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Golang roachpb.NewSendError函数代码示例

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本文整理汇总了Golang中github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/roachpb.NewSendError函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang NewSendError函数的具体用法?Golang NewSendError怎么用?Golang NewSendError使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: sendOne

// sendOne invokes the specified RPC on the supplied client when the
// client is ready. On success, the reply is sent on the channel;
// otherwise an error is sent.
// Do not call directly, but instead use sendOneFn. Tests mock out this method
// via sendOneFn in order to test various error cases.
func sendOne(opts SendOptions, rpcContext *rpc.Context, client batchClient, done chan batchCall) {
	addr := client.remoteAddr
	if log.V(2) {
		log.Infof("sending request to %s: %+v", addr, client.args)

	if localServer := rpcContext.GetLocalInternalServerForAddr(addr); enableLocalCalls && localServer != nil {
		ctx, cancel := opts.contextWithTimeout()
		defer cancel()

		reply, err := localServer.Batch(ctx, &client.args)
		done <- batchCall{reply: reply, err: err}

	go func() {
		ctx, cancel := opts.contextWithTimeout()
		defer cancel()

		c := client.conn
		for state, err := c.State(); state != grpc.Ready; state, err = c.WaitForStateChange(ctx, state) {
			if err != nil {
				done <- batchCall{err: roachpb.NewSendError(
					fmt.Sprintf("rpc to %s failed: %s", addr, err), true)}
			if state == grpc.Shutdown {
				done <- batchCall{err: roachpb.NewSendError(
					fmt.Sprintf("rpc to %s failed as client connection was closed", addr), true)}

		reply, err := client.client.Batch(ctx, &client.args)
		done <- batchCall{reply: reply, err: err}

示例2: TestEvictCacheOnError

func TestEvictCacheOnError(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	// if rpcError is true, the first attempt gets an RPC error, otherwise
	// the RPC call succeeds but there is an error in the RequestHeader.
	// Currently leader and cached range descriptor are treated equally.
	testCases := []struct{ rpcError, retryable, shouldClearLeader, shouldClearReplica bool }{
		{false, false, false, false}, // non-retryable replica error
		{false, true, false, false},  // retryable replica error
		{true, false, true, true},    // RPC error aka all nodes dead
		{true, true, false, false},   // retryable RPC error

	for i, tc := range testCases {
		g, s := makeTestGossip(t)
		defer s()
		leader := roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{
			NodeID:  99,
			StoreID: 999,
		first := true

		var testFn rpcSendFn = func(_ SendOptions, _ ReplicaSlice,
			args roachpb.BatchRequest, _ *rpc.Context) (*roachpb.BatchResponse, error) {
			if !first {
				return args.CreateReply(), nil
			first = false
			if tc.rpcError {
				return nil, roachpb.NewSendError("boom", tc.retryable)
			var err error
			if tc.retryable {
				err = &roachpb.RangeKeyMismatchError{}
			} else {
				err = errors.New("boom")
			reply := &roachpb.BatchResponse{}
			reply.Error = roachpb.NewError(err)
			return reply, nil

		ctx := &DistSenderContext{
			RPCSend: testFn,
			RangeDescriptorDB: mockRangeDescriptorDB(func(_ roachpb.RKey, _, _ bool) ([]roachpb.RangeDescriptor, *roachpb.Error) {
				return []roachpb.RangeDescriptor{testRangeDescriptor}, nil
		ds := NewDistSender(ctx, g)
		ds.updateLeaderCache(1, leader)
		put := roachpb.NewPut(roachpb.Key("a"), roachpb.MakeValueFromString("value")).(*roachpb.PutRequest)

		if _, pErr := client.SendWrapped(ds, nil, put); pErr != nil && !testutils.IsPError(pErr, "boom") {
			t.Errorf("put encountered unexpected error: %s", pErr)
		if cur := ds.leaderCache.Lookup(1); reflect.DeepEqual(cur, &roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{}) && !tc.shouldClearLeader {
			t.Errorf("%d: leader cache eviction: shouldClearLeader=%t, but value is %v", i, tc.shouldClearLeader, cur)
		_, cachedDesc := ds.rangeCache.getCachedRangeDescriptor(roachpb.RKey(put.Key), false /* !inclusive */)
		if cachedDesc == nil != tc.shouldClearReplica {
			t.Errorf("%d: unexpected second replica lookup behaviour: wanted=%t", i, tc.shouldClearReplica)

示例3: sendToReplicas

// sendToReplicas sends one or more RPCs to clients specified by the slice of
// replicas. On success, Send returns the first successful reply. Otherwise,
// Send returns an error if and as soon as the number of failed RPCs exceeds
// the available endpoints less the number of required replies.
func (ds *DistSender) sendToReplicas(
	opts SendOptions,
	rangeID roachpb.RangeID,
	replicas ReplicaSlice,
	args roachpb.BatchRequest,
	rpcContext *rpc.Context,
) (*roachpb.BatchResponse, error) {
	if len(replicas) < 1 {
		return nil, roachpb.NewSendError(
			fmt.Sprintf("insufficient replicas (%d) to satisfy send request of %d",
				len(replicas), 1))

	done := make(chan BatchCall, len(replicas))

	transportFactory := opts.transportFactory
	if transportFactory == nil {
		transportFactory = grpcTransportFactory
	transport, err := transportFactory(opts, rpcContext, replicas, args)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer transport.Close()
	if transport.IsExhausted() {
		return nil, roachpb.NewSendError(
			fmt.Sprintf("sending to all %d replicas failed", len(replicas)))

	// Send the first request.
	pending := 1

	// Wait for completions. This loop will retry operations that fail
	// with errors that reflect per-replica state and may succeed on
	// other replicas.
	var sendNextTimer timeutil.Timer
	defer sendNextTimer.Stop()
	for {
		select {
		case <-sendNextTimer.C:
			sendNextTimer.Read = true
			// On successive RPC timeouts, send to additional replicas if available.
			if !transport.IsExhausted() {
				log.Trace(opts.Context, "timeout, trying next peer")

		case call := <-done:
			err := call.Err
			if err == nil {
				if log.V(2) {
					log.Infof(opts.Context, "RPC reply: %+v", call.Reply)
				} else if log.V(1) && call.Reply.Error != nil {
					log.Infof(opts.Context, "application error: %s", call.Reply.Error)

				if !ds.handlePerReplicaError(rangeID, call.Reply.Error) {
					return call.Reply, nil

				// Extract the detail so it can be included in the error
				// message if this is our last replica.
				// TODO(bdarnell): The last error is not necessarily the best
				// one to return; we may want to remember the "best" error
				// we've seen (for example, a NotLeaseHolderError conveys more
				// information than a RangeNotFound).
				err = call.Reply.Error.GoError()
			} else if log.V(1) {
				log.Warningf(opts.Context, "RPC error: %s", err)

			// Send to additional replicas if available.
			if !transport.IsExhausted() {
				log.Tracef(opts.Context, "error, trying next peer: %s", err)
			if pending == 0 {
				return nil, roachpb.NewSendError(
					fmt.Sprintf("sending to all %d replicas failed; last error: %v",
						len(replicas), err))

示例4: TestComplexScenarios

// TestComplexScenarios verifies various complex success/failure scenarios by
// mocking sendOne.
func TestComplexScenarios(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()

	stopper := stop.NewStopper()
	defer stopper.Stop()

	nodeContext := newNodeTestContext(nil, stopper)

	testCases := []struct {
		numServers               int
		numErrors                int
		numRetryableErrors       int
		success                  bool
		isRetryableErrorExpected bool
		// --- Success scenarios ---
		{1, 0, 0, true, false},
		{5, 0, 0, true, false},
		// There are some errors, but enough RPCs succeed.
		{5, 1, 0, true, false},
		{5, 4, 0, true, false},
		{5, 2, 0, true, false},

		// --- Failure scenarios ---
		// All RPCs fail.
		{5, 5, 0, false, false},
		// All RPCs fail, but some of the errors are retryable.
		{5, 5, 1, false, true},
		{5, 5, 3, false, true},
		// Some RPCs fail, but we do have enough remaining clients and recoverable errors.
		{5, 5, 2, false, true},
	for i, test := range testCases {
		// Copy the values to avoid data race. sendOneFn might
		// be called after this test case finishes.
		numErrors := test.numErrors
		numRetryableErrors := test.numRetryableErrors

		var serverAddrs []net.Addr
		for j := 0; j < test.numServers; j++ {
			_, ln := newTestServer(t, nodeContext)
			serverAddrs = append(serverAddrs, ln.Addr())

		sp := tracing.NewTracer().StartSpan("node test")
		defer sp.Finish()

		opts := SendOptions{
			Ordering:        orderStable,
			SendNextTimeout: 1 * time.Second,
			Timeout:         10 * time.Second,
			Trace:           sp,

		// Mock sendOne.
		sendOneFn = func(client *batchClient, timeout time.Duration,
			context *rpc.Context, trace opentracing.Span, done chan *netrpc.Call) {
			addr := client.RemoteAddr()
			addrID := -1
			for serverAddrID, serverAddr := range serverAddrs {
				if serverAddr.String() == addr.String() {
					addrID = serverAddrID
			if addrID == -1 {
				t.Fatalf("%d: %v is not found in serverAddrs: %v", i, addr, serverAddrs)
			call := netrpc.Call{
				Reply: &roachpb.BatchResponse{},
			if addrID < numErrors {
				call.Error = roachpb.NewSendError("test", addrID < numRetryableErrors)
			done <- &call
		defer func() { sendOneFn = sendOne }()

		reply, err := sendBatch(opts, serverAddrs, nodeContext)
		if test.success {
			if reply == nil {
				t.Errorf("%d: expected reply", i)

		retryErr, ok := err.(retry.Retryable)
		if !ok {
			t.Fatalf("%d: Unexpected error type: %v", i, err)
		if retryErr.CanRetry() != test.isRetryableErrorExpected {
			t.Errorf("%d: Unexpected error: %v", i, retryErr)

示例5: send

// Send sends one or more RPCs to clients specified by the slice of
// replicas. On success, Send returns the first successful reply. Otherwise,
// Send returns an error if and as soon as the number of failed RPCs exceeds
// the available endpoints less the number of required replies.
// TODO(pmattis): Get rid of the getArgs function which requires the caller to
// maintain a map from address to replica. Instead, pass in the list of
// replicas instead of a list of addresses and use that to populate the
// requests.
func send(opts SendOptions, replicas ReplicaSlice,
	args roachpb.BatchRequest, context *rpc.Context) (proto.Message, error) {
	sp := opts.Trace
	if sp == nil {
		sp = tracing.NilSpan()

	if len(replicas) < 1 {
		return nil, roachpb.NewSendError(
			fmt.Sprintf("insufficient replicas (%d) to satisfy send request of %d",
				len(replicas), 1), false)

	done := make(chan *netrpc.Call, len(replicas))

	clients := make([]batchClient, 0, len(replicas))
	for i, replica := range replicas {
		clients = append(clients, batchClient{
			Client:  rpc.NewClient(&replica.NodeDesc.Address, context),
			replica: &replicas[i],
			args:    args,

	var orderedClients []batchClient
	switch opts.Ordering {
	case orderStable:
		orderedClients = clients
	case orderRandom:
		// Randomly permute order, but keep known-unhealthy clients last.
		var nHealthy int
		for i, client := range clients {
			select {
			case <-client.Healthy():
				clients[i], clients[nHealthy] = clients[nHealthy], clients[i]


		orderedClients = clients
	// TODO(spencer): going to need to also sort by affinity; closest
	// ping time should win. Makes sense to have the rpc client/server
	// heartbeat measure ping times. With a bit of seasoning, each
	// node will be able to order the healthy replicas based on latency.

	// Send the first request.
	sendOneFn(&orderedClients[0], opts.Timeout, context, sp, done)
	orderedClients = orderedClients[1:]

	var errors, retryableErrors int

	// Wait for completions.
	var sendNextTimer util.Timer
	defer sendNextTimer.Stop()
	for {
		select {
		case <-sendNextTimer.C:
			sendNextTimer.Read = true
			// On successive RPC timeouts, send to additional replicas if available.
			if len(orderedClients) > 0 {
				sp.LogEvent("timeout, trying next peer")
				sendOneFn(&orderedClients[0], opts.Timeout, context, sp, done)
				orderedClients = orderedClients[1:]

		case call := <-done:
			if call.Error == nil {
				// Verify response data integrity if this is a proto response.
				if req, reqOk := call.Args.(roachpb.Request); reqOk {
					if resp, respOk := call.Reply.(roachpb.Response); respOk {
						if err := resp.Verify(req); err != nil {
							call.Error = err
					} else {
						call.Error = util.Errorf("response to proto request must be a proto")
			err := call.Error
			if err == nil {
				if log.V(2) {
					log.Infof("successful reply: %+v", call.Reply)

				return call.Reply.(proto.Message), nil

示例6: send

// Send sends one or more RPCs to clients specified by the slice of
// replicas. On success, Send returns the first successful reply. Otherwise,
// Send returns an error if and as soon as the number of failed RPCs exceeds
// the available endpoints less the number of required replies.
func send(opts SendOptions, replicas ReplicaSlice,
	args roachpb.BatchRequest, rpcContext *rpc.Context) (*roachpb.BatchResponse, error) {

	if len(replicas) < 1 {
		return nil, roachpb.NewSendError(
			fmt.Sprintf("insufficient replicas (%d) to satisfy send request of %d",
				len(replicas), 1), false)

	done := make(chan batchCall, len(replicas))

	clients := make([]batchClient, 0, len(replicas))
	for _, replica := range replicas {
		conn, err := rpcContext.GRPCDial(replica.NodeDesc.Address.String())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		argsCopy := args
		argsCopy.Replica = replica.ReplicaDescriptor
		clients = append(clients, batchClient{
			remoteAddr: replica.NodeDesc.Address.String(),
			conn:       conn,
			client:     roachpb.NewInternalClient(conn),
			args:       argsCopy,

	// Put known-unhealthy clients last.
	nHealthy, err := splitHealthy(clients)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var orderedClients []batchClient
	switch opts.Ordering {
	case orderStable:
		orderedClients = clients
	case orderRandom:
		// Randomly permute order, but keep known-unhealthy clients last.

		orderedClients = clients
	// TODO(spencer): going to need to also sort by affinity; closest
	// ping time should win. Makes sense to have the rpc client/server
	// heartbeat measure ping times. With a bit of seasoning, each
	// node will be able to order the healthy replicas based on latency.

	// Send the first request.
	sendOneFn(opts, rpcContext, orderedClients[0], done)
	orderedClients = orderedClients[1:]

	var errors, retryableErrors int

	// Wait for completions.
	var sendNextTimer util.Timer
	defer sendNextTimer.Stop()
	for {
		select {
		case <-sendNextTimer.C:
			sendNextTimer.Read = true
			// On successive RPC timeouts, send to additional replicas if available.
			if len(orderedClients) > 0 {
				log.Trace(opts.Context, "timeout, trying next peer")
				sendOneFn(opts, rpcContext, orderedClients[0], done)
				orderedClients = orderedClients[1:]

		case call := <-done:
			err := call.err
			if err == nil {
				if log.V(2) {
					log.Infof("successful reply: %+v", call.reply)

				return call.reply, nil

			// Error handling.
			if log.V(1) {
				log.Warningf("error reply: %s", err)


			// Since we have a reconnecting client here, disconnect errors are retryable.
			disconnected := err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
			if retryErr, ok := err.(retry.Retryable); disconnected || (ok && retryErr.CanRetry()) {

			if remainingNonErrorRPCs := len(replicas) - errors; remainingNonErrorRPCs < 1 {
				return nil, roachpb.NewSendError(
					fmt.Sprintf("too many errors encountered (%d of %d total): %v",

示例7: send

// Send sends one or more method RPCs to clients specified by the slice of
// endpoint addrs. Arguments for methods are obtained using the supplied
// getArgs function. Reply structs are obtained through the getReply()
// function. On success, Send returns the first successful reply. Otherwise,
// Send returns an error if and as soon as the number of failed RPCs exceeds
// the available endpoints less the number of required replies.
func send(opts SendOptions, method string, addrs []net.Addr, getArgs func(addr net.Addr) proto.Message,
	getReply func() proto.Message, context *rpc.Context) (proto.Message, error) {
	trace := opts.Trace // not thread safe!

	if len(addrs) < 1 {
		return nil, roachpb.NewSendError(
			fmt.Sprintf("insufficient replicas (%d) to satisfy send request of %d",
				len(addrs), 1), false)

	done := make(chan *netrpc.Call, len(addrs))

	var clients []*rpc.Client
	for _, addr := range addrs {
		clients = append(clients, rpc.NewClient(addr, context))

	var orderedClients []*rpc.Client
	switch opts.Ordering {
	case orderStable:
		orderedClients = clients
	case orderRandom:
		// Randomly permute order, but keep known-unhealthy clients last.
		var healthy, unhealthy []*rpc.Client
		for _, client := range clients {
			select {
			case <-client.Healthy():
				healthy = append(healthy, client)
				unhealthy = append(unhealthy, client)
		for _, idx := range rand.Perm(len(healthy)) {
			orderedClients = append(orderedClients, healthy[idx])
		for _, idx := range rand.Perm(len(unhealthy)) {
			orderedClients = append(orderedClients, unhealthy[idx])
	// TODO(spencer): going to need to also sort by affinity; closest
	// ping time should win. Makes sense to have the rpc client/server
	// heartbeat measure ping times. With a bit of seasoning, each
	// node will be able to order the healthy replicas based on latency.

	// Send the first request.
	sendOneFn(orderedClients[0], opts.Timeout, method, getArgs, getReply, context, trace, done)
	orderedClients = orderedClients[1:]

	var errors, retryableErrors int

	// Wait for completions.
	for {
		select {
		case call := <-done:
			if call.Error == nil {
				// Verify response data integrity if this is a proto response.
				if req, reqOk := call.Args.(roachpb.Request); reqOk {
					if resp, respOk := call.Reply.(roachpb.Response); respOk {
						if err := resp.Verify(req); err != nil {
							call.Error = err
					} else {
						call.Error = util.Errorf("response to proto request must be a proto")
			err := call.Error
			if err == nil {
				if log.V(2) {
					log.Infof("%s: successful reply: %+v", method, call.Reply)

				return call.Reply.(proto.Message), nil

			// Error handling.
			if log.V(1) {
				log.Warningf("%s: error reply: %s", method, err)


			// Since we have a reconnecting client here, disconnect errors are retryable.
			disconnected := err == netrpc.ErrShutdown || err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
			if retryErr, ok := err.(retry.Retryable); disconnected || (ok && retryErr.CanRetry()) {

			if remainingNonErrorRPCs := len(addrs) - errors; remainingNonErrorRPCs < 1 {
				return nil, roachpb.NewSendError(
					fmt.Sprintf("too many errors encountered (%d of %d total): %v",
						errors, len(clients), err), remainingNonErrorRPCs+retryableErrors >= 1)
			// Send to additional replicas if available.









Golang roachpb.NewTransaction函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-23
Golang roachpb.NewScan函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-23





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