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PHP mb_check_encoding函数代码示例

原作者: [db:作者] 来自: [db:来源] 收藏 邀请

本文整理汇总了PHP中mb_check_encoding函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP mb_check_encoding函数的具体用法?PHP mb_check_encoding怎么用?PHP mb_check_encoding使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: validation_default

 private static function validation_default($val, $min_len = 0, $max_len = 60, $regex_opt = '')
     if (!is_string($val)) {
         // validation_exit('Invalid type', gettype($val));
         return "";
     if (strlen($val) < $min_len || strlen($val) > $max_len) {
         validation_exit('Too long value', strlen($val));
         return "";
     // Only UTF-8 is supported.
     // WARNING: This code assumes UTF-8 only script.
     if (ini_get('default_charset') != 'UTF-8') {
         // validation_exit('Only UTF-8 is supported', $val);
         return "";
     if (!mb_check_encoding($val, 'UTF-8')) {
         // validation_exit('Invalid encoding', $val);
         return "";
     // Allow only alpha numeric and UTF-8.
     // UTF-8 encoding:
     //   0xxxxxxx
     //   110yyyyx + 10xxxxxx
     //   1110yyyy + 10yxxxxx + 10xxxxxx
     //   11110yyy + 10yyxxxx + 10xxxxxx + 10xxxxxx
     // Since validity of UTF-8 encoding is checked, simply allow \x80-\xFF.
     if (!mb_ereg('\\A[0-9A-Za-z\\x80-\\xFF' . $regex_opt . ']*\\z', $val)) {
         // validation_exit('Invalid char', $val);
     return $val;

示例2: load

 public function load($url = null)
     if (is_null($url) && is_null($this->url)) {
         throw new Exception('You must set url to load');
     if (empty($url)) {
         $url = $this->url;
     curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
     $response = curl_exec($this->curl);
     if (curl_errno($this->curl) !== 0) {
         throw new \Exception('cURL error: ' . curl_error($this->curl));
     $httpCode = curl_getinfo($this->curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
     if ($httpCode != 200) {
         throw new \Exception('cURL request returned HTTP code ' . $httpCode);
     $headersLength = curl_getinfo($this->curl, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE);
     $headers = substr($response, 0, $headersLength);
     $response = substr($response, $headersLength);
     $this->url = curl_getinfo($this->curl, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL);
     $this->host = parse_url($this->url, PHP_URL_HOST);
     $headers = preg_split('/^\\s*$/m', trim($headers));
     // get last headers, after all redirects
     $this->headers = end($headers);
     $this->html = $response;
     $this->html = mb_check_encoding($this->html, 'UTF-8') ? $this->html : utf8_encode($this->html);

示例3: checkUtf8Encoding

  * Check for invalid UTF8 encoding and invalid byte .
  * @param string $string Your string.
  * @return boolean
 public static function checkUtf8Encoding($string)
     if (!mb_check_encoding($string, 'UTF-8') || !$string == mb_convert_encoding(mb_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-32', 'UTF-8'), 'UTF-8', 'UTF-32')) {
         return false;
     return true;

示例4: curl

  * Perform a cURL request
  * @param string $url
 protected function curl($url)
     if ($this->debug) {
         echo 'cURL request: ' . $url . "\n";
     $ch = curl_init($url);
     curl_setopt_array($ch, array(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_HEADER => true, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => $this->curlFollowLocation, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => $this->curlMaxRedirects, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => $this->curlTimeout, CURLOPT_USERAGENT => $this->curlUserAgent));
     $response = curl_exec($ch);
     if (curl_errno($ch) !== 0) {
         throw new WappalyzerException('cURL error: ' . curl_error($ch));
     $httpCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
     if ($httpCode != 200) {
         throw new WappalyzerException('cURL request returned HTTP code ' . $httpCode);
     $result = new stdClass();
     $result->url = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL);
     $result->host = parse_url($result->url, PHP_URL_HOST);
     $headerSize = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE);
     $result->html = substr($response, $headerSize);
     $result->html = mb_check_encoding($result->html, 'UTF-8') ? $result->html : utf8_encode($result->html);
     $headers = trim(substr($response, 0, $headerSize));
     $headers = preg_split('/^\\s*$/m', $headers);
     $headers = end($headers);
     $lines = array_slice(explode("\r\n", $headers), 1);
     foreach ($lines as $line) {
         if (strpos(trim($line), ': ') !== false) {
             list($key, $value) = explode(': ', $line);
             $result->headers[strtolower($key)] = $value;
     return $result;

示例5: convertEncoding

  * Ensures the encoding of the passed string is set to UTF-8.
  * @param string $str
  * @return string utf-8 string
 protected function convertEncoding($str)
     if (!mb_check_encoding($str, 'UTF-8')) {
         return mb_convert_encoding($str, 'UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1');
     return $str;

示例6: prepare_content

 protected function prepare_content($content)
     $result = $content;
     if (empty($result)) {
         return '';
     $encoding = null;
     $xml_error = new libxml_errors_mgr();
     $dom = new DOMDocument();
     $dom->validateOnParse = false;
     $dom->strictErrorChecking = false;
     if ($dom->loadHTML($content)) {
         $encoding = $dom->xmlEncoding;
     if (empty($encoding)) {
         $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($content, 'auto', true);
     if (!empty($encoding) && !mb_check_encoding($content, 'UTF-8')) {
         $result = mb_convert_encoding($content, 'UTF-8', $encoding);
     // See if we can strip off body tag and anything outside of it.
     foreach (array('body', 'html') as $tagname) {
         $regex = str_replace('##', $tagname, "/<##[^>]*>(.+)<\\/##>/is");
         if (preg_match($regex, $result, $matches)) {
             $result = $matches[1];
     return $result;

示例7: sendText

  * Prepare new text message.
  * If $unicode is not provided we will try to detect the
  * message type. Otherwise set to TRUE if you require
  * unicode characters.
 public function sendText($to, $from, $message, $unicode = null)
     // Making sure strings are UTF-8 encoded
     if (!is_numeric($from) && !mb_check_encoding($from, 'UTF-8')) {
         trigger_error('$from needs to be a valid UTF-8 encoded string');
         return false;
     if (!mb_check_encoding($message, 'UTF-8')) {
         trigger_error('$message needs to be a valid UTF-8 encoded string');
         return false;
     if ($unicode === null) {
         $containsUnicode = max(array_map('ord', str_split($message))) > 127;
     } else {
         $containsUnicode = (bool) $unicode;
     // Make sure $from is valid
     $from = $this->validateOriginator($from);
     // URL Encode
     $sFrom = urlencode($from);
     $sMessage = urlencode($message);
     // Send away!
     $hPost = ['from' => $sFrom, 'to' => $to, 'message' => $sMessage, 'type' => $containsUnicode ? 'unicode' : 'text'];
     return $this->sendSmsRequest($hPost);

示例8: __construct

  * Class constructor.
  * @param mixed $string
  * @param string $encoding
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct($string, $encoding = self::ENCODING)
     if (is_null($string)) {
         $string = 'null';
     } elseif (is_bool($string)) {
         $string = $string ? 'true' : 'false';
     } elseif (is_int($string) || is_float($string)) {
         $string = (string) $string;
     } elseif (is_object($string)) {
         if (!method_exists($string, '__toString')) {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Object of class %s cannot be converted to String', get_class($string)));
         $string = (string) $string;
     } elseif (!is_string($string)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Cannot convert a variable of type ' . gettype($string) . ' to String');
     if (!self::checkEncoding($encoding)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported encoding: ' . $encoding);
     if (!mb_check_encoding($string, $encoding)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('String is not encoded in ' . $encoding);
     if ($encoding != self::ENCODING) {
         $string = mb_convert_encoding($string, self::ENCODING, $encoding);
     $string = \Normalizer::normalize($string);
     $this->string = $string;
     $this->length = mb_strlen($string, self::ENCODING);

示例9: testParse

  * @param string|\Closure $input
  * @param string|null $filename
  * @param string|null $title
  * @param (string|string[]|float)[][][] $jsonable
  * @param (string|string[])[] $metadata
  * @param string[] $logLevels
  * @dataProvider dictionaryProvider
 public function testParse($input, string $filename = null, string $title = null, array $jsonable = null, array $metadata = null, array $logLevels = [])
     $parser = new GenericDictionaryParser();
     if ($input instanceof \Closure) {
         $archive = $input();
         $file = new \SplFileInfo($archive->filename);
         $dictionary = $parser->parse($file, $filename, $title);
     } else {
         $dictionary = $parser->parse($this->generateTempFileObject(mb_check_encoding($input, 'UTF-8') ? $this->stripIndents($input) : $input), $filename, $title);
     array_walk_recursive($jsonable, (function (&$field) {
         if (is_string($field)) {
             $field = $this->stripIndents($field);
     $this->assertEquals($jsonable, $dictionary->getWords());
     array_walk_recursive($metadata, (function (string &$field) {
         if (is_string($field)) {
             $field = $this->stripIndents($field);
     $this->assertEquals($metadata, $dictionary->getMetadata());
     $this->assertEquals($logLevels, $this->logLevels);

示例10: is_utf8

  * @param $identifier
  * @return bool
 public static function is_utf8($identifier)
     if (mb_check_encoding($identifier, 'UTF-8')) {
         return true;
     return false;

示例11: isValidUTF8

  * Ckecks a string for valid UTF8 encoding
  * @param $string
  * @return bool
 public static function isValidUTF8($string)
     if (function_exists("mb_check_encoding")) {
         return mb_check_encoding($string, "UTF-8") ? TRUE : FALSE;
     return preg_match("//u", $string) ? TRUE : FALSE;

示例12: json_encode_string

function json_encode_string($in_str)
    if (mb_check_encoding($in_str) != "UTF-8") {
        $in_str = mb_convert_encoding($in_str, "UTF-8");
    return str_replace('"', '\\"', $in_str);

示例13: coins

function coins($row)
    // fmt_info (type)
    $fmt = "info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:";
    // 'dissertation' is compatible with the 1.0 spec, but not the 0.1 spec
    if (!empty($row['thesis'])) {
        $fmt .= "dissertation";
    } elseif (preg_match("/Journal/", $row['type'])) {
        $fmt .= "journal";
    } elseif (preg_match("/Patent/", $row['type'])) {
        $fmt .= "patent";
    } elseif (preg_match("/Book/", $row['type'])) {
        $fmt .= "book";
    } else {
        $fmt .= "dc";
    $co = contextObject($row);
    $coins = "ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004" . "&amp;rft_val_fmt=" . urlencode($fmt);
    foreach ($co as $coKey => $coValue) {
        // 'urlencode()' differs from 'rawurlencode() (i.e., RFC1738 encoding)
        // in that spaces are encoded as plus (+) signs
        $coKey = preg_replace("/au[0-9]*/i", "au", $coKey);
        // While COinS does not specify encoding, most javascript tools assume that it is UTF-8
        // TODO: use function 'detectCharacterEncoding()' instead of the 'mb_*()' functions?
        //       if (($contentTypeCharset == "ISO-8859-1") AND (detectCharacterEncoding($coValue) != "UTF-8"))
        if (mb_detect_encoding($coValue) != "UTF-8" || !mb_check_encoding($coValue, "UTF-8")) {
            $coValue = utf8_encode($coValue);
        $coins .= "&amp;" . $coKey . "=" . urlencode($coValue);
    $coins .= "%26ctx_enc%3Dinfo%3Aofi%2Fenc%3AUTF-8";
    $coinsSpan = "<span class=\"Z3988\" title=\"" . $coins . "\"></span>";
    return $coinsSpan;

示例14: scrapeMarketGroup

function scrapeMarketGroup($url)
    global $visitedIds;
    $html = scraperWiki::scrape($url);
    $html = str_replace("\n", "", $html);
    preg_match_all("|<a href=\"/importing/61000746/marketgroup/(\\d+?)/\">(.+?)</a>|s", $html, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
    foreach ($matches as $match) {
        $groupId = $match[1];
        $groupName = html_entity_decode($match[2]);
        //echo $groupName."\n";
        if (!in_array($groupId, $visitedIds)) {
            $visitedIds[] = $groupId;
            scrapeMarketGroup("http://goonmetrics.com/importing/61000746/marketgroup/" . $groupId . "/");
    preg_match_all("|<tr(.*?)>(.*?)<td(.*?)><a href=\"http://games.chruker.dk/eve_online/item.php\\?type_id=(.+?)\" target=\"_blank\">(.*?)<span class=\"dot\" onclick=\"CCPEVE.showMarketDetails\\((.*?)\\)\">(.+?)</span>(.*?)</td>(.*?)<td(.*?)>(.+?)</td>(.*?)<td(.*?)>(.*?)</td>(.*?)<td(.*?)>(.+?)</td>(.*?)<td(.*?)>(.*?)</td>(.*?)<td(.*?)>(.*?)</td>(.*?)<td(.*?)>(.*?)</td>(.*?)<td(.*?)>(.*?)</td>(.*?)<td(.*?)>(.*?)</td>(.*?)</tr>|s", $html, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
    foreach ($matches as $match) {
        $item = array("itemId" => trim($match[4]), "name" => trim(mb_check_encoding($match[7], 'UTF-8') ? $match[7] : utf8_encode($match[7])), "weekVol" => trim(mb_check_encoding($match[11], 'UTF-8') ? $match[11] : utf8_encode($match[11])), "k6Stock" => trim(mb_check_encoding($match[17], 'UTF-8') ? $match[17] : utf8_encode($match[17])));
        $item['weekVol'] = str_replace(",", "", $item['weekVol']);
        $item['k6Stock'] = str_replace(",", "", $item['k6Stock']);
        $saved = false;
        $delay = 0;
        while (!$saved && $delay < 600) {
            try {
                @scraperwiki::save_sqlite(array('itemId'), $item, 'eve_goonmetrics');
                $saved = true;
            } catch (Exception $e) {

示例15: apply

 public function apply($value)
     if (mb_check_encoding($value, 'UTF-16') && mb_substr_count($value, "") > 0) {
         $value = mb_convert_encoding($value, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16');
     return $value;

示例16: checkName

 * @param string $name
 * @return string
 * @throws RuntimeException
function checkName($name)
    if ($name == '' || !mb_check_encoding($name, 'UTF-8')) {
        throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid currency name: ' . $name);
    return $name;

示例17: validate

  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function validate($value, Constraint $constraint)
     if (!$constraint instanceof Length) {
         throw new UnexpectedTypeException($constraint, __NAMESPACE__ . '\\Length');
     if (null === $value || '' === $value) {
     if (!is_scalar($value) && !(is_object($value) && method_exists($value, '__toString'))) {
         throw new UnexpectedTypeException($value, 'string');
     $stringValue = (string) $value;
     $invalidCharset = false;
     if ('UTF8' === ($charset = strtoupper($constraint->charset))) {
         $charset = 'UTF-8';
     if ('UTF-8' === $charset) {
         if (!preg_match('//u', $stringValue)) {
             $invalidCharset = true;
         } elseif (function_exists('utf8_decode')) {
             $length = strlen(utf8_decode($stringValue));
         } else {
             preg_replace('/./u', '', $stringValue, -1, $length);
     } elseif (function_exists('mb_strlen')) {
         if (@mb_check_encoding($stringValue, $constraint->charset)) {
             $length = mb_strlen($stringValue, $constraint->charset);
         } else {
             $invalidCharset = true;
     } elseif (function_exists('iconv_strlen')) {
         $length = @iconv_strlen($stringValue, $constraint->charset);
         $invalidCharset = false === $length;
     } else {
         $length = strlen($stringValue);
     if ($invalidCharset) {
         if ($this->context instanceof ExecutionContextInterface) {
             $this->context->buildViolation($constraint->charsetMessage)->setParameter('{{ value }}', $this->formatValue($stringValue))->setParameter('{{ charset }}', $constraint->charset)->setInvalidValue($value)->addViolation();
         } else {
             $this->buildViolation($constraint->charsetMessage)->setParameter('{{ value }}', $this->formatValue($stringValue))->setParameter('{{ charset }}', $constraint->charset)->setInvalidValue($value)->addViolation();
     if (null !== $constraint->max && $length > $constraint->max) {
         if ($this->context instanceof ExecutionContextInterface) {
             $this->context->buildViolation($constraint->min == $constraint->max ? $constraint->exactMessage : $constraint->maxMessage)->setParameter('{{ value }}', $this->formatValue($stringValue))->setParameter('{{ limit }}', $constraint->max)->setInvalidValue($value)->setPlural((int) $constraint->max)->setCode(Length::TOO_LONG_ERROR)->addViolation();
         } else {
             $this->buildViolation($constraint->min == $constraint->max ? $constraint->exactMessage : $constraint->maxMessage)->setParameter('{{ value }}', $this->formatValue($stringValue))->setParameter('{{ limit }}', $constraint->max)->setInvalidValue($value)->setPlural((int) $constraint->max)->setCode(Length::TOO_LONG_ERROR)->addViolation();
     if (null !== $constraint->min && $length < $constraint->min) {
         if ($this->context instanceof ExecutionContextInterface) {
             $this->context->buildViolation($constraint->min == $constraint->max ? $constraint->exactMessage : $constraint->minMessage)->setParameter('{{ value }}', $this->formatValue($stringValue))->setParameter('{{ limit }}', $constraint->min)->setInvalidValue($value)->setPlural((int) $constraint->min)->setCode(Length::TOO_SHORT_ERROR)->addViolation();
         } else {
             $this->buildViolation($constraint->min == $constraint->max ? $constraint->exactMessage : $constraint->minMessage)->setParameter('{{ value }}', $this->formatValue($stringValue))->setParameter('{{ limit }}', $constraint->min)->setInvalidValue($value)->setPlural((int) $constraint->min)->setCode(Length::TOO_SHORT_ERROR)->addViolation();

示例18: isUtf8

	 * Test whether a string is valid UTF-8.
	 * The function check for invalid byte sequences, overlong encoding but
	 * not for different normalisations.
	 * This relies internally on the mbstring function mb_check_encoding()
	 * hardcoded to check against UTF-8. Whenever the function is not available
	 * we fallback to a pure PHP implementation. Setting $disableMbstring to
	 * true will skip the use of mb_check_encoding, this is mostly intended for
	 * unit testing our internal implementation.
	 * @since 1.21
	 * @note In MediaWiki 1.21, this function did not provide proper UTF-8 validation.
	 * In particular, the pure PHP code path did not in fact check for overlong forms.
	 * Beware of this when backporting code to that version of MediaWiki.
	 * @param string $value String to check
	 * @param boolean $disableMbstring Whether to use the pure PHP
	 * implementation instead of trying mb_check_encoding. Intended for unit
	 * testing. Default: false
	 * @return boolean Whether the given $value is a valid UTF-8 encoded string
	static function isUtf8( $value, $disableMbstring = false ) {
		$value = (string)$value;

		// If the mbstring extension is loaded, use it. However, before PHP 5.4, values above
		// U+10FFFF are incorrectly allowed, so we have to check for them separately.
		if ( !$disableMbstring && function_exists( 'mb_check_encoding' ) ) {
			static $newPHP;
			if ( $newPHP === null ) {
				$newPHP = !mb_check_encoding( "\xf4\x90\x80\x80", 'UTF-8' );

			return mb_check_encoding( $value, 'UTF-8' ) &&
				( $newPHP || preg_match( "/\xf4[\x90-\xbf]|[\xf5-\xff]/S", $value ) === 0 );

		if ( preg_match( "/[\x80-\xff]/S", $value ) === 0 ) {
			// String contains only ASCII characters, has to be valid
			return true;

		// PCRE implements repetition using recursion; to avoid a stack overflow (and segfault)
		// for large input, we check for invalid sequences (<= 5 bytes) rather than valid
		// sequences, which can be as long as the input string is. Multiple short regexes are
		// used rather than a single long regex for performance.
		static $regexes;
		if ( $regexes === null ) {
			$cont = "[\x80-\xbf]";
			$after = "(?!$cont)"; // "(?:[^\x80-\xbf]|$)" would work here
			$regexes = array(
				// Continuation byte at the start

				// ASCII byte followed by a continuation byte

				// Illegal byte

				// Invalid 2-byte sequence, or valid one then an extra continuation byte

				// Invalid 3-byte sequence, or valid one then an extra continuation byte

				// Invalid 4-byte sequence, or valid one then an extra continuation byte

		foreach ( $regexes as $regex ) {
			if ( preg_match( $regex, $value ) !== 0 ) {
				return false;
		return true;

示例19: correct

 public function correct(string $input) : string
     if (!mb_check_encoding($input, 'UTF-8')) {
         throw new SyntaxException(_('SVGファイルの符号化方式 (文字コード) は UTF-8 でなければなりません。'));
     $parser = xml_parser_create_ns();
     $isValid = xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $input, $nodes);
     if (!$isValid) {
         throw new SyntaxException(_('整形式になっていません。'));
     $document = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
     // ノードの削除
     $root = $document->documentElement;
     foreach ((new \DOMXPath($document))->query(self::BLACKLIST) as $node) {
         if ($node === $root) {
             throw new SyntaxException(_('ルート要素がSVG名前空間に属していません。'));
         $this->logger->error(sprintf(_('SVG中にノード %s を含めることはできません。'), $node->nodeName));
         if ($node->nodeType === XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
         } elseif ($node->parentNode) {
     return $document->saveXML();

示例20: parse

 public function parse($markdown)
     if (!is_string($markdown)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('markdown', 'type_invalid');
     if (!mb_check_encoding($markdown, 'UTF-8')) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('markdown', 'encoding_invalid');
     // 目的:我们希望用户输入在 code block 以外的尖括号当成普通字符对待,而不是 HTML 标签被处理
     // 替换所有尖括号(成对出现时会被当成标签而忽略)
     $markdown = str_replace('<', '&lt;', $markdown);
     $markdown = str_replace('>', '&gt;', $markdown);
     $html = Marked::render($markdown, ['gfm' => true, 'tables' => true, 'breaks' => true, 'sanitize' => false, 'langPrefix' => 'prettyprint lang-']);
     // 恢复 <code> 中的特殊符号(它们被 escape 了两次,第二次是 markdown 引擎)
     $pBegin = 0;
     while (false !== ($pBegin = stripos($html, '<code>', $pBegin))) {
         $pEnd = strpos($html, '</code>', $pBegin + 6);
         if ($pEnd === false) {
         $inner = substr($html, $pBegin + 6, $pEnd - $pBegin - 6);
         $inner = str_replace('&amp;lt;', '&lt;', $inner);
         $inner = str_replace('&amp;gt;', '&gt;', $inner);
         $html = substr_replace($html, $inner, $pBegin + 6, $pEnd - $pBegin - 6);
         $pBegin += strlen($inner) + 6;
     // 由 HTML Purifier 进一步过滤内容确保输入安全
     $html = $this->purifier->purify($html);
     return $html;









PHP mb_chr函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-15
PHP mbTrace函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-15





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