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wmq-go: Wrapped message queue which based on rabbitmq,support http protocol

原作者: [db:作者] 来自: 网络 收藏 邀请







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Wrapped message queue which based on rabbitmq,support http protocol


Linux are recommended,on windows the api "12.get or search last 100 lines log content" cannot be worked.


You can find pre-complied binary here https://gitee.com/snail/wmq-go/releases or https://github.com/snail007/wmq/releases
This is a web ui based console to manage wmq , https://github.com/phachon/wmq-admin
Thx @phachon


Usage of wmq:--api-disable                  disable api service--api-token string             access api token (default "guest")--data-example                 print example of data-file--data-file string             which file will store messages (default "message.json")--fail-wait int                access consumer url  fail and then how many milliseconds                                to sleep (default 50000)--ignore-headers stringSlice   these http headers will be ignored when access to consumer's url,                               multiple splitted by comma(,)--level string                 console log level,should be one of debug,info,warn,error                                (default "debug")--listen-api string            api service listening port (default "")--listen-publish string        publish service listening port (default "")--log-access                   access log on or off (default true)--log-dir string               the directory which store log files (default "log")--log-level stringSlice        log to file level,multiple splitted by comma(,)                                (default [info,error,debug])--log-max-count int            log file max count for rotate to remain (default 3)--log-max-size int             log file max size(bytes) for rotate (default 102400000)--mq-host string               which host be used when connect to RabbitMQ (default "")--mq-password string           which password be used when connect to RabbitMQ (default "guest")--mq-port int                  which port be used when connect to RabbitMQ (default 5672)--mq-prefix string             the queue and exchange default prefix (default "wmq.")--mq-username string           which username be used when connect to RabbitMQ (default "guest")--mq-vhost string              which vhost be used when connect to RabbitMQ (default "/")--realip-header string         the publisher's real ip will be set in this http header when                                 access to consumer's url (default "X-Forwarded-For")--version                      show version about current WMQ

Publishing Message

note:default publish port is 33031.publish a message     note:any "post body" and "get parameters" and "http header" was send to         "publishing" , them will be the same as when wmq access consumer's URL    request:        protocol:http        method:get or post        path:/:name?:query_string     //:name is the name of message ,                                        :query_string is any query string you need        header:            Token:string        //message's Token , if not need token ,leave it empty            RouteKey:string     //message's routing key , if not need token ,leave it empty    response:        httpcode:204|500      //204:menas success 500:means fail and output is error info


note:default manage port is 33021.add a message    request:        protocol:http        method:get        path:/message/add        parameters:            Name:string     //message name,must be unique            Comment:string  //comment             Durable:1|0     //durable or not,1:true,0:false            IsNeedToken:1|0 //need token or not when publish this kind message,1:true,0:false            Mode:string     //should be one of fanout,topic,direct            Token:string    //should be set when IsNeedToken is 1,other leave empty            api-token:string//the api token is setting in config            callback:string //callback function name for jsonp call,if no jsonp call ,leave it empty    response:        type:json        column:            code:1|0    //1 means success , 0 means fail        example:            no jsonp:{code:1,data:null} or {code:0,data:"some error"}             jsonp:callbackxxx({code:1,data:null}) or callbackxxx({code:0,data:"some error"}) 2.update a message    request:        protocol:http        method:get        path:/message/update        parameters:            Name:string     //message name            Comment:string  //comment             Durable:1|0     //durable or not,1:true,0:false            IsNeedToken:1|0 //need token or not when publish this kind message,1:true,0:false            Mode:string     //should be one of fanout,topic,direct            Token:string    //should be set when IsNeedToken is 1,other leave empty            api-token:string//the api token is setting in config            callback:string //callback function name for jsonp call,if no jsonp call ,leave it empty    response:        type:json        column:            code:1|0    //1 means success , 0 means fail        example:            no jsonp:{code:1,data:null} or {code:0,data:"some error"}             jsonp:callbackxxx({code:1,data:null}) or callbackxxx({code:0,data:"some error"}) 3.delete a message    request:        protocol:http        method:get        path:/message/delete        parameters:            Name:string     //message name            api-token:string//the api token is setting in config            callback:string //callback function name for jsonp call,if no jsonp call ,leave it empty    response:        type:json        column:            code:1|0    //1 means success , 0 means fail        example:            no jsonp:{code:1,data:null} or {code:0,data:"some error"}             jsonp:callbackxxx({code:1,data:null}) or callbackxxx({code:0,data:"some error"}) 4.add a consumer    request:        protocol:http        method:get        path:/consumer/add        parameters:            Name:string     //message name            URL:string      //URL of consume message            Timeout:int     // milliseconds waiting for response when access url , usually : 3000            Code:int        //http code,this code decide the url is accessed success or fail,                              usually it is 200            CheckCode:1|0   //whether to check response http code when access url,1:true,0:false            Comment:string  //comment of consumer            RouteKey:string //routing key            Token:string    //should be set when IsNeedToken is 1,other leave empty            api-token:string//the api token is setting in config            callback:string //callback function name for jsonp call,if no jsonp call ,leave it empty    response:        type:json        column:            code:1|0    //1 means success , 0 means fail        example:            no jsonp:{code:1,data:null} or {code:0,data:"some error"}             jsonp:callbackxxx({code:1,data:null}) or callbackxxx({code:0,data:"some error"}) 5.update a consumer    request:        protocol:http        method:get        path:/consumer/update        parameters:            Name:string     //message name            ID:string       //ID of consumer            URL:string      //URL of consume message            Timeout:int     //milliseconds waiting for response when access url ,                               usually : 3000            Code:int        //http code,this code decide the url is accessed success or fail,                              usually it is 200            CheckCode:1|0   //whether to check response http code when access url,1:true,0:false            Comment:string  //comment of consumer            RouteKey:string //routing key            Token:string    //should be set when IsNeedToken is 1,other leave empty            api-token:string//the api token is setting in config            callback:string //callback function name for jsonp call,                              if no jsonp call ,leave it empty    response:        type:json        column:            code:1|0    //1 means success , 0 means fail        example:            no jsonp:{code:1,data:null} or {code:0,data:"some error"}             jsonp:callbackxxx({code:1,data:null}) or callbackxxx({code:0,data:"some error"})6.delete a consumer    request:        protocol:http        method:get        path:/consumer/delete        parameters:            Name:string     //message name            ID:string       //ID of consumer            api-token:string//the api token is setting in config            callback:string //callback function name for jsonp call,                              if no jsonp call ,leave it empty    response:        type:json        column:            code:1|0    //1 means success , 0 means fail        example:            no jsonp:{code:1,data:null} or {code:0,data:"some error"}             jsonp:callbackxxx({code:1,data:null}) or callbackxxx({code:0,data:"some error"}7.restart service    request:            protocol:http            method:get            path:/restart            parameters:                api-token:string    //the api token is setting in config                callback:string     //callback function name for jsonp call,                                      if no jsonp call ,leave it empty    response:            type:json            column:                code:1|0    //1 means success , 0 means fail            example:                no jsonp:{code:1,data:null} or {code:0,data:"some error"}                 jsonp:callbackxxx({code:1,data:null}) or callbackxxx({code:0,data:"some error"})8.reload service    request:            protocol:http            method:get            path:/reload            parameters:                api-token:string    //the api token is setting in config                callback:string     //callback function name for jsonp call,                                      if no jsonp call ,leave it empty    response:            type:json            column:                code:1|0    //1 means success , 0 means fail            example:                no jsonp:{code:1,data:null} or {code:0,data:"some error"}                 jsonp:callbackxxx({code:1,data:null}) or callbackxxx({code:0,data:"some error"})9.get messages config      request:            protocol:http            method:get            path:/config            parameters:                api-token:string    //the api token is setting in config                callback:string     //callback function name for jsonp call,                                      if no jsonp call ,leave it empty    response:            type:json            column:                code:1|0    //1 means success , 0 means fail            example:                no jsonp:                        {                            "code": 1,                             "data": [{                                        "Durable": false,                                        "IsNeedToken": true,                                        "Mode": "topic",                                        "Name": "test",                                        "Token": "JQJsUOqYzYZZgn8gUvs7sIinrJ0tDD8J"                                        "Comment": "",                                        "Consumers": [{                                                "Comment": "",                                                "ID": "111",                                                "Code": 200,                                                "CheckCode": true,                                                "RouteKey": "#",                                                "Timeout": 5000,                                                "URL": "http://test.com/wmq.php"                                            }                                        ],                                    }]                        }                 or {code:0,data:"some error"}                 jsonp:callbackxxx({code:1,data:[...]}) or callbackxxx({code:0,data:"some error"})10.get a consumer status    request:            protocol:http            method:get            path:/consumer/status            parameters:                Name:string         //message name                ID:string           //consumer's ID                api-token:string    //the api token is setting in config                callback:string     //callback function name for jsonp call,                                      if no jsonp call ,leave it empty    response:            type:json            column:                code:1|0    //1 means success , 0 means fail            example:                no jsonp:                            {                                "code": 1,                                 "data": {                                    "Count": 0,                                     "ID": "111",                                     "LastTime": "1496480916",                                     "MsgName": "test"                                }                            }                 or {code:0,data:"some error"}                 jsonp:callbackxxx({code:1,data:[...]}) or callbackxxx({code:0,data:"some error"})11.get all consumer status of a message    request:            protocol:http            method:get            path:/message/status            parameters:                Name:string         //message name                api-token:string    //the api token is setting in config                callback:string     //callback function name for jsonp call,                                      if no jsonp call ,leave it empty    response:            type:json            column:                code:1|0    //1 means success , 0 means fail            example:                no jsonp:                            {                                "code": 1,                                 "data": [                                    {                                        "Count": 0,                                         "ID": "111",                                         "LastTime": "1496480916",                                         "MsgName": "test"                                    },                                     {                                        "Count": 0,                                         "ID": "222",                                         "LastTime": "1496480916",                                         "MsgName": "test"                                    }                                ]                            }                 or {code:0,data:"some error"}                 jsonp:callbackxxx({code:1,data:[...]}) or callbackxxx({code:0,data:"some error"})12.get or search last 100 lines log content    request:            protocol:http            method:get            path:/log            parameters:                keyword:string           //keyword to search                type:string             //should be one of: info,error,debug                api-token:string        //the api token is setting in config                callback:string         //callback function name for jsonp call,                                            if no jsonp call ,leave it empty    response:            type:json            column:                code:1|0    //1 means success , 0 means fail            example:                no jsonp:                            {                                "code": 1,                                 "data":"log content"                            }                 or {code:0,data:"some error"}                 jsonp:callbackxxx({code:1,data:[...]}) or callbackxxx({code:0,data:"some error"})13.get all log file names    request:            protocol:http            method:get            path:/log/list            parameters:                api-token:string        //the api token is setting in config                callback:string         //callback function name for jsonp call,                                            if no jsonp call ,leave it empty    response:            type:json            column:                code:1|0    //1 means success , 0 means fail            example:                no jsonp:{"code":1,"data":["error.log","info.log"]}                 or {code:0,data:"some error"}                 jsonp:callbackxxx({code:1,data:[...]}) or callbackxxx({code:0,data:"some error"})14.download a log file    request:            protocol:http            method:get            path:/log/file            parameters:                file:string             //filename of log file,such as : info.log 、debug.tar.gz                api-token:string       //the api token is setting in config    response:            your browser will tip download file













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