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Scala PropertyChecks类代码示例

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本文整理汇总了Scala中org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Scala PropertyChecks类的具体用法?Scala PropertyChecks怎么用?Scala PropertyChecks使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: Demo2Spec

package org.scalatest.examples

// Type-constructor polymorphism

import org.scalactic.TypeCheckedTripleEquals
import org.scalatest.examples.Demo._
import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.{FunSpec, Matchers}

// DEMO 2 - use assume with an ensuring that compares with math.sqrt
class Demo2Spec extends FunSpec with Matchers with PropertyChecks with TypeCheckedTripleEquals {

  describe("The squareRootB function") {
    it("should compute the square root") {
      forAll { (x: Double) =>
        whenever (x >= 0.0 && !x.isPosInfinity) {
          noException should be thrownBy { squareRootB(x) }
    it("should should throw IAE on negative input") {
      an [AssertionError] should be thrownBy {
    it("should should throw IAE on positive infinity input") {
      an [AssertionError] should be thrownBy {

示例2: Demo11Spec

package org.scalatest.examples

// Type-constructor polymorphism

import org.scalactic.TypeCheckedTripleEquals
import org.scalactic.anyvals.PosZDouble
import org.scalatest.examples.Demo._
import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.{LogicFunSpec, Matchers}

// (Demo 10 - PosInt in the REPL)

// DEMO 11 - Use PosZInt to weaken the require?
// Only input is changed to PosZDouble so far.
class Demo11Spec extends LogicFunSpec with Matchers with PropertyChecks with TypeCheckedTripleEquals {

  describe("The squareRoot1 function") {
    it("should compute the square root") {
      forAll { (x: PosZDouble) =>
        whenever (!x.isPosInfinity) {
          squareRoot2(x) should === (math.sqrt(x))
    it("should should throw IAE on negative input") {
      an [IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy {
    it("should should throw IAE on positive infinity input") {
      an [IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy {

示例3: ODateTimeSpec

package net.fosdal.oslo.odatetime

import org.joda.time.DateTime
import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec}

import scala.concurrent.duration._

class ODateTimeSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers with PropertyChecks {

  "ordering order collections correctly" in new Fixture {
    Seq(now, tomorrow, yesterday).sorted(ordering) shouldBe Seq(yesterday, now, tomorrow)

  "comparisons" in new Fixture {
    yesterday < now  shouldBe true
    yesterday > now  shouldBe false
    sameAsNow <= now shouldBe true
    sameAsNow >= now shouldBe true

  "Adding FiniteDuration to DateTime" in new Fixture {
    forAll { millis: Int =>
      now + millis.milliseconds shouldBe now.plusMillis(millis)

  "Subtracting FiniteDuration from DateTime" in new Fixture {
    forAll { millis: Int =>
      now - millis.milliseconds shouldBe now.minusMillis(millis)

  "Subtracting DateTime from DateTime" in new Fixture {
    tomorrow - yesterday shouldBe 2.days
    yesterday - tomorrow shouldBe -2.days

  trait Fixture {
    val now       = DateTime.now
    val sameAsNow = DateTime.now
    val tomorrow  = now.plusDays(1)
    val yesterday = now.minusDays(1)


示例4: BarcoderTest

package kokellab.utils.misc

import java.io.{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream}

import com.google.zxing.BarcodeFormat
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalatest.prop.{GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks, PropertyChecks}
import org.scalatest.{Matchers, PropSpec}

class BarcoderTest extends PropSpec with GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks with Matchers {

		def fakeEncodeDecode(text: String, barcodeFormat: BarcodeFormat, dimensions: (Int, Int), imageFormat: String): String =
			if (text.isEmpty) text else encodeDecode(text.toUpperCase, barcodeFormat, dimensions, imageFormat)

		def genBoundedList[T](maxSize: Int, gen: Gen[T]): Gen[List[T]] =
			Gen.choose(0, maxSize) flatMap (size => Gen.listOfN(size, gen))

		def genBoundedString(maxSize: Int, gen: Gen[Char]): Gen[String] =
			Gen.choose(0, maxSize) flatMap (size => Gen.listOfN(size, gen) map (_.mkString))

		def encodeDecode(text: String, codeFormat: BarcodeFormat, dimensions: (Int, Int), imageFormat: String): String = {
			val barcoder = new Barcoder(codeFormat, imageFormat, dimensions._1, dimensions._2)
			val os = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
			barcoder.encode(text, os)
			val is = new ByteArrayInputStream(os.toByteArray)

		val imageFormatGen = Gen.oneOf("png", "jpg", "gif")
		def test(barcodeFormat: BarcodeFormat, dimensionsGen: Gen[(Int, Int)], stringGen: Gen[String]) = {
			property(s"Decoding an encoded string should yield the original string for ${barcodeFormat.name} codes") {
				forAll(imageFormatGen, stringGen, dimensionsGen) { (imageFormat: String, text: String, dimensions: (Int, Int)) =>
					fakeEncodeDecode(text, barcodeFormat, dimensions, imageFormat) should equal (text.toUpperCase)

		val rectangularGen: Gen[(Int, Int)] = for {
			width <- Gen.choose(20, 100)
			height <- Gen.choose(20, 100)
		} yield (width, height)

		val squareGen: Gen[(Int, Int)] = for {
			size <- Gen.choose(20, 100)
		} yield (size, size)

		val code39And93Gen: Gen[String] = genBoundedString(48, Gen.frequency((36, Gen.alphaNumChar), (7, Gen.oneOf('-', '.', '$', '/', '+', '%', ' '))))
		test(BarcodeFormat.CODE_39, rectangularGen, code39And93Gen)
		test(BarcodeFormat.CODE_93, rectangularGen, code39And93Gen)

		// TODO this fails due to https://github.com/zxing/zxing/issues/716
		// there's nothing I can do now
//		test(BarcodeFormat.CODE_128, rectangularGen, genBoundedString(48, Gen.choose[Char](0x20, 127)))

		// TODO QR codes break; also not my fault
//		test(BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, squareGen, genBoundedString(4296, Gen.frequency((36, Gen.alphaNumChar), (8, Gen.oneOf('-', '.', '$', '/', '+', '%', ' ', ':')))))


示例5: FileHasherTest

package kokellab.utils.misc

import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream
import java.nio.file.Paths

import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalatest.prop.{GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks, PropertyChecks}
import org.scalatest.{Matchers, PropSpec}

import scala.io.Source

class FileHasherTest extends PropSpec with GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks with Matchers {

	val hasher = new FileHasher("SHA-256")

	val anyByteArray: Gen[List[Byte]] = Gen.listOf(Arbitrary.arbByte.arbitrary)
	property("Correct hashes should validate") {
		forAll(anyByteArray) { (array: List[Byte]) =>
			val hex = hasher.hash(array)
			hasher.validate(array, hex)

	property("Incorrect hashes should not validate") {
		// this is a bit weird, but if we generated a byte array and a string hash hex, we couldn't guarantee that the hashes don't match
		forAll(anyByteArray, anyByteArray) { (arrayA: List[Byte], arrayB: List[Byte]) =>
			if (arrayA != arrayB) {
				a [ValidationFailedException] should be thrownBy {
					val hexB = hasher.hash(arrayB)
					hasher.validate(arrayA, hexB)

	property("Can hash from stream") {
		forAll(anyByteArray) { (array: List[Byte]) =>
			val hex = hasher.hash(new ByteArrayInputStream(array.toArray))
			hasher.validate(new ByteArrayInputStream(array.toArray), hex)

	property("Can hash from file") {
		val archive = Paths.get(this.getClass.getResource("test.7z").toURI)
		val file = Paths.get(this.getClass.getResource("expected_file_to_hash.txt").toURI)
		hasher.hash(archive) should equal ("afa411f16a1e7943cb07a57516c593384c097e8521f840b2112d2680877a2b04")
		hasher.hash(file) should equal ("aef46c1e5d854fcfd20ab427b599c86102b2fc6252fcdfe9be84dafdb58d6ffb")


示例6: AlgosTests

package org.ergoplatform.settings

import org.ergoplatform.ErgoGenerators
import org.scalatest.prop.{GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks, PropertyChecks}
import org.scalatest.{Matchers, PropSpec}

class AlgosTests extends PropSpec
  with PropertyChecks
  with GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks
  with Matchers
  with ErgoGenerators with scorex.testkit.SerializationTests {

  property("blockIdDifficulty should be > 0") {
    forAll(genBytesList(32)) { id: Array[Byte] =>
      assert(Algos.blockIdDifficulty(Algos.hash(id)) > 0)


示例7: ErgoMemPoolTest

package org.ergoplatform.nodeView.mempool

import org.ergoplatform.ErgoGenerators
import org.scalatest.prop.{GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks, PropertyChecks}
import org.scalatest.{Matchers, PropSpec}

import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._

class ErgoMemPoolTest extends PropSpec
  with PropertyChecks
  with GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks
  with Matchers
  with ErgoGenerators {
  property("wait for the appearance of transactions") {
    forAll(blockTransactionsGen) { blockTransactions =>
      val memPool = ErgoMemPool.empty
      val ids = blockTransactions.txs.map(_.id)
      val transactionsFuture = memPool.waitForAll(ids)


      val transactionsFromMempool = Await.result(transactionsFuture, 5.seconds)
      transactionsFromMempool should contain theSameElementsAs blockTransactions.txs
      memPool.waitedForAssembly shouldBe 'empty

示例8: RulesSpec

package hanabi

import state._
import org.scalatest.mockito.MockitoSugar
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.OneInstancePerTest
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
import org.scalatest.Matchers
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import hanabi._
import hanabi.ai._
import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks

class RulesSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with MockitoSugar with OneInstancePerTest with BeforeAndAfter
    with PropertyChecks with HanabiDomain {
  import SimpleRules._
  import Cards._

  "simple rules" should "have proper number of cards" in {
    forAll { c: Card =>
      whenever(c.level == 1) {
        count(c) shouldBe 3
    forAll { c: Card =>
      whenever(c.level == 5) {
        count(c) shouldBe 1
    forAll { c: Card =>
      whenever(c.level > 1 && c.level < 5) {
        count(c) shouldBe 2

  implicit override val generatorDrivenConfig = PropertyCheckConfiguration(
    minSuccessful = 100,
    maxDiscardedFactor = 15)

示例9: ComplexProperties

// src/main/scala/progscala2/toolslibs/toolslibs/ComplexProperties.scala
package progscala2.toolslibs
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks

class ComplexProperties extends FunSuite with PropertyChecks {

  def additionTest(a: Complex, b: Complex) = {
    assert( (a + b).real === (a.real + b.real) )
    assert( (a + b).imaginary === (a.imaginary + b.imaginary) )

  def subtractionTest(a: Complex, b: Complex) = {
    assert( (a - b).real === (a.real - b.real) )
    assert( (a - b).imaginary === (a.imaginary - b.imaginary) )

  val zero = Complex(0.0, 0.0)

  test ("Complex addition with the identity element (zero)") {
    forAll { (real: Double, imag: Double) =>
      val c = Complex(real, imag)
      additionTest(zero, c)
      additionTest(c, zero)

  test ("Complex subtraction with the identity element (zero)") {
    forAll { (real: Double, imag: Double) =>
      val c = Complex(real, imag)
      subtractionTest(zero, c)
      subtractionTest(c, zero)

  test ("Complex addition with two values") {
    forAll { (real1: Double, imag1: Double, real2: Double, imag2: Double) =>
      val c1 = Complex(real1, imag1)
      val c2 = Complex(real2, imag2)
      additionTest(c1, c2)

  test ("Complex subtraction with two values") {
    forAll { (real1: Double, imag1: Double, real2: Double, imag2: Double) =>
      val c1 = Complex(real1, imag1)
      val c2 = Complex(real2, imag2)
      subtractionTest(c1, c2)

示例10: Demo17Spec

package org.scalatest.examples

// Type-constructor polymorphism

import org.scalactic.TypeCheckedTripleEquals
import org.scalactic.anyvals.PosZDouble
import org.scalatest.examples.Demo._
import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.{LogicFunSpec, WillMatchers}

// Demo 17 - use implies with q and q
class Demo17Spec extends LogicFunSpec with WillMatchers with PropertyChecks with TypeCheckedTripleEquals {

  describe("The squareRoot1 function") {
    it("should compute the square root") {
      forAll { (x: PosZDouble) =>
        val p = x will !== (PosZDouble.PositiveInfinity)
        val q = squareRoot3(x).value will === (math.sqrt(x))
        p implies q
    it("should should throw IAE on negative input") {
      an [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrownBy {
    it("should should throw IAE on positive infinity input") {
      an [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrownBy {

示例11: Demo13Spec

package org.scalatest.examples

// Type-constructor polymorphism

import org.scalactic.TypeCheckedTripleEquals
import org.scalactic.anyvals.PosZDouble
import org.scalatest.examples.Demo._
import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.{LogicFunSpec, Matchers}

// (Demo 12 PosInt.ensuringValid in the REPL)

// DEMO 13 - Use PosZDouble as result type
class Demo13Spec extends LogicFunSpec with Matchers with PropertyChecks with TypeCheckedTripleEquals {

  describe("The squareRoot1 function") {
    it("should compute the square root") {
      forAll { (x: PosZDouble) =>
        whenever (!x.isPosInfinity) {
          squareRoot3(x).value should === (math.sqrt(x))
    it("should should throw IAE on negative input") {
      an [IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy {
    it("should should throw IAE on positive infinity input") {
      an [IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy {

示例12: Demo16Spec

package org.scalatest.examples

// Type-constructor polymorphism

import org.scalactic.TypeCheckedTripleEquals
import org.scalactic.anyvals.PosZDouble
import org.scalatest.examples.Demo._
import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.{LogicFunSpec, WillMatchers}

// DEMO 16 use implies
class Demo16Spec extends LogicFunSpec with WillMatchers with PropertyChecks with TypeCheckedTripleEquals {

  describe("The squareRoot1 function") {
    it("should compute the square root") {
      forAll { (x: PosZDouble) =>
        (x will !== (PosZDouble.PositiveInfinity)) implies {
          squareRoot3(x).value will === (math.sqrt(x))
    it("should should throw IAE on negative input") {
      an [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrownBy {
    it("should should throw IAE on positive infinity input") {
      an [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrownBy {

示例13: Demo15Spec

package org.scalatest.examples

// Type-constructor polymorphism

import org.scalactic.TypeCheckedTripleEquals
import org.scalactic.anyvals.PosZDouble
import org.scalatest.examples.Demo._
import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.{LogicFunSpec, Matchers, WillMatchers}

// (Demo 14 was REPL will and expect)

// DEMO 15 use Expectations with whenever
class Demo15Spec extends LogicFunSpec with WillMatchers with PropertyChecks with TypeCheckedTripleEquals {

  describe("The squareRoot1 function") {
    it("should compute the square root") {
      forAll { (x: PosZDouble) =>
        whenever (!x.isPosInfinity) {
          squareRoot3(x).value will === (math.sqrt(x))
    it("should should throw IAE on negative input") {
      an [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrownBy {
    it("should should throw IAE on positive infinity input") {
      an [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrownBy {

示例14: Demo18Spec

package org.scalatest.examples

// Type-constructor polymorphism

import org.scalactic.TypeCheckedTripleEquals
import org.scalactic.anyvals.PosZDouble
import org.scalatest.examples.Demo._
import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.{Expectation, Fact, LogicFunSpec, WillMatchers}

// Demo 18 - use implies with Booleans
class Demo18Spec extends LogicFunSpec with WillMatchers with PropertyChecks with TypeCheckedTripleEquals {

  describe("The squareRoot1 function") {
    it("should compute the square root") {
      forAll { (x: PosZDouble) =>
        x != PosZDouble.PositiveInfinity implies squareRoot3(x).value == math.sqrt(x)
    it("should compute the square root (version 2)") {
      forAll { (x: PosZDouble) =>
        val p: Fact = x != PosZDouble.PositiveInfinity
        val q: Fact = squareRoot3(x).value == math.sqrt(x)
        p implies q
    it("should should throw IAE on negative input") {
      an [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrownBy {
    it("should should throw IAE on positive infinity input") {
      an [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrownBy {

示例15: Demo9Spec

package org.scalatest.examples

// Type-constructor polymorphism

import org.scalactic.TypeCheckedTripleEquals
import org.scalatest.examples.Demo._
import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.{LogicFunSpec, Matchers}

// DEMO 9 - Our forAll in a LogicSpec
class Demo9Spec extends LogicFunSpec with Matchers with PropertyChecks with TypeCheckedTripleEquals {

  describe("The squareRoot1 function") {
    it("should compute the square root") {
      forAll { (x: Double) =>
        whenever (x >= 0.0 && !x.isPosInfinity) {
          squareRoot1(x) should === (math.sqrt(x))
    it("should should throw IAE on negative input") {
      an [IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy {
    it("should should throw IAE on positive infinity input") {
      an [IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy {

示例16: Demo7Spec

package org.scalatest.examples

// Type-constructor polymorphism

import java.io.{File, FileWriter}

import org.scalactic.TypeCheckedTripleEquals
import org.scalatest.examples.Demo._
import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.{FunSpec, Matchers}

// (Demo 6 was REPL demo of Assertion and Succeeded)

// DEMO 7 File output
class Demo7Spec extends FunSpec with Matchers with PropertyChecks with TypeCheckedTripleEquals {

  describe("The squareRoot1 function") {
    it("should compute the square root") {
      val two = squareRoot1(4.0)
      val outputFile = new FileWriter("squareRoot.out")
      try outputFile.write(two.toString + "\n")
      finally outputFile.close()
    it("should should throw IAE on negative input") {
      an [IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy {
    it("should should throw IAE on positive infinity input") {
      an [IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy {

示例17: Demo4Spec

package org.scalatest.examples

// Type-constructor polymorphism

import org.scalactic.TypeCheckedTripleEquals
import org.scalactic.anyvals.PosZDouble
import org.scalatest.{FunSpec, LogicFunSpec, Matchers, WillMatchers}
import org.scalatest.examples.Demo._
import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks

// DEMO 4 - an example based test
class Demo4Spec extends FunSpec with Matchers with PropertyChecks with TypeCheckedTripleEquals {

  describe("The squareRoot1 function") {
    it("should compute the square root") {
      val one = squareRoot1(1.0)
      one shouldEqual 1.0
      val two = squareRoot1(4.0)
      two shouldEqual 2.0
      val three = squareRoot1(9.0)
      three shouldEqual 3.0
    it("should should throw IAE on negative input") {
      an [IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy {
    it("should should throw IAE on positive infinity input") {
      an [IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy {

示例18: MonadProperties

// src/test/scala/progscala2/fp/categories/MonadProperties.scala
package progscala2.fp.categories
import org.scalatest.FunSpec
import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks

class MonadProperties extends FunSpec with PropertyChecks {

  // Arbitrary function:
  val f1: Int => Seq[Int] = i => 0 until 10 by ((math.abs(i) % 10) + 1)

  describe ("Monad law for unit") {
    it ("works for Sequence Monads") {
      import SeqM._
      val unitInt: Int => Seq[Int] = (i:Int) => unit(i)
      forAll { (i: Int) =>
        val seq: Seq[Int] = Seq(i)
        assert( flatMap(unit(i))(f1)  === f1(i) )
        assert( flatMap(seq)(unitInt) === seq )

  describe ("Monad law for function composition") {
    it ("works for Sequence Monads") {
      val f2: Int => Seq[Int] = i => Seq(i+1)
      import SeqM._
      forAll { (i: Int) =>
        val seq = Seq(i)
        assert( flatMap(flatMap(seq)(f1))(f2) ===
                flatMap(seq)(x => flatMap(f1(x))(f2)) )

示例19: InstitutionViewProtobufConverterSpec

package hmda.query.serialization

import hmda.model.institution.InstitutionGenerators._
import hmda.persistence.model.serialization.InstitutionViewEvents.InstitutionViewStateMessage
import hmda.query.view.institutions.InstitutionView.InstitutionViewState
import hmda.query.serialization.InstitutionViewProtobufConverter._
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalatest.{ MustMatchers, PropSpec }
import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks

class InstitutionViewProtobufConverterSpec extends PropSpec with PropertyChecks with MustMatchers {
  val institutionList = Gen.listOf(institutionGen)

  property("InstitutionViewState must serialize to protobuf and back") {
    forAll(institutionList, Gen.choose(0: Long, 100000: Long)) { (i, seq) =>
      val state = InstitutionViewState(i.toSet, seq)
      val protobuf = institutionViewStateToProtobuf(state).toByteArray
      institutionViewStateFromProtobuf(InstitutionViewStateMessage.parseFrom(protobuf)) mustBe state


示例20: TsCsvParserSpec

package hmda.parser.fi.ts

import hmda.model.fi.ts.TsGenerators
import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.{ MustMatchers, PropSpec }

class TsCsvParserSpec extends PropSpec with PropertyChecks with MustMatchers with TsGenerators {

  property("Transmittal Sheet must be parsed from CSV") {
    forAll(tsGen) { (ts) =>
      TsCsvParser(ts.toCSV) mustBe Right(ts)

  property("Must return length error on too long csv") {
    forAll(tsGen) { (ts) =>
      TsCsvParser(ts.toCSV + "|0|1") mustBe Left(List("An incorrect number of data fields were reported: 23 data fields were found, when 21 data fields were expected."))

  property("Must recognize blank fields at the end of ts") {
    forAll(tsGen) { (ts) =>
      TsCsvParser(ts.toCSV + "|") mustBe Left(List("An incorrect number of data fields were reported: 22 data fields were found, when 21 data fields were expected."))

  val validTs = "1|0123456789|9|201301171330|2013|99-9999999|900|MIKES SMALL BANK   XXXXXXXXXXX|1234 Main St       XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX|Sacramento         XXXXXX|CA|99999-9999|MIKES SMALL INC    XXXXXXXXXXX|1234 Kearney St    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX|San Francisco      XXXXXX|CA|99999-1234|Mrs. Krabappel     XXXXXXXXXXX|916-999-9999|999-753-9999|[email protected]XX"
  val unparsableTsOneField = "INVALID|0123456789|9|201301171330|2013|99-9999999|900|MIKES SMALL BANK   XXXXXXXXXXX|1234 Main St       XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX|Sacramento         XXXXXX|CA|99999-9999|MIKES SMALL INC    XXXXXXXXXXX|1234 Kearney St    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX|San Francisco      XXXXXX|CA|99999-1234|Mrs. Krabappel     XXXXXXXXXXX|916-999-9999|999-753-9999|[email protected]XX"
  val unparsableTsTwoFields = "INVALID|0123456789|INVALID|201301171330|2013|99-9999999|900|MIKES SMALL BANK   XXXXXXXXXXX|1234 Main St       XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX|Sacramento         XXXXXX|CA|99999-9999|MIKES SMALL INC    XXXXXXXXXXX|1234 Kearney St    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX|San Francisco      XXXXXX|CA|99999-1234|Mrs. Krabappel     XXXXXXXXXXX|916-999-9999|999-753-9999|[email protected]XX"
  val unparsableTsTwoFieldsWrongLength = "INVALID|0123456789|9|INVALID|2013|99-9999999|900|MIKES SMALL BANK   XXXXXXXXXXX|1234 Main St       XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX|Sacramento         XXXXXX|CA|99999-9999|MIKES SMALL INC    XXXXXXXXXXX|1234 Kearney St    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX|San Francisco      XXXXXX|CA|99999-1234|Mrs. Krabappel     XXXXXXXXXXX|916-999-9999|999-753-9999|[email protected]XX|0"

  property("Must return name of non-integer field") {
    TsCsvParser(unparsableTsOneField) mustBe Left(List("Record Identifier is not an integer"))

  property("Must return names of non-integer fields") {
    TsCsvParser(unparsableTsTwoFields) mustBe Left(List("Record Identifier is not an integer", "Agency Code is not an integer"))

  property("Must return only length error on too long csv") {
    TsCsvParser(unparsableTsTwoFieldsWrongLength) mustBe Left(List("An incorrect number of data fields were reported: 22 data fields were found, when 21 data fields were expected."))










Scala JsSuccess类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-23
Scala Socket类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-23





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