msg % "only have values less than %i" % max_value

        if error_msg:
            return default
            return [int(val) for val in conf_comp]

示例12: __init__

  def __init__(self):

    self._contents = []
    self._scroller = nyx.curses.CursorScroller()
    self._sort_order = CONFIG['features.config.order']
    self._show_all = False  # show all options, or just the important ones

    cached_manual_path = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'manual')

    if os.path.exists(cached_manual_path):
      manual = stem.manual.Manual.from_cache(cached_manual_path)
        manual = stem.manual.Manual.from_man()

        except IOError as exc:
          log.debug("Unable to cache manual information to '%s'. This is fine, but means starting Nyx takes a little longer than usual: " % (cached_manual_path, exc))
      except IOError as exc:
        log.debug("Unable to use 'man tor' to get information about config options (%s), using bundled information instead" % exc)
        manual = stem.manual.Manual.from_cache()

      for line in tor_controller().get_info('config/names').splitlines():
        # Lines of the form "<option> <type>[ <documentation>]". Documentation
        # was apparently only in old tor versions like

        if ' ' not in line:

        line_comp = line.split()
        name, value_type = line_comp[0], line_comp[1]

        # skips private and virtual entries if not configured to show them

        if name.startswith('__') and not CONFIG['features.config.state.showPrivateOptions']:
        elif value_type == 'Virtual' and not CONFIG['features.config.state.showVirtualOptions']:

        self._contents.append(ConfigEntry(name, value_type, manual))

      self._contents = sorted(self._contents, key = lambda entry: [entry.sort_value(field) for field in self._sort_order])
    except stem.ControllerError as exc:
      log.warn('Unable to determine the configuration options tor supports: %s' % exc)

示例13: _reset_subwindow

  def _reset_subwindow(self):
    Create a new subwindow instance for the panel if:
    - Panel currently doesn't have a subwindow (was uninitialized or
    - There's room for the panel to grow vertically (curses automatically
      lets subwindows regrow horizontally, but not vertically).
    - The subwindow has been displaced. This is a curses display bug that
      manifests if the terminal's shrank then re-expanded. Displaced
      subwindows are never restored to their proper position, resulting in
      graphical glitches if we draw to them.
    - The preferred size is smaller than the actual size (should shrink).

    This returns True if a new subwindow instance was created, False otherwise.

    new_height, new_width = self.get_preferred_size()

    if new_height == 0:
      return False  # subwindow would be outside its parent

    # determines if a new subwindow should be recreated

    recreate = self.win is None

    if self.win:
      subwin_max_y, subwin_max_x = self.win.getmaxyx()
      recreate |= subwin_max_y < new_height           # check for vertical growth
      recreate |= self.top > self.win.getparyx()[0]   # check for displacement
      recreate |= subwin_max_x > new_width or subwin_max_y > new_height  # shrinking

    # I'm not sure if recreating subwindows is some sort of memory leak but the
    # Python curses bindings seem to lack all of the following:
    # - subwindow deletion (to tell curses to free the memory)
    # - subwindow moving/resizing (to restore the displaced windows)
    # so this is the only option (besides removing subwindows entirely which
    # would mean far more complicated code and no more selective refreshing)

    if recreate:
      self.win = self.parent.subwin(new_height, new_width, self.top, self.left)

      # note: doing this log before setting win produces an infinite loop
      log.debug("recreating panel '%s' with the dimensions of %i/%i" % (self.get_name(), new_height, new_width))

    return recreate

示例14: call

def call(command, default = UNDEFINED):
  Issues a command in a subprocess, blocking until completion and returning the
  results. This is not actually ran in a shell so pipes and other shell syntax
  are not permitted.

  :param str command: command to be issued
  :param object default: response if the query fails

  :returns: **list** with the lines of output from the command

  :raises: **OSError** if this fails and no default was provided

    is_shell_command = command.split(" ")[0] in SHELL_COMMANDS

    start_time = time.time()
    stdout, stderr = subprocess.Popen(command.split(), stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, shell = is_shell_command).communicate()
    stdout, stderr = stdout.strip(), stderr.strip()
    runtime = time.time() - start_time

    log.debug("System call: %s (runtime: %0.2f)" % (command, runtime))
    trace_prefix = "Received from system (%s)" % command

    if stdout and stderr:
      log.trace(trace_prefix + ", stdout:\n%s\nstderr:\n%s" % (stdout, stderr))
    elif stdout:
      log.trace(trace_prefix + ", stdout:\n%s" % stdout)
    elif stderr:
      log.trace(trace_prefix + ", stderr:\n%s" % stderr)

    if stdout:
      return stdout.decode("utf-8", "replace").splitlines()
      return []
  except OSError, exc:
    log.debug("System call (failed): %s (error: %s)" % (command, exc))

    if default != UNDEFINED:
      return default
      raise exc

示例15: call

def call(command, suppress_exc = True):
  Issues a command in a subprocess, blocking until completion and returning the
  results. This is not actually ran in a shell so pipes and other shell syntax
  are not permitted.
  :param str command: command to be issued
  :param bool suppress_exc: if **True** then **None** is returned on failure,
    otherwise this raises the exception
  :returns: **list** with the lines of output from the command, **None** in
    case of failure if suppress_exc is **True**
  :raises: **OSError** if this fails and suppress_exc is **False**
    start_time = time.time()
    stdout, stderr = subprocess.Popen(command.split(), stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
    stdout, stderr = stdout.strip(), stderr.strip()
    runtime = time.time() - start_time
    log.debug("System call: %s (runtime: %0.2f)" % (command, runtime))
    trace_prefix = "Received from system (%s)" % command
    if stdout and stderr:
      log.trace(trace_prefix + ", stdout:\n%s\nstderr:\n%s" % (stdout, stderr))
    elif stdout:
      log.trace(trace_prefix + ", stdout:\n%s" % stdout)
    elif stderr:
      log.trace(trace_prefix + ", stderr:\n%s" % stderr)
    if stdout: return stdout.splitlines()
    else: return []
  except OSError, exc:
    log.debug("System call (failed): %s (error: %s)" % (command, exc))
    if suppress_exc: return None
    else: raise exc

示例16: len

  # remove authentication methods that are either unknown or for which we don't
  # have an input
  if AuthMethod.UNKNOWN in auth_methods:

    unknown_methods = protocolinfo_response.unknown_auth_methods
    plural_label = "s" if len(unknown_methods) > 1 else ""
    methods_label = ", ".join(unknown_methods)

    # we... er, can't do anything with only unrecognized auth types
    if not auth_methods:
      exc_msg = "unrecognized authentication method%s (%s)" % (plural_label, methods_label)
      auth_exceptions.append(UnrecognizedAuthMethods(exc_msg, unknown_methods))
      log.debug("Authenticating to a socket with unrecognized auth method%s, ignoring them: %s" % (plural_label, methods_label))

  if protocolinfo_response.cookie_path is None:
    for cookie_auth_method in (AuthMethod.COOKIE, AuthMethod.SAFECOOKIE):
      if cookie_auth_method in auth_methods:

        exc_msg = "our PROTOCOLINFO response did not have the location of our authentication cookie"
        auth_exceptions.append(NoAuthCookie(exc_msg, cookie_auth_method == AuthMethod.SAFECOOKIE))

  if AuthMethod.PASSWORD in auth_methods and password is None:
    auth_exceptions.append(MissingPassword("no passphrase provided"))

  # iterating over AuthMethods so we can try them in this order
  for auth_type in (AuthMethod.NONE, AuthMethod.PASSWORD, AuthMethod.SAFECOOKIE, AuthMethod.COOKIE):

示例17: get

  def get(self, key, default = None):
    Fetches the given configuration, using the key and default value to
    determine the type it should be. Recognized inferences are:

    * **default is a boolean => boolean**

      * values are case insensitive
      * provides the default if the value isn't "true" or "false"

    * **default is an integer => int**

      * provides the default if the value can't be converted to an int

    * **default is a float => float**

      * provides the default if the value can't be converted to a float

    * **default is a list => list**

      * string contents for all configuration values with this key

    * **default is a tuple => tuple**

      * string contents for all configuration values with this key

    * **default is a dictionary => dict**

      * values without "=>" in them are ignored
      * values are split into key/value pairs on "=>" with extra whitespace

    :param str key: config setting to be fetched
    :param default object: value provided if no such key exists or fails to be converted

    :returns: given configuration value with its type inferred with the above rules

    is_multivalue = isinstance(default, (list, tuple, dict))
    val = self.get_value(key, default, is_multivalue)

    if val == default:
      return val  # don't try to infer undefined values

    if isinstance(default, bool):
      if val.lower() == "true":
        val = True
      elif val.lower() == "false":
        val = False
        log.debug("Config entry '%s' is expected to be a boolean, defaulting to '%s'" % (key, str(default)))
        val = default
    elif isinstance(default, int):
        val = int(val)
      except ValueError:
        log.debug("Config entry '%s' is expected to be an integer, defaulting to '%i'" % (key, default))
        val = default
    elif isinstance(default, float):
        val = float(val)
      except ValueError:
        log.debug("Config entry '%s' is expected to be a float, defaulting to '%f'" % (key, default))
        val = default
    elif isinstance(default, list):
      pass  # nothing special to do (already a list)
    elif isinstance(default, tuple):
      val = tuple(val)
    elif isinstance(default, dict):
      valMap = {}
      for entry in val:
        if "=>" in entry:
          entryKey, entryVal = entry.split("=>", 1)
          valMap[entryKey.strip()] = entryVal.strip()
          log.debug("Ignoring invalid %s config entry (expected a mapping, but \"%s\" was missing \"=>\")" % (key, entry))
      val = valMap

    return val

示例18: call

def call(command, default = UNDEFINED, ignore_exit_status = False, timeout = None, cwd = None, env = None):
  call(command, default = UNDEFINED, ignore_exit_status = False)

  Issues a command in a subprocess, blocking until completion and returning the
  results. This is not actually ran in a shell so pipes and other shell syntax
  are not permitted.

  .. versionchanged:: 1.5.0
     Providing additional information upon failure by raising a CallError. This
     is a subclass of OSError, providing backward compatibility.

  .. versionchanged:: 1.5.0
     Added env argument.

  .. versionchanged:: 1.6.0
     Added timeout and cwd arguments.

  :param str,list command: command to be issued
  :param object default: response if the query fails
  :param bool ignore_exit_status: reports failure if our command's exit status
    was non-zero
  :param float timeout: maximum seconds to wait, blocks indefinitely if
  :param dict env: environment variables

  :returns: **list** with the lines of output from the command

    * **CallError** if this fails and no default was provided
    * **CallTimeoutError** if the timeout is reached without a default


  if isinstance(command, str):
    command_list = command.split(' ')
    command_list = list(map(str, command))

  exit_status, runtime, stdout, stderr = None, None, None, None
  start_time = time.time()

    is_shell_command = command_list[0] in SHELL_COMMANDS

    process = subprocess.Popen(command_list, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, shell = is_shell_command, cwd = cwd, env = env)

    if timeout:
      while process.poll() is None:
        if time.time() - start_time > timeout:
          raise CallTimeoutError("Process didn't finish after %0.1f seconds" % timeout, ' '.join(command_list), None, timeout, '', '', timeout)


    stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
    stdout, stderr = stdout.strip(), stderr.strip()
    runtime = time.time() - start_time

    log.debug('System call: %s (runtime: %0.2f)' % (command, runtime))
    trace_prefix = 'Received from system (%s)' % command

    if stdout and stderr:
      log.trace(trace_prefix + ', stdout:\n%s\nstderr:\n%s' % (stdout, stderr))
    elif stdout:
      log.trace(trace_prefix + ', stdout:\n%s' % stdout)
    elif stderr:
      log.trace(trace_prefix + ', stderr:\n%s' % stderr)

    exit_status = process.poll()

    if not ignore_exit_status and exit_status != 0:
      raise OSError('%s returned exit status %i' % (command, exit_status))

    if stdout:
      return stdout.decode('utf-8', 'replace').splitlines()
      return []
  except CallTimeoutError as exc:
    log.debug('System call (timeout): %s (after %0.4fs)' % (command, timeout))

    if default != UNDEFINED:
      return default
  except OSError as exc:
    log.debug('System call (failed): %s (error: %s)' % (command, exc))

    if default != UNDEFINED:
      return default
      raise CallError(str(exc), ' '.join(command_list), exit_status, runtime, stdout, stderr)
      SYSTEM_CALL_TIME += time.time() - start_time

示例19: get_info

 def get_info(self, params, default = UNDEFINED):
   Queries the control socket for the given GETINFO option. If provided a
   default then that's returned if the GETINFO option is undefined or the
   call fails for any reason (error response, control port closed, initiated,
   :param str,list param: GETINFO option or options to be queried
   :param object default: response if the query fails
     Response depends upon how we were called as follows...
     * **str** with the response if our param was a **str**
     * **dict** with the 'param => response' mapping if our param was a **list**
     * default if one was provided and our call failed
     * :class:`stem.socket.ControllerError` if the call fails and we weren't
       provided a default response
     * :class:`stem.socket.InvalidArguments` if the 'param' requested was
   start_time = time.time()
   reply = {}
   if isinstance(params, str):
     is_multiple = False
     params = set([params])
     if not params: return {}
     is_multiple = True
     params = set(params)
   # check for cached results
   for param in list(params):
     cache_key = "getinfo.%s" % param.lower()
     if cache_key in self._request_cache:
       reply[param] = self._request_cache[cache_key]
     elif param.startswith('ip-to-country/') and self.is_geoip_unavailable():
       # the geoip database aleady looks to be unavailable - abort the request
       raise stem.socket.ProtocolError("Tor geoip database is unavailable")
   # if everything was cached then short circuit making the query
   if not params:
     log.debug("GETINFO %s (cache fetch)" % " ".join(reply.keys()))
     if is_multiple: return reply
     else: return reply.values()[0]
     response = self.msg("GETINFO %s" % " ".join(params))
     stem.response.convert("GETINFO", response)
     if self.is_caching_enabled():
       for key, value in response.entries.items():
         key = key.lower() # make case insensitive
         if key in CACHEABLE_GETINFO_PARAMS:
           self._request_cache["getinfo.%s" % key] = value
         elif key.startswith('ip-to-country/'):
           # both cache-able and means that we should reset the geoip failure count
           self._request_cache["getinfo.%s" % key] = value
           self._geoip_failure_count = -1
     log.debug("GETINFO %s (runtime: %0.4f)" % (" ".join(params), time.time() - start_time))
     if is_multiple:
       return reply
       return reply.values()[0]
   except stem.socket.ControllerError, exc:
     # bump geoip failure count if...
     # * we're caching results
     # * this was soley a geoip lookup
     # * we've never had a successful geoip lookup (failure count isn't -1)
     is_geoip_request = len(params) == 1 and list(params)[0].startswith('ip-to-country/')
     if is_geoip_request and self.is_caching_enabled() and self._geoip_failure_count != -1:
       self._geoip_failure_count += 1
     log.debug("GETINFO %s (failed: %s)" % (" ".join(params), exc))
     if default == UNDEFINED: raise exc
     else: return default

示例20: get_cwd

def get_cwd(pid):
  Provides the working directory of the given process.

  :param int pid: process id of the process to be queried
  :returns: **str** with the absolute path for the process' present working
    directory, **None** if it can't be determined

  # try fetching via the proc contents if it's available
  if stem.util.proc.is_available():
      return stem.util.proc.get_cwd(pid)
    except IOError:

  # Fall back to a pwdx query. This isn't available on BSD.
  logging_prefix = "get_cwd(%s):" % pid

  if is_available("pwdx"):
    # pwdx results are of the form:
    # 3799: /home/atagar
    # 5839: No such process

    results = call(GET_CWD_PWDX % pid)

    if not results:
      log.debug("%s pwdx didn't return any results" % logging_prefix)
    elif results[0].endswith("No such process"):
      log.debug("%s pwdx processes reported for this pid" % logging_prefix)
    elif len(results) != 1 or results[0].count(" ") != 1 or not results[0].startswith("%s: " % pid):
      log.debug("%s we got unexpected output from pwdx: %s" % (logging_prefix, results))
      return results[0].split(" ", 1)[1].strip()

  # Use lsof as the final fallback. This is available on both Linux and is the
  # only lookup method here that works for BSD...
  # https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/4236
  # flags:
  #   a - presents the intersection of the following arguments
  #   p - limits results to this pid
  #   d cwd - limits results to just the cwd rather than all open files
  #   Fn - short listing in a single column, with just the pid and cwd
  # example output:
  #   ~$ lsof -a -p 75717 -d cwd -Fn
  #   p75717
  #   n/Users/atagar/tor/src/or

  if is_available("lsof"):
    results = call(GET_CWD_LSOF % pid)

    if results and len(results) == 2 and results[1].startswith("n/"):
      lsof_result = results[1][1:].strip()

      # If we lack read permissions for the cwd then it returns...
      # p2683
      # n/proc/2683/cwd (readlink: Permission denied)

      if not " " in lsof_result:
        return lsof_result
      log.debug("%s we got unexpected output from lsof: %s" % (logging_prefix, results))

  return None  # all queries failed









Python log.info函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-27
Python descriptor._value函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-27





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