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Python tensor.dmatrices函数代码示例

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本文整理汇总了Python中theano.tensor.dmatrices函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python dmatrices函数的具体用法?Python dmatrices怎么用?Python dmatrices使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: build_ann

    def build_ann(self, weights, biases, layer_sizes=[784, 400, 10],
                  activation=[Tann.sigmoid, Tann.sigmoid, Tann.sigmoid]):
        Builds a neural network with topology from the layer_sizes.
        :parameter activation is the activation function for the network
        :parameter rand_limit_min is the minimum limit for random initialization of weights for all layers
        :parameter rand_limit_max is the maximum limit for random initialization of weights for all layers
        params = []
        inputs, answers = T.dmatrices('input', 'answers')
        assert len(layer_sizes) >= 2

        # Builds the layers
        for i in range(len(layer_sizes) - 1):
            layer = HiddenLayer(inputs, layer_sizes[i], layer_sizes[i + 1], weights[i], biases[i],

        # Sets up the activation functions through the network
        layer = self.layers[0]
        previous_out = layer.activation(T.dot(layer.input, layer.W) + layer.b)
        x_h_out = layer.activation(T.dot(layer.input, layer.W) + layer.b)
        for i in range(len(self.layers) - 1):
            layer = self.layers[i + 1]
            x_h_out = layer.activation(T.dot(previous_out, layer.W) + layer.b)
            previous_out = x_h_out
        self.predictor = theano.function([inputs], [x_h_out])  # Activate

示例2: build_ann

 def build_ann(self, layer_sizes=[784, 24, 10], activation=Tann.sigmoid, rand_limit_min=-.1, rand_limit_max=.1):
     Builds a neural network with topology from the layer_sizes.
     :parameter activation is the activation function for the network
     :parameter rand_limit_min is the minimum limit for random initialization of weights for all layers
     :parameter rand_limit_max is the maximum limit for random initialization of weights for all layers
     params = []
     inputs, answers = T.dmatrices('input', 'answers')
     assert len(layer_sizes) >= 2
     for i in range(len(layer_sizes) - 1):
         layer = HiddenLayer(inputs, layer_sizes[i], layer_sizes[i + 1], activation=activation, rand_limit_min=rand_limit_min, rand_limit_max=rand_limit_max)
         # outputs.append(layer.output)
     previous_out = self.layers[0].output
     x_h_out = self.layers[0].output
     for i in range(len(self.layers)-1):
         layer = self.layers[i+1]
         x_h_out = Tann.sigmoid(T.dot(previous_out, layer.W) + layer.b)
         previous_out = x_h_out
     error = T.sum((answers - x_h_out) ** 2)
     gradients = T.grad(error, params)
     backprop_acts = [(p, p - self.lrate * g) for p, g in zip(params, gradients)]
     self.predictor = theano.function([inputs], [x_h_out])
     self.trainer = theano.function([inputs, answers], error, updates=backprop_acts)

示例3: createGradientFunctions

    def createGradientFunctions(self):
        X = T.dmatrices("X")
        mu, logSigma, u, v, f, R = T.dcols("mu", "logSigma", "u", "v", "f", "R")
        mu = sharedX( np.random.normal(10, 10, (self.dimTheta, 1)), name='mu') 
        logSigma = sharedX(np.random.uniform(0, 4, (self.dimTheta, 1)), name='logSigma')
        logLambd = sharedX(np.matrix(np.random.uniform(0, 10)),name='logLambd')
        logLambd = T.patternbroadcast(T.dmatrix("logLambd"),[1,1])
        negKL = 0.5 * T.sum(1 + 2*logSigma - mu ** 2 - T.exp(logSigma) ** 2)
        theta = mu+T.exp(logSigma)*v
        f = (T.dot(X_sim,W)+u).flatten()
        gradvariables = [mu, logSigma, logLambd]
        logLike = T.sum(-(0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi) + logLambd) - 0.5 * ((y-f)/(T.exp(logLambd)))**2)

        logp = (negKL + logLike)/self.m

        optimizer = -logp
        self.negKL = th.function([mu, logSigma], negKL, on_unused_input='ignore')
        self.f = th.function(gradvariables + [X,u,v], f, on_unused_input='ignore')
        self.logLike = th.function(gradvariables + [X, u, v], logLike,on_unused_input='ignore')
        derivatives = T.grad(logp,gradvariables)

        self.gradientfunction = th.function(gradvariables + [X, u, v], derivatives, on_unused_input='ignore')
        self.lowerboundfunction = th.function(gradvariables + [X, u, v], logp, on_unused_input='ignore')

        self.optimizer = BatchGradientDescent(objective=optimizer, params=gradvariables,inputs = [X,u,v],conjugate=True,max_iter=1)

示例4: __init__

 def __init__(self, n_x, n_h, n_y, lr=0, nonlinear='softplus', valid_x=None, valid_y=None):
     print 'PL', n_x, n_h, n_y, lr, nonlinear
     if lr == 0: lr = 10. / n_h
     self.lr = lr
     self.fitted = False
     self.n_x = n_x
     self.n_h = n_h
     self.n_y = n_y
     self.nonlinear = nonlinear
     self.valid_x = valid_x
     self.valid_y = valid_y
     if self.nonlinear == 'softplus':
         def g(_x): return T.log(T.exp(_x) + 1)
         raise Exception()
     # Define Theano computational graph
     x, y, w1, b1, w2, b2, A = T.dmatrices('x', 'y', 'w1', 'b1', 'w2', 'b2', 'A')
     h1 = g(T.dot(w1, x) + T.dot(b1, A))
     h2 = g(T.dot(w2, h1) + T.dot(b2, A))
     p = T.nnet.softmax(h2.T).T
     logpy = (- T.nnet.categorical_crossentropy(p.T, y.T).T).reshape((1,-1))
     dlogpy_dw = T.grad(logpy.sum(), [w1, b1, w2, b2])
     H = T.nnet.categorical_crossentropy(p.T, p.T).T #entropy
     dH_dw = T.grad(H.sum(), [w1, b1, w2, b2])
     # Define functions to call
     self.f_p = theano.function([x, w1, b1, w2, b2, A], p)
     self.f_dlogpy_dw = theano.function([x, y, w1, b1, w2, b2, A], [logpy] + dlogpy_dw)
     self.f_dH_dw = theano.function([x, w1, b1, w2, b2, A], [H] + dH_dw)

示例5: compile_theano_functions

def compile_theano_functions():
    Returns compiled theano functions.  
    Originally used to speedup multiplication of large matrices and vectors.  Caused strange 
    issue in nipype where nipype unecessarily reran nodes that use these compiled functions.
    Not used in current implementation.
    import theano.tensor as T
    import theano
    def TnormCols(X):
        Theano expression which centers and normalizes columns of X `||x_i|| = 1`
        Xc = X - X.mean(0)
        return Xc/T.sqrt( (Xc**2.).sum(0) )
    def TzscorrCols(Xn):
        Theano expression which returns Fisher transformed correlation values between columns of a
        normalized input, `X_n`.  Diagonal is set to zero.
        C_X = T.dot(Xn.T, Xn)-T.eye(Xn.shape[1])
        return 0.5*T.log((1+C_X)/(1-C_X))
    X,Y = T.dmatrices('X','Y')
    tdot = theano.function([X,Y], T.dot(X,Y))
    tnormcols = theano.function([X], TnormCols(X))

    return tdot, tnormcols

示例6: compute_more_than_one

def compute_more_than_one():
    a,b = T.dmatrices('a','b')
    diff = a - b
    abs_diff = abs(diff)
    diff_sq = diff**2
    f = theano.function([a,b],[diff, abs_diff, diff_sq])
    print f([[0,0],[1,2]], [[2,3],[4,1]])

示例7: createObjectiveFunction

    def createObjectiveFunction(self):
        @escription: initialize objective function and minimization function
        @X,y data matrix/vector
        @u random noise for simulator
        @v standard normal for reparametrization trick
        X,u = T.dmatrices("X","u")
        f, y, v = T.dcols("f", "y", "v")
        mu = self.params[0]
        logSigma = self.params[1]
        logLambda = sharedX(np.log(self.sigma_e),name='logLambda')
        #logLambda = self.params[2]

        negKL = 0.5*self.dimTheta+0.5*T.sum(2*logSigma - mu ** 2 - T.exp(logSigma) ** 2)
        f = self.regression_simulator(X,u,v,mu,logSigma)

        logLike = -self.m*(0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi) + logLambda)-0.5*T.sum((y-f)**2)/(T.exp(logLambda)**2)/self.Lu

        elbo = (negKL + logLike)
        obj = -elbo
        self.lowerboundfunction = th.function([X, y, u, v], obj, on_unused_input='ignore')
        derivatives = T.grad(obj,self.params)
        self.gradientfunction = th.function([X,y,u,v], derivatives, on_unused_input='ignore')

示例8: multipleThingAtTheSameTime

def multipleThingAtTheSameTime(a, b):
    x, y = T.dmatrices('x', 'y')
    diff = x - y
    abs_diff = abs(diff)
    diff_squared = diff**2
    summ = x + y
    f = th.function([x,y], [diff, abs_diff, diff_squared, summ])
    print(f(a, b))

示例9: createGradientFunctions

    def createGradientFunctions(self):
        #Create the Theano variables
        W1,W2,W3,W4,W5,W6,x,eps = T.dmatrices("W1","W2","W3","W4","W5","W6","x","eps")
        #Create biases as cols so they can be broadcasted for minibatches
        b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6 = T.dcols("b1","b2","b3","b4","b5","b6")
        z1 = T.col("z1")
        if self.continuous:
            #convolve x
            # no_filters = 100, stride = 4, filter_size = 50

            h_encoder = T.tanh(T.dot(W1,x) + b1)
            #h_encoder = T.dot(W1,x) + b1
            h_encoder = T.tanh(T.dot(W1,x) + b1)

        mu_encoder = T.dot(W2,h_encoder) + b2
        log_sigma_encoder = 0.5*(T.dot(W3,h_encoder) + b3)

        mu_encoder = T.dot(W2,h_encoder) + b2 
        log_sigma_encoder = 0.5*(T.dot(W3,h_encoder) + b3)

        #Find the hidden variable z
        z = mu_encoder + T.exp(log_sigma_encoder)*eps

        prior = 0.5* T.sum(1 + 2*log_sigma_encoder - mu_encoder**2 - T.exp(2*log_sigma_encoder))

        #Set up decoding layer
        if self.continuous:
            h_decoder = T.nnet.softplus(T.dot(W4,z) + b4)
            h_dec = T.nnet.softplus(T.dot(W4,z1) + b4)

            #h_decoder = T.dot(W4,z) + b4
            #h_dec = T.dot(W4,z1) + b4

            mu_decoder = T.tanh(T.dot(W5,h_decoder) + b5)
            mu_dec = T.tanh(T.dot(W5,h_dec) + b5)
            log_sigma_decoder = 0.5*(T.dot(W6,h_decoder) + b6)
            logpxz = T.sum(-(0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi) + log_sigma_decoder) - 0.5 * ((x - mu_decoder) / T.exp(log_sigma_decoder))**2)
            gradvariables = [W1,W2,W3,W4,W5,W6,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6]
            h_decoder = T.tanh(T.dot(W4,z) + b4)
            y = T.nnet.sigmoid(T.dot(W5,h_decoder) + b5)
            logpxz = -T.nnet.binary_crossentropy(y,x).sum()
            gradvariables = [W1,W2,W3,W4,W5,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5]
        logp = logpxz + prior

        #Compute all the gradients
        derivatives = T.grad(logp,gradvariables)

        #Add the lowerbound so we can keep track of results
        self.get_z = th.function(gradvariables+[x,eps],z,on_unused_input='ignore')
        self.generate = th.function(gradvariables+[z1,x,eps],mu_dec,on_unused_input='ignore')
        self.predict = th.function(gradvariables+[x,eps],mu_decoder,on_unused_input='ignore')
        self.gradientfunction = th.function(gradvariables + [x,eps], derivatives, on_unused_input='ignore')
        self.lowerboundfunction = th.function(gradvariables + [x,eps], logp, on_unused_input='ignore')

示例10: test_examples_3

 def test_examples_3(self):
     a, b = T.dmatrices('a', 'b')
     diff         = a - b
     abs_diff     = abs(diff)
     diff_squared = diff**2
     f = function([a, b], [diff, abs_diff, diff_squared])
     elems = f([[1, 1], [1, 1]], [[0, 1], [2, 3]])
     assert numpy.all( elems[0] == array([[ 1.,  0.],[-1., -2.]]))
     assert numpy.all( elems[1] == array([[ 1.,  0.],[ 1.,  2.]]))
     assert numpy.all( elems[2] == array([[ 1.,  0.],[ 1.,  4.]]))

示例11: variables

    def variables(self):
        # Define parameters 'w'
        v = {}
        v['w0x'], v['w0y'] = T.dmatrices('w0x','w0y')
        v['b0'] = T.dmatrix('b0')
        for i in range(1, len(self.n_hidden_q)):
            v['w'+str(i)] = T.dmatrix('w'+str(i))
            v['b'+str(i)] = T.dmatrix('b'+str(i))
        v['mean_w'] = T.dmatrix('mean_w')
        v['mean_b'] = T.dmatrix('mean_b')
        if self.type_qz in ['gaussian','gaussianmarg']:
            v['logvar_w'] = T.dmatrix('logvar_w')
        v['logvar_b'] = T.dmatrix('logvar_b')
        w = {}
        w['w0y'], w['w0z'] = T.dmatrices('w0y','w0z')
        w['b0'] = T.dmatrix('b0')
        for i in range(1, len(self.n_hidden_p)):
            w['w'+str(i)] = T.dmatrix('w'+str(i))
            w['b'+str(i)] = T.dmatrix('b'+str(i))
        w['out_w'] = T.dmatrix('out_w')
        w['out_b'] = T.dmatrix('out_b')
        if self.type_px == 'sigmoidgaussian' or self.type_px == 'gaussian':
            w['out_logvar_w'] = T.dmatrix('out_logvar_w')
            w['out_logvar_b'] = T.dmatrix('out_logvar_b')
        w['logpy'] = T.dmatrix('logpy')
        if self.type_pz == 'studentt':
            w['logv'] = T.dmatrix('logv')

        # Define latent variables 'z'
        z = {'eps': T.dmatrix('eps')}
        # Define observed variables 'x'
        x = {}
        x['x'] = T.dmatrix('x')
        x['y'] = T.dmatrix('y')
        return v, w, x, z

示例12: test_1_examples_compute_more_than_1_return_value

def test_1_examples_compute_more_than_1_return_value():
    a, b = T.dmatrices('a', 'b')
    diff = a - b
    abs_diff = abs(diff)
    diff_squared = diff**2
    f = theano.function([a, b], [diff, abs_diff, diff_squared])

    diff_res, abs_res, diff_squared_res = f([[1, 1], [1, 1]], [[0, 0], [2, 2]])
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(diff_res, [[1, 1], [-1, -1]])
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(abs_res, [[1, 1], [1, 1]])
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(diff_squared_res, [[1, 1], [1, 1]])

示例13: createGradientFunctions

    def createGradientFunctions(self):
        #Create the Theano variables
        W1,W2,W3,W4,W5,W6,x,eps = T.dmatrices("W1","W2","W3","W4","W5","W6","x","eps")

        #Create biases as cols so they can be broadcasted for minibatches
        b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,pi = T.dcols("b1","b2","b3","b4","b5","b6","pi")
        if self.continuous:
            h_encoder = T.nnet.softplus(T.dot(W1,x) + b1)
            h_encoder = T.tanh(T.dot(W1,x) + b1)
        print type(pi)    
        rng = T.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams(seed=124)
        i = rng.choice(size=(1,), a=self.num_model, p=T.nnet.softmax(pi.T).T.flatten())

        mu_encoder = T.dot(W2[i[0]*self.dimZ:(1+i[0])*self.dimZ],h_encoder) + b2[i[0]*self.dimZ:(1+i[0])*self.dimZ]
        log_sigma_encoder = (0.5*(T.dot(W3[i[0]*self.dimZ:(1+i[0])*self.dimZ],h_encoder)))+ b3[i[0]*self.dimZ:(1+i[0])*self.dimZ]

        z = mu_encoder + T.exp(log_sigma_encoder)*eps
        prior = 0
        for i in range(self.num_model):
            prior += T.exp(pi[i][0])*0.5* T.sum(1 + 2*log_sigma_encoder[int(i)*self.dimZ:(1+int(i))*self.dimZ] - mu_encoder[int(i)*self.dimZ:(1+int(i))*self.dimZ]**2 - T.exp(2*log_sigma_encoder[int(i)*self.dimZ:(1+int(i))*self.dimZ]))
        prior /= T.sum(T.exp(pi))
        #Set up decoding layer
        if self.continuous:
            h_decoder = T.nnet.softplus(T.dot(W4,z) + b4)
            mu_decoder = T.nnet.sigmoid(T.dot(W5,h_decoder) + b5)
            log_sigma_decoder = 0.5*(T.dot(W6,h_decoder) + b6)
            logpxz = T.sum(-(0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi) + log_sigma_decoder) - 0.5 * ((x - mu_decoder) / T.exp(log_sigma_decoder))**2)
            gradvariables = [W1,W2,W3,W4,W5,W6,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,pi]
            h_decoder = T.tanh(T.dot(W4,z) + b4)
            y = T.nnet.sigmoid(T.dot(W5,h_decoder) + b5)
            logpxz = -T.nnet.binary_crossentropy(y,x).sum()
            gradvariables = [W1,W2,W3,W4,W5,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,pi]

        logp = logpxz + prior

        #Compute all the gradients
        derivatives = T.grad(logp,gradvariables)

        #Add the lowerbound so we can keep track of results
        self.gradientfunction = th.function(gradvariables + [x,eps], derivatives, on_unused_input='ignore')
        self.lowerboundfunction = th.function(gradvariables + [x,eps], logp, on_unused_input='ignore')
        self.hiddenstatefunction = th.function(gradvariables + [x,eps], z, on_unused_input='ignore')

示例14: calc2elements

def calc2elements():
    import theano.tensor as T
    from theano import pp
    a, b = T.dmatrices('a', 'b')
    diff = a - b
    abs_diff = abs(diff)
    diff_square = diff ** 2
    f = function([a, b], [diff, abs_diff, diff_square])
    diff, abs_diff, diff_square = f([[1, 1], [1, 1]], [[0, 1], [2, 3]])

    print (diff)
    print (abs_diff)
    print (diff_square)

示例15: __init__

    def __init__(self,
        print 'Setting up variables ...'
        # Parameters
        if initial_params is None:
            initial_params = {'mean':None,
        if initial_params['mean'] == None:
            self.mean = shared_scalar(0.)
            self.meanfunc = 'zero'
            self.mean = shared_scalar(initial_params['mean'])
            self.meanfunc = 'const'
        self.sigma_n = shared_scalar(initial_params['sigma_n'])
        self.sigma_f = shared_scalar(initial_params['sigma_f'])
        self.l_k = shared_scalar(initial_params['l_k'])
        # Variables
        X,Y,x_test = T.dmatrices('X','Y','x_test')

        print 'Setting up model ...'
        K, Ks, Kss, y_test_mu, y_test_var, log_likelihood,L,alpha,V,fs2,sW = self.get_model(X, Y, x_test)

        print 'Compiling model ...'
        inputs = {'X': X, 'Y': Y, 'x_test': x_test}
        # solve a bug with derivative wrt inputs not in the graph
        z = 0.0*sum([T.sum(v) for v in inputs.values()])
        f = zip(['K', 'Ks', 'Kss', 'y_test_mu', 'y_test_var', 'log_likelihood',
                [K, Ks, Kss, y_test_mu, y_test_var, log_likelihood,
                 L, alpha,V,fs2,sW])
        self.f = {n: theano.function(inputs.values(), f+z, name=n, on_unused_input='ignore')
                     for n, f in f}

        if self.meanfunc == 'zero':
            wrt = {'sigma_n':self.sigma_n, 'sigma_f':self.sigma_f, 'l_k':self.l_k}
            wrt = {'mean':self.mean,'sigma_n':self.sigma_n, 'sigma_f':self.sigma_f, 'l_k':self.l_k}
        self.g = {vn: theano.function(inputs.values(), T.grad(log_likelihood,vv),
                                      for vn, vv in wrt.iteritems()}

示例16: JacobiTimesVector

def JacobiTimesVector():
    W, V = T.dmatrices(['W', 'V'])
    x = T.dvector('x')
    y = T.dot(x, W)
    JV = T.Rop(y, W, V)
    f = function([W, V, x], JV)
        [[1, 1], [1, 1]],
        [[2, 2], [2, 2]],
        [0, 1]

    v = T.dvector('v')
    VJ = T.Lop(y, W, v)
    fL = function([v, x], VJ)
        [2, 2],
        [0, 1]

示例17: _getModel

def _getModel():
    s1, s2 = T.dvectors('s1', 's2')
    t1, t2 = T.dmatrices('t1', 't2')
    gw = T.dvector('gw')
    prank = T.dvector('prank')

    r1 = T.dot(t1, prank)
    r2 = T.dot(t2, prank)

    erd = T.exp(r2 - r1)
    p = erd / (erd + 1)

    loglterms = gw * ((s1 * T.log(1 - p)) + (s2 * T.log(p)))

    logl = -T.sum(loglterms)

    gradf = T.grad(logl, prank)
    hessf = theano.gradient.hessian(logl, prank)

    return s1, s2, t1, t2, gw, prank, loglterms, logl, gradf, hessf

示例18: createObjectiveFunction

    def createObjectiveFunction(self):
        @escription: initialize objective function and minimization function
        @X,y data matrix/vector
        @u random noise for simulator
        @v standard normal for reparametrization trick
        y = T.dmatrices("y")
        i = T.iscalar("i")
        v = T.dscalar("i")
        xStart = T.dvector("xStart")

        mu = self.params[0]
        #logSigma = sharedX(np.random.uniform(0, 1, (self.dimTheta, 1)), name='logSigma')
        logSigma = self.params[1]
        #logLambda = sharedX(np.random.uniform(0, 10), name='logLambda')
        logLambda = self.params[2]

        negKL = 0.5*self.dimTheta+0.5*T.sum(2*logSigma - mu ** 2 - T.exp(logSigma) ** 2)
        self.k = mu+T.exp(logSigma)*v
        V1 = T.dvector("V2")
        V2 = T.dvector("V2")
        results, updates = th.scan(fn=self.fisher_wright_normal_approx, outputs_info=[{'initial':xStart,'taps':[-1]}],sequences=[V1,V2], n_steps=i)
        f = results

        logLike = -self.m*(0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi) + logLambda)-0.5*T.sum((y-f)**2)/(T.exp(logLambda)**2)
        part2 = f
        elbo = (negKL + logLike)
        obj = -elbo
        test1 = y[0:self.i/4,:].sum(axis=0)/(self.i/4)
        test2 = y[self.i/4:self.i/2].sum(axis=0)/(self.i/4)
        self.test = th.function([xStart, i, y, v, V1, V2],test,on_unused_input='ignore')
        self.part2 = th.function([xStart, i, y, v, V1, V2], part2, updates=updates, on_unused_input='ignore')
        self.logLike = th.function([xStart, i, y, v, V1, V2], logLike, updates=updates, on_unused_input='ignore')
        self.lowerboundfunction = th.function([xStart, i, y, v, V1, V2], obj, updates=updates, on_unused_input='ignore')
        derivatives = T.grad(obj, self.params)
        self.gradientfunction = th.function([xStart, i, y, v, V1, V2], derivatives, updates=updates, on_unused_input='ignore')

示例19: test

def test():
    # multiple inputs, multiple outputs
    a, b = T.dmatrices('a', 'b')
    diff = a - b
    abs_diff = T.abs_(diff)
    sqr_diff = diff ** 2
    f = function([a, b], [diff, abs_diff, sqr_diff])
    h, i, j = f([[0, 1], [2, 3]], [[4, 5], [6, 7]])

    # default value for function arguments
    a, b = T.dscalars('a', 'b')
    z = a + b
    f = function([a, Param(b, default=1)], z)
    print f(1, b=2)
    print f(1)
    print f(1, 2)

    # shared variable
    state = shared(0)
    inc = T.lscalar('inc') # state is int64 by default
    accumulator = function([inc], state, updates=[(state, state + inc)])
    print accumulator(300)
    print state.get_value()


import theano.tensor as T

a,b = T.dmatrices('a','b')
x,y = T.dmatrices('x','y')


z= T.switch(T.neq(is_train, 0), 1, 2)

print z.eval()










Python tensor.dmatrix函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-27
Python tensor.diag函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-27





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