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Python control_flow_ops.cond函数代码示例

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本文整理汇总了Python中tensorflow.python.ops.control_flow_ops.cond函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python cond函数的具体用法?Python cond怎么用?Python cond使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: testCondNested

  def testCondNested(self):
    with context.graph_mode(), self.test_session():
      v = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable(1.0)
      p = array_ops.placeholder(dtype=dtypes.bool)
      q = array_ops.placeholder(dtype=dtypes.bool)
      with function.AutomaticControlDependencies() as c:

        def true_fn():
          v.assign(v + 1, name='true')
          return 1.0

        def false_fn():

          def inner_true_fn():
            v.assign(v * 2, name='false_true')
            return 2.0

          def inner_false_fn():
            v.assign(v * 3, name='false_false')
            return 3.0

          control_flow_ops.cond(q, inner_true_fn, inner_false_fn)
          return 1.0

        control_flow_ops.cond(p, true_fn, false_fn)
        with ops.name_scope('final'):
          val = v.read_value()
        val = c.mark_as_return(val)
      self.assertAllEqual(val.eval(feed_dict={p: False, q: False}), 3.0)
      self.assertAllEqual(val.eval(feed_dict={p: False, q: True}), 6.0)
      self.assertAllEqual(val.eval(feed_dict={p: True, q: True}), 7.0)
      self.assertAllEqual(val.eval(feed_dict={p: True, q: False}), 8.0)

示例2: dense_make_stats_update

def dense_make_stats_update(is_active, are_buckets_ready, float_column,
                            quantile_buckets, example_partition_ids, gradients,
                            hessians, weights, empty_gradients, empty_hessians):
  """Updates the state for dense split handler."""
  empty_float = constant_op.constant_v1([], dtype=dtypes.float32)

  quantile_values, quantile_weights = control_flow_ops.cond(
      is_active[1],  # For the next layer, this handler is inactive.
      lambda: (float_column, weights),
      lambda: (empty_float, empty_float))

  def ready_inputs_fn():
    """Branch to execute when quantiles are ready."""
    quantized_feature = quantile_ops.quantiles([float_column], [],
                                               [quantile_buckets], [], [])
    quantized_feature = math_ops.cast(quantized_feature[0], dtypes.int64)
    quantized_feature = array_ops.squeeze(quantized_feature, axis=0)
    return (example_partition_ids, quantized_feature, gradients, hessians)

  def not_ready_inputs_fn():
    return (constant_op.constant_v1([], dtype=dtypes.int32),
            constant_op.constant_v1([[]], dtype=dtypes.int64, shape=[1, 2]),
            empty_gradients, empty_hessians)

  example_partition_ids, feature_ids, gradients, hessians = (
                                   array_ops.size(quantile_buckets) > 0),
              is_active[0]), ready_inputs_fn, not_ready_inputs_fn))
  return (quantile_values, quantile_weights, example_partition_ids, feature_ids,
          gradients, hessians)

示例3: _rnn_step

def _rnn_step(time, sequence_length, min_sequence_length, max_sequence_length,
              zero_output, state, call_cell):
    """ Calculate one step of a dynamic RNN minibatch.
    Returns an (output, state) pair conditioned on the sequence_lengths.
    The pseudocode is something like:
    if t >= max_sequence_length:
      return (zero_output, state)
    if t < min_sequence_length:
      return call_cell()
    # Selectively output zeros or output, old state or new state depending
    # on if we've finished calculating each row.
    new_output, new_state = call_cell()
    final_output = np.vstack([
          zero_output if time >= sequence_lengths[r] else new_output_r
          for r, new_output_r in enumerate(new_output)
    final_state = np.vstack([
          state[r] if time >= sequence_lengths[r] else new_state_r
          for r, new_state_r in enumerate(new_state)
    return (final_output, final_state)

      time: Python int, the current time step
      sequence_length: int32 `Tensor` vector of size [batch_size]
      min_sequence_length: int32 `Tensor` scalar, min of sequence_length
      max_sequence_length: int32 `Tensor` scalar, max of sequence_length
      zero_output: `Tensor` vector of shape [output_size]
      state: `Tensor` matrix of shape [batch_size, state_size]
      call_cell: lambda returning tuple of (new_output, new_state) where
        new_output is a `Tensor` matrix of shape [batch_size, output_size]
        new_state is a `Tensor` matrix of shape [batch_size, state_size]

      A tuple of (final_output, final_state) as given by the pseudocode above:
        final_output is a `Tensor` matrix of shape [batch_size, output_size]
        final_state is a `Tensor` matrix of shape [batch_size, state_size]
    # Step 1: determine whether we need to call_cell or not
    empty_update = lambda: (zero_output, state)
    state_shape = state.get_shape()
    output, new_state = control_flow_ops.cond(
        time < max_sequence_length, call_cell, empty_update)

    # Step 2: determine whether we need to copy through state and/or outputs
    existing_output_state = lambda: (output, new_state)

    def copy_through():
        # Use broadcasting select to determine which values should get
        # the previous state & zero output, and which values should get
        # a calculated state & output.
        copy_cond = (time >= sequence_length)
        return (math_ops.select(copy_cond, zero_output, output),
                math_ops.select(copy_cond, state, new_state))

    (output, state) = control_flow_ops.cond(
        time < min_sequence_length, existing_output_state, copy_through)
    return (output, state)

示例4: random_flip_left_right

def random_flip_left_right(image, bboxes, seed=None):
    """Random flip left-right of an image and its bounding boxes.
    def flip_bboxes(bboxes):
        """Flip bounding boxes coordinates.
        bboxes = tf.stack([bboxes[:, 0], 1 - bboxes[:, 3],
                           bboxes[:, 2], 1 - bboxes[:, 1]], axis=-1)
        return bboxes

    # Random flip. Tensorflow implementation.
    with tf.name_scope('random_flip_left_right'):
        image = ops.convert_to_tensor(image, name='image')
        _Check3DImage(image, require_static=False)
        uniform_random = random_ops.random_uniform([], 0, 1.0, seed=seed)
        mirror_cond = math_ops.less(uniform_random, .5)
        # Flip image.
        result = control_flow_ops.cond(mirror_cond,
                                       lambda: array_ops.reverse_v2(image, [1]),
                                       lambda: image)
        # Flip bboxes.
        bboxes = control_flow_ops.cond(mirror_cond,
                                       lambda: flip_bboxes(bboxes),
                                       lambda: bboxes)
        return fix_image_flip_shape(image, result), bboxes

示例5: remove_squeezable_dimensions

def remove_squeezable_dimensions(
    labels, predictions, expected_rank_diff=0, name=None):
  """Squeeze last dim if ranks differ from expected by exactly 1.

  In the common case where we expect shapes to match, `expected_rank_diff`
  defaults to 0, and we squeeze the last dimension of the larger rank if they
  differ by 1.

  But, for example, if `labels` contains class IDs and `predictions` contains 1
  probability per class, we expect `predictions` to have 1 more dimension than
  `labels`, so `expected_rank_diff` would be 1. In this case, we'd squeeze
  `labels` if `rank(predictions) - rank(labels) == 0`, and
  `predictions` if `rank(predictions) - rank(labels) == 2`.

  This will use static shape if available. Otherwise, it will add graph
  operations, which could result in a performance hit.

    labels: Label values, a `Tensor` whose dimensions match `predictions`.
    predictions: Predicted values, a `Tensor` of arbitrary dimensions.
    expected_rank_diff: Expected result of `rank(predictions) - rank(labels)`.
    name: Name of the op.

    Tuple of `labels` and `predictions`, possibly with last dim squeezed.
  with ops.name_scope(name, 'remove_squeezable_dimensions',
                      [labels, predictions]):
    predictions = ops.convert_to_tensor(predictions)
    labels = ops.convert_to_tensor(labels)
    predictions_shape = predictions.get_shape()
    predictions_rank = predictions_shape.ndims
    labels_shape = labels.get_shape()
    labels_rank = labels_shape.ndims
    if (labels_rank is not None) and (predictions_rank is not None):
      # Use static rank.
      rank_diff = predictions_rank - labels_rank
      if rank_diff == expected_rank_diff + 1:
        predictions = array_ops.squeeze(predictions, [-1])
      elif rank_diff == expected_rank_diff - 1:
        labels = array_ops.squeeze(labels, [-1])
      return labels, predictions

    # Use dynamic rank.
    rank_diff = array_ops.rank(predictions) - array_ops.rank(labels)
    if (predictions_rank is None) or (
      predictions = control_flow_ops.cond(
          math_ops.equal(expected_rank_diff + 1, rank_diff),
          lambda: array_ops.squeeze(predictions, [-1]),
          lambda: predictions)
    if (labels_rank is None) or (
      labels = control_flow_ops.cond(
          math_ops.equal(expected_rank_diff - 1, rank_diff),
          lambda: array_ops.squeeze(labels, [-1]),
          lambda: labels)
    return labels, predictions

示例6: _get_chol_and_x_compatible_shape

  def _get_chol_and_x_compatible_shape(self, x):
    """Return self.chol and x, (possibly) broadcast to compatible shape."""
    # x and chol are "compatible" if their shape matches except for the last two
    # dimensions of chol are [k, k], and the last two of x are [k, 1].
    # E.g. x.shape = [A, B, k, 1], and chol.shape = [A, B, k, k]
    # This is required for the batch_triangular_solve, which does not broadcast.

    # TODO(langmore) This broadcast replicates matrices unnecesarily!  In the
    # case where
    # x.shape = [M1,...,Mr, N1,...,Nb, k], and chol.shape = [N1,...,Nb, k, k]
    # (which is common if x was sampled), the front dimensions of x can be
    # "flipped" to the end, making
    # x_flipped.shape = [N1,...,Nb, k, M1*...*Mr],
    # and this can be handled by the linear solvers.  This is preferred, because
    # it does not replicate the matrix, or create any new data.

    # We assume x starts without the trailing singleton dimension, e.g.
    # x.shape = [B, k].
    chol = self._chol
    with ops.op_scope([x] + self.inputs, 'get_chol_and_x_compatible_shape'):
      # If we determine statically that shapes match, we're done.
      if x.get_shape() == chol.get_shape()[:-1]:
        x_expanded = array_ops.expand_dims(x, -1)
        return chol, x_expanded

      # Dynamic check if shapes match or not.
      vector_shape = self.vector_shape()  # Shape of chol minus last dim.
      are_same_rank = math_ops.equal(
          array_ops.rank(x), array_ops.rank(vector_shape))

      def shapes_match_if_same_rank():
        return math_ops.reduce_all(math_ops.equal(
            array_ops.shape(x), vector_shape))

      shapes_match = control_flow_ops.cond(are_same_rank,
                                           lambda: ops.convert_to_tensor(False))

      # Make tensors (never instantiated) holding the broadcast shape.
      # matrix_broadcast_dummy is the shape we will broadcast chol to.
      matrix_bcast_dummy = chol + array_ops.expand_dims(x, -1)
      # vector_bcast_dummy is the shape we will bcast x to, before we expand it.
      chol_minus_last_dim = math_ops.reduce_sum(chol, reduction_indices=[-1])
      vector_bcast_dummy = x + chol_minus_last_dim

      chol_bcast = chol + array_ops.zeros_like(matrix_bcast_dummy)
      x_bcast = x + array_ops.zeros_like(vector_bcast_dummy)

      chol_result = control_flow_ops.cond(shapes_match, lambda: chol,
                                          lambda: chol_bcast)
      x_result = control_flow_ops.cond(shapes_match, lambda: x, lambda: x_bcast)

      x_expanded = array_ops.expand_dims(x_result, -1)

      return chol_result, x_expanded

示例7: test_none

  def test_none(self):
    fn_none = lambda: None
    fn_tensor = lambda: constant_op.constant(1)

    with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
      control_flow_ops.cond(constant_op.constant(True), fn_none, fn_tensor)

    with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
      control_flow_ops.cond(constant_op.constant(True), fn_tensor, fn_none)

示例8: testCondContext

 def testCondContext(self):
     with self.test_session() as sess:
         x = constant_op.constant(2)
         y = constant_op.constant(5)
         control_flow_ops.cond(math_ops.less(x, y), lambda: math_ops.multiply(x, 17), lambda: math_ops.add(y, 23))
         for op in sess.graph.get_operations():
             c = op._get_control_flow_context()
             if c:
                 compare.ProtoEq(c.to_proto(), control_flow_ops.CondContext.from_proto(c.to_proto()).to_proto())

示例9: body

    def body(i, prev_c, prev_h, actions, log_probs):
      # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda
      signal = control_flow_ops.cond(
          math_ops.equal(i, 0),
          lambda: array_ops.tile(device_go_embedding,
                                 [self.hparams.num_children, 1]),
          lambda: embedding_ops.embedding_lookup(device_embeddings,
                                                 actions.read(i - 1))
      if self.hparams.keep_prob is not None:
        signal = nn_ops.dropout(signal, self.hparams.keep_prob)
      next_c, next_h = lstm(signal, prev_c, prev_h, w_lstm, forget_bias)
      query = math_ops.matmul(next_h, attn_w_2)
      query = array_ops.reshape(
          query, [self.hparams.num_children, 1, self.hparams.hidden_size])
      query = math_ops.tanh(query + attn_mem)
      query = array_ops.reshape(query, [
          self.hparams.num_children * self.num_groups, self.hparams.hidden_size
      query = math_ops.matmul(query, attn_v)
      query = array_ops.reshape(query,
                                [self.hparams.num_children, self.num_groups])
      query = nn_ops.softmax(query)
      query = array_ops.reshape(query,
                                [self.hparams.num_children, self.num_groups, 1])
      query = math_ops.reduce_sum(attn_mem * query, axis=1)
      query = array_ops.concat([next_h, query], axis=1)
      logits = math_ops.matmul(query, device_softmax)
      logits /= self.hparams.temperature
      if self.hparams.tanh_constant > 0:
        logits = math_ops.tanh(logits) * self.hparams.tanh_constant
      if self.hparams.logits_std_noise > 0:
        num_in_logits = math_ops.cast(
            array_ops.size(logits), dtype=dtypes.float32)
        avg_norm = math_ops.divide(
            linalg_ops.norm(logits), math_ops.sqrt(num_in_logits))
        logits_noise = random_ops.random_normal(
            stddev=self.hparams.logits_std_noise * avg_norm)
        logits = control_flow_ops.cond(
            self.global_step > self.hparams.stop_noise_step, lambda: logits,
            lambda: logits + logits_noise)

      if mode == "sample":
        next_y = random_ops.multinomial(logits, 1, seed=self.hparams.seed)
      elif mode == "greedy":
        next_y = math_ops.argmax(logits, 1)
      elif mode == "target":
        next_y = array_ops.slice(y, [0, i], [-1, 1])
        raise NotImplementedError
      next_y = math_ops.to_int32(next_y)
      next_y = array_ops.reshape(next_y, [self.hparams.num_children])
      actions = actions.write(i, next_y)
      log_probs += nn_ops.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
          logits=logits, labels=next_y)
      return i + 1, next_c, next_h, actions, log_probs

示例10: testCond_3

  def testCond_3(self):
    with self.test_session():
      x = tf.constant(10)
      pred = tf.less(1, 2)
      fn1 = lambda: tf.add(x, 1)
      fn2 = lambda: tf.sub(x, 1)
      fn3 = lambda: tf.add(control_flow_ops.cond(pred, fn1, fn2), 1)
      r = control_flow_ops.cond(pred, fn3, fn2)

      result = r.eval()
    self.assertAllEqual(12, result)

示例11: false_fn

        def false_fn():

          def inner_true_fn():
            v.assign(v * 2, name='false_true')
            return 2.0

          def inner_false_fn():
            v.assign(v * 3, name='false_false')
            return 3.0

          control_flow_ops.cond(q, inner_true_fn, inner_false_fn)
          return 1.0

示例12: testRaisesOutputStructuresMismatch

  def testRaisesOutputStructuresMismatch(self):
    x = constant_op.constant(1.0, name="x")
    y = constant_op.constant(3.0, name="y")

    def true_fn():
      return x * y, y

    def false_fn():
      return ((x,), y * 3.0)

    with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
        TypeError, "true_fn and false_fn arguments to tf.cond must have the "
        "same number, type, and overall structure of return values."):
      control_flow_ops.cond(constant_op.constant(False), true_fn, false_fn)

示例13: _initialize_variables

  def _initialize_variables(self, data, initial_means=None):
    """Initializes variables.

      data: a list of Tensors with data, each row is a new example.
      initial_means: a Tensor with a matrix of means.
    first_shard = data[0]
    # Initialize means: num_classes X 1 X dimensions.
    if initial_means is not None:
      means = array_ops.expand_dims(initial_means, 1)
      # Sample data randomly
      means = array_ops.expand_dims(
          _init_clusters_random(data, self._num_classes, self._random_seed), 1)

    # Initialize covariances.
    if self._covariance_type == FULL_COVARIANCE:
      cov = _covariance(first_shard, False) + self._min_var
      # A matrix per class, num_classes X dimensions X dimensions
      covs = array_ops.tile(
          array_ops.expand_dims(cov, 0), [self._num_classes, 1, 1])
    elif self._covariance_type == DIAG_COVARIANCE:
      cov = _covariance(first_shard, True) + self._min_var
      # A diagonal per row, num_classes X dimensions.
      covs = array_ops.tile(
          array_ops.expand_dims(array_ops.diag_part(cov), 0),
          [self._num_classes, 1])

    with ops.colocate_with(self._cluster_centers_initialized):
      initialized = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(
          [means, covs],
    self._init_ops = []
    with ops.colocate_with(self._means):
      init_means = state_ops.assign(self._means, means, validate_shape=False)
      init_means = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(
          state_ops.assign(self._cluster_centers_initialized, True))
                                                  lambda: init_means).op)
    with ops.colocate_with(self._covs):
      init_covs = state_ops.assign(self._covs, covs, validate_shape=False)
      init_covs = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(
          state_ops.assign(self._cluster_centers_initialized, True))
                                                  lambda: init_covs).op)

示例14: testRaisesOutputStructuresMismatch

  def testRaisesOutputStructuresMismatch(self):
    x = constant_op.constant(1.0, name="x")
    y = constant_op.constant(3.0, name="y")

    def true_fn():
      return x * y, y

    def false_fn():
      return ((x,), y * 3.0)

    with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
        ValueError, "Outputs of true_fn and false_fn must"
        " have the same structure"):
      control_flow_ops.cond(constant_op.constant(False), true_fn, false_fn)

示例15: batch_norm

def batch_norm(x, deterministic, alpha=0.9, shift=True, scope='bn'):
    with vs.variable_scope(scope):
        dtype = x.dtype
        input_shape = x.get_shape().as_list()
        feat_dim = input_shape[-1]
        axes = range(len(input_shape)-1)
        if shift:
            beta = vs.get_variable(
                    scope+"_beta", shape=[feat_dim],
                    initializer=init_ops.zeros_initializer, dtype=dtype)
            beta = vs.get_variable(
                scope+"_beta", shape=[feat_dim],
                dtype=dtype, trainable=False)
        gamma = vs.get_variable(
                    scope+"_gamma", shape=[feat_dim],
                    initializer=init_ops.constant_initializer(0.1), dtype=dtype)
        mean = vs.get_variable(scope+"_mean", shape=[feat_dim],
                                       dtype=dtype, trainable=False)
        var = vs.get_variable(scope+"_var", shape=[feat_dim],
                                          dtype=dtype, trainable=False)
        counter = vs.get_variable(scope+"_counter", shape=[],
                                          dtype=tf.int64, trainable=False)
        zero_cnt = vs.get_variable(scope+"_zero_cnt", shape=[],
                                          dtype=tf.int64, trainable=False)
        batch_mean, batch_var = moments(x, axes, name=scope+'_moments')
        mean, var = cond(math_ops.equal(counter, zero_cnt), lambda: (batch_mean, batch_var), 
                         lambda: (mean, var))
        mean, var, counter = cond(deterministic, lambda: (mean, var, counter), 
                                 lambda: ((1-alpha) * batch_mean + alpha * mean, 
                                         (1-alpha) * batch_var + alpha * var, 
                                         counter + 1))
        normed = batch_normalization(x, mean, var, beta, gamma, 1e-8)
    return normed

示例16: __call__

  def __call__(self, step):
    with ops.name_scope(
        self.name, "PolynomialDecay",
        [self.initial_learning_rate, step, self.decay_steps,
         self.end_learning_rate, self.power]
    ) as name:
      initial_learning_rate = ops.convert_to_tensor(
          self.initial_learning_rate, name="initial_learning_rate")
      dtype = initial_learning_rate.dtype
      end_learning_rate = math_ops.cast(self.end_learning_rate, dtype)
      power = math_ops.cast(self.power, dtype)

      global_step_recomp = math_ops.cast(step, dtype)
      decay_steps_recomp = math_ops.cast(self.decay_steps, dtype)
      if self.cycle:
        # Find the first multiple of decay_steps that is bigger than
        # global_step. If global_step is zero set the multiplier to 1
        multiplier = control_flow_ops.cond(
            math_ops.equal(global_step_recomp, 0), lambda: 1.0,
            lambda: math_ops.ceil(global_step_recomp / self.decay_steps))
        decay_steps_recomp = math_ops.multiply(decay_steps_recomp, multiplier)
        # Make sure that the global_step used is not bigger than decay_steps.
        global_step_recomp = math_ops.minimum(global_step_recomp,

      p = math_ops.div(global_step_recomp, decay_steps_recomp)
      return math_ops.add(
          math_ops.multiply(initial_learning_rate - end_learning_rate,
                            math_ops.pow(1 - p, power)),

示例17: _repeat_range

def _repeat_range(counts, name=None):
  """Repeat integers given by range(len(counts)) each the given number of times.

  Example behavior:
  [0, 1, 2, 3] -> [1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]

    counts: 1D tensor with dtype=int32.
    name: optional name for operation.

    1D tensor with dtype=int32 and dynamic length giving the repeated integers.
  with ops.name_scope(name, 'repeat_range', [counts]) as scope:
    counts = ops.convert_to_tensor(counts, name='counts')

    def cond(unused_output, i):
      return i < size

    def body(output, i):
      value = array_ops.fill(counts[i:i+1], i)
      return (output.write(i, value), i + 1)

    size = array_ops.shape(counts)[0]
    init_output_array = tensor_array_ops.TensorArray(
        dtype=dtypes.int32, size=size, infer_shape=False)
    output_array, num_writes = control_flow_ops.while_loop(
        cond, body, loop_vars=[init_output_array, 0])

    return control_flow_ops.cond(
        num_writes > 0,
        lambda: array_ops.zeros(shape=[0], dtype=dtypes.int32),

示例18: resample_at_rate

def resample_at_rate(inputs, rates, scope=None, seed=None, back_prop=False):
  """Given `inputs` tensors, stochastically resamples each at a given rate.

  For example, if the inputs are `[[a1, a2], [b1, b2]]` and the rates
  tensor contains `[3, 1]`, then the return value may look like `[[a1,
  a2, a1, a1], [b1, b2, b1, b1]]`. However, many other outputs are
  possible, since this is stochastic -- averaged over many repeated
  calls, each set of inputs should appear in the output `rate` times
  the number of invocations.

    inputs: A list of tensors, each of which has a shape of `[batch_size, ...]`
    rates: A tensor of shape `[batch_size]` contiaining the resampling rates
       for each input.
    scope: Scope for the op.
    seed: Random seed to use.
    back_prop: Whether to allow back-propagation through this op.

    Selections from the input tensors.
  with ops.name_scope(scope, default_name='resample_at_rate',
                      values=list(inputs) + [rates]):
    rates = ops.convert_to_tensor(rates, name='rates')
    # random_poisson does not support rates of size 0 (b/36076216)
    sample_counts = math_ops.cast(control_flow_ops.cond(
        array_ops.shape(rates)[0] > 0,
        lambda: random_ops.random_poisson(rates, (), rates.dtype, seed=seed),
        lambda: array_ops.zeros(shape=[0], dtype=rates.dtype)), dtypes.int32)
    sample_indices = _repeat_range(sample_counts)
    if not back_prop:
      sample_indices = array_ops.stop_gradient(sample_indices)
    return [array_ops.gather(x, sample_indices) for x in inputs]

示例19: dropout

def dropout(inputs,
  """Returns a dropout op applied to the input.
  With probability `keep_prob`, outputs the input element scaled up by
  `1 / keep_prob`, otherwise outputs `0`.  The scaling is so that the expected
  sum is unchanged.
    inputs: the tensor to pass to the nn.dropout op.
    keep_prob: A scalar `Tensor` with the same type as x. The probability
      that each element is kept.
    noise_shape: A 1-D `Tensor` of type `int32`, representing the
      shape for randomly generated keep/drop flags.
    is_training: A bool `Tensor` indicating whether or not the model
      is in training mode. If so, dropout is applied and values scaled.
      Otherwise, inputs is returned.
    outputs_collections: collection to add the outputs.
    scope: Optional scope for op_scope.
    a tensor representing the output of the operation.
  with ops.op_scope([inputs], scope, 'Dropout') as sc:
    is_training = ops.convert_to_tensor(is_training)
    outputs = control_flow_ops.cond(
        lambda: nn.dropout(inputs, keep_prob, noise_shape),
        lambda: inputs)
    return utils.collect_named_outputs(outputs_collections, sc, outputs)

示例20: testCond

  def testCond(self):
    """Tests that compilation handles switch operators."""

    with self.session(config=NoRewriteSessionConfig()) as session:
      x = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32)
      y = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32)
      c = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.bool)
      with jit_scope():
        z = x + 1.0
        w = control_flow_ops.cond(c, lambda: z, lambda: y)
        t = math_ops.add(z, w)

      # If JIT compilation chooses to cluster z and t, then execution will
      # deadlock.

      run_metadata = config_pb2.RunMetadata()
      result = test_utils.RunWithWarmup(
          t, {
              x: np.float32(2),
              y: np.float32(4),
              c: True
      self.assertAllClose(result, np.float32(6), rtol=1e-1)









Python control_flow_ops.enter函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-27
Python control_flow_ops.case函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-27





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