' 导入命名空间
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Public Class OidSample
Shared msg As String
Public Shared Sub Main()
' Assign values to strings.
Dim Value1 As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1"
Dim Name1 As String = "3DES"
Dim Value2 As String = ""
Dim InvalidName As String = "This name is not a valid name"
Dim InvalidValue As String = ""
' Create new Oid objects using the specified values.
' Note that the corresponding Value or Friendly Name property is automatically added to the object.
Dim o1 As New Oid(Value1)
Dim o2 As New Oid(Name1)
' Create a new Oid object using the specified Value and Friendly Name properties.
' Note that the two are not compared to determine if the Value is associated
' with the Friendly Name.
Dim o3 As New Oid(Value2, InvalidName)
'Create a new Oid object using the specified Value. Note that if the value
' is invalid or not known, no value is assigned to the Friendly Name property.
Dim o4 As New Oid(InvalidValue)
'Write out the property information of the Oid objects.
msg = "Oid1: Automatically assigned Friendly Name: " & o1.FriendlyName & ", " & o1.Value
'Console.WriteLine("Oid1: Automatically assigned Friendly Name: {0}, {1}", o1.FriendlyName, o1.Value)
'Console.WriteLine("Oid2: Automatically assigned Value: {0}, {1}", o2.FriendlyName, o2.Value)
msg = "Oid2: Automatically assigned Value: " & o2.FriendlyName & ", " & o2.Value
'Console.WriteLine("Oid3: Name and Value not compared: {0}, {1}", o3.FriendlyName, o3.Value)
msg = "Oid3: Name and Value not compared: " & o3.FriendlyName & ", " & o3.Value
' Console.WriteLine("Oid4: Invalid Value used: {0}, {1} {2}", o4.FriendlyName, o4.Value, Environment.NewLine)
msg = "Oid4: Invalid Value used: " & o4.FriendlyName & ", " & o4.Value
'Create an Oid collection and add several Oid objects.
Dim oc As New OidCollection()
' Console.WriteLine("Number of Oids in the collection: {0}", oc.Count)
' Console.WriteLine("Is synchronized: {0} {1}", oc.IsSynchronized, Environment.NewLine)
msg = "Number of Oids in the collection: " & oc.Count
msg = "Is synchronized: " & oc.IsSynchronized
'Create an enumerator for moving through the collection.
Dim oe As OidEnumerator = oc.GetEnumerator()
'You must execute a MoveNext() to get to the first item in the collection.
' Write out Oids in the collection.
'Console.WriteLine("First Oid in collection: {0},{1}", oe.Current.FriendlyName, oe.Current.Value)
msg = "First Oid in collection: " & oe.Current.FriendlyName & ", " & oe.Current.Value
' Console.WriteLine("Second Oid in collection: {0},{1}", oe.Current.FriendlyName, oe.Current.Value)
msg = "Second Oid in collection: " & oe.Current.FriendlyName & ", " & oe.Current.Value
'Return index in the collection to the beginning.
End Sub
End Class