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k3os: k3OS是Linux发行版,旨在消除Kubernetes集群中尽可能多的OS维护 ...

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k3OS is a Linux distribution designed to remove as much OS maintenanceas possible in a Kubernetes cluster. It is specifically designed to onlyhave what is needed to run k3s. Additionallythe OS is designed to be managed by kubectl once a cluster is bootstrapped.Nodes only need to join a cluster and then all aspects of the OS can be managedfrom Kubernetes. Both k3OS and k3s upgrades are handled by the k3OS operator.

  1. Quick Start
  2. Design
  3. Installation
  4. Configuration
  5. Upgrade/Maintenance
  6. Building
  7. Configuration Reference

Quick Start

Download the ISO from the latest release and run itin VMware, VirtualBox, KVM, or bhyve. The server will automatically start a single node Kubernetes cluster.Log in with the user rancher and run kubectl. This is a "live install" running from the ISO mediaand changes will not persist after reboot.

To copy k3OS to local disk, after logging in as rancher run sudo k3os install. Then remove the ISOfrom the virtual machine and reboot.

Live install (boot from ISO) requires at least 2GB of RAM. Local install requires 1GB RAM.


Core design goals of k3OS are

  1. Minimal OS for running Kubernetes by way of k3s
  2. Ability to upgrade and configure using kubectl
  3. Versatile installation to allow easy creation of OS images.

File System Structure

Critical to the design of k3OS is how that file system is structured. A booted system willlook as follows

/etc - ephemeral/usr - read-only (except /usr/local is writable and persistent)/k3os - system files/home - persistent/var - persistent/opt - persistent/usr/local - persistent


All configuration in the system is intended to be ephemeral. If you change anything in /etc itwill revert on next reboot. If you wish to persist changes to the configuration they must be donein the k3OS config.yaml which will be applied on each boot.


The entire user space is stored in /usr and as read-only. The only way to change /usr is tochange versions of k3OS. The directory /usr/local is a symlink to /var/local and thereforewritable.


The k3OS directory contains the core operating system files references on boot to construct thefile system. It contains squashfs images and binaries for k3OS, k3s, and the Linux kernel. Onboot the appropriate version for all three will be chosen and configured.

/var, /usr/local, /home, /opt

Persistent changes should be kept in /var, /usr/local, /home, or /opt.

Upstream Distros

Most of the user-space binaries comes from Alpine and are repackaged for k3OS. Currently thekernel source is coming from Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Some code and a lot of inspiration came fromLinuxKit


Interactive Installation

Interactive installation is done from booting from the ISO. The installation is done by runningk3os install. The k3os install sub-command is only available on systems booted live.An installation to disk will not have k3os install. Follow the prompts to install k3OS to disk.

The installation will format an entire disk. If you have a single hard disk attached to the systemit will not ask which disk but just pick the first and only one.

Automated Installation

Installation can be automated by using kernel cmdline parameters. There are a lot of creativesolutions to booting a machine with cmdline args. You can remaster the k3OS ISO, PXE boot,use qemu/kvm, or automate input with packer. The kernel and initrd are available in the k3OS releaseartifacts, along with the ISO.

The cmdline value k3os.mode=install or k3os.fallback_mode=install is required to enable automated installations.Below is a reference of all cmdline args used to automate installation

k3os.modeinstallBoot k3OS to the installer, not an interactive session
k3os.fallback_modeinstallIf a valid K3OS_STATE partition is not found to boot from, run the installation
k3os.install.silentfalsetrueEnsure no questions will be asked
k3os.install.force_efifalsetrueForce EFI installation even when EFI is not detected
k3os.install.device/dev/vdaDevice to partition and format (/dev/sda, /dev/vda)
k3os.install.config_urlhttps://gist.github.com/.../dweomer.yamlThe URL of the config to be installed at /k3os/system/config.yaml
k3os.install.iso_urlhttps://github.com/rancher/k3os/../k3os-amd64.isoISO to download and install from if booting from kernel/vmlinuz and not ISO.
k3os.install.no_formattrueDo not partition and format, assume layout exists already
k3os.install.ttyautottyS0The tty device used for console
k3os.install.debugfalsetrueRun installation with more logging and configure debug for installed system
k3os.install.power_offfalsetrueShutdown the machine after install instead of rebooting

Custom partition layout

By default k3OS expects one partition to exist labeled K3OS_STATE. K3OS_STATE is expected to be an ext4 formatted filesystem with at least 2GB of disk space. The installer will create thispartitions and file system automatically, or you can create them manually if you have a need for an advanced file system layout.

Bootstrapped Installation

You can install k3OS to a block device from any modern Linux distribution. Just download and run install.sh.This script will run the same installation as the ISO but is a bit more raw and will not prompt for configuration.

Usage: ./install.sh [--force-efi] [--debug] [--tty TTY] [--poweroff] [--takeover] [--no-format] [--config https://.../config.yaml] DEVICE ISO_URLExample: ./install.sh /dev/vda https://github.com/rancher/k3os/releases/download/v0.10.0/k3os.isoDEVICE must be the disk that will be partitioned (/dev/vda). If you are using --no-format it should be the device of the K3OS_STATE partition (/dev/vda2)The parameters names refer to the same names used in the cmdline, refer to README.md formore info.

Remastering ISO

To remaster the ISO all you need to do is copy /k3os and /boot from the ISO to a new folder. Then modify /boot/grub/grub.cfg to add whatever kernel cmdline args for auto-installation.To build a new ISO just use the utility grub-mkrescue as follows:

# Ubuntu: apt install grub-efi grub-pc-bin mtools xorriso# CentOS: dnf install grub2-efi grub2-pc mtools xorriso# Alpine: apk add grub-bios grub-efi mtools xorrisomount -o loop k3os.iso /mntmkdir -p iso/boot/grubcp -rf /mnt/k3os iso/cp /mnt/boot/grub/grub.cfg iso/boot/grub/# Edit iso/boot/grub/grub.cfggrub-mkrescue -o k3os-new.iso iso/ -- -volid K3OS

GRUB2 CAVEAT: Some non-Alpine installations of grub2 will create ${ISO}/boot/grub2 instead of ${ISO}/boot/grubwhich will generally lead to broken installation media. Be mindful of this and modify the above commands(that work with this path) accordingly. Systems that exhibit this behavior typically have grub2-mkrescueon the path instead of grub-mkrescue.

Takeover Installation

A special mode of installation is designed to install to a current running Linux system. This only works on ARM64 and x86_64. Download install.shand run with the --takeover flag. This will install k3OS to the current root and override the grub.cfg. After you reboot the system k3OS will then delete all files on the root partition that are not k3OS and then shutdown. This mode is particularly handy when creating cloud images. This way you can use an existing base image like Ubuntu and install k3OS over the top, snapshot, and create a new image.

In order for this to work a couple of assumptions are made. First the root (/) is assumed to be an ext4 partition. Also it is assumed that grub2 is installed and looking for the configuration at /boot/grub/grub.cfg. When running --takeover ensure that you also set --no-format and DEVICE must be set to the partition of /. Refer to the AWS packer template to see this mode in action. Below is any example of how to run a takeover installation.

./install.sh --takeover --debug --tty ttyS0 --config /tmp/config.yaml --no-format /dev/vda1 https://github.com/rancher/k3os/releases/download/v0.10.0/k3os.iso

ARM Overlay Installation

If you have a custom ARMv7 or ARM64 device you can easily use an existing bootable ARM image to create a k3OS setup.All you must do is boot the ARM system and then extract k3os-rootfs-arm.tar.gz to the root (stripping one path,look at the example below) and then place your cloud-config at /k3os/system/config.yaml. For example:

curl -sfL https://github.com/rancher/k3os/releases/download/v0.10.0/k3os-rootfs-arm.tar.gz | tar zxvf - --strip-components=1 -C /cp myconfig.yaml /k3os/system/config.yamlsyncreboot -f

This method places k3OS on disk and also overwrites /sbin/init.On next reboot your ARM bootloader and kernel should be loaded,but then when user space is to be initialized k3OS should take over.One important consideration at the moment is that k3OS assumes the root device is not read only.This typically means you need to remove ro from the kernel cmdline.This should be fixed in a future release.


All configuration is done through a single cloud-init style config file that iseither packaged in the image, downloaded though cloud-init or managed byKubernetes. The configuration file is found at


The /k3os/system/config.yaml file is reserved for the system installation and should not bemodified on a running system. This file is usually populated by during the image build orinstallation process and contains important bootstrap information (such as networking or cloud-initdata sources).

The /var/lib/rancher/k3os/config.yaml or config.d/* files are intended to be used at runtime.These files can be manipulated manually, through scripting, or managed with the Kubernetes operator.

Sample config.yaml

A full example of the k3OS configuration file is as below.

ssh_authorized_keys:- ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQAB...- github:ibuildthecloudwrite_files:- encoding: ""  content: |-    #!/bin/bash    echo hello, local service start  owner: root  path: /etc/local.d/example.start  permissions: '0755'hostname: myhostinit_cmd:- "echo hello, init command"boot_cmd:- "echo hello, boot command"run_cmd:- "echo hello, run command"k3os:  data_sources:  - aws  - cdrom  modules:  - kvm  - nvme  sysctl:    kernel.printk: "4 4 1 7"    kernel.kptr_restrict: "1"  dns_nameservers:  -  -  ntp_servers:  - 0.us.pool.ntp.org  - 1.us.pool.ntp.org  wifi:  - name: home    passphrase: mypassword  - name: nothome    passphrase: somethingelse  password: rancher  server_url: https://someserver:6443  token: TOKEN_VALUE  labels:    region: us-west-1    somekey: somevalue  k3s_args:  - server  - "--cluster-init"  environment:    http_proxy: http://myserver    https_proxy: http://myserver  taints:  - key1=value1:NoSchedule  - key1=value1:NoExecute

Refer to the configuration reference for full details of eachconfiguration key.


Since k3OS is built on k3s all Kubernetes configuration is done by configuringk3s. This is primarily done through environment and k3s_args keys in config.yaml.The write_files key can be used to populate the /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/manifestsfolder with apps you'd like to deploy on boot.

Refer to k3s docs for moreinformation on how to configure Kubernetes.

Kernel cmdline

All configuration can be passed as kernel cmdline parameters too. The keys are dotseparated. For example k3os.token=TOKEN. If the key is a slice, multiple values are set byrepeating the key, for example k3os.dns_nameserver= k3os.dns_nameserver= Youcan use the plural or singular form of the name, just ensure you consistently use the same form. Formap values the form key[key]=value form is used, for example k3os.sysctl[kernel.printk]="4 4 1 7".If the value has spaces in it ensure that the value is quoted. Boolean keys expect a value oftrue or false or no value at all means true. For example k3os.install.efi is the sameas k3os.install.efi=true.


Configuration is applied in three distinct phases: initrd, boot, runtime. initrdis run during the initrd phase before the root disk has been mounted. boot is run afterthe root disk is mounted and the file system is setup, but before any services have started.There is no networking available yet at this point. The final stage runtime is executed afternetworking has come online. If you are using a configuration from a cloud provider (like AWSuserdata) it will only be run in the runtime phase. Below is a table of which config keysare supported in each phase.



Networking is powered by connman. To configure networking a couple of helper keys areavailable: k3os.dns_nameserver, k3os.ntp_servers, k3os.wifi. Refer to thereference for a full explanation of those keys. If you wishto configure a HTTP proxy set the http_proxy, and https_proxy fields in k3os.environment.All other networking configuration should be done by configuring connman directly by using thewrite_files key to create connman servicefiles.

Upgrade and Maintenance

Upgrading and reconfiguring k3OS is all handled through the Kubernetes operator. The operatoris still in development. More details to follow. The basic design is that one can set thedesired k3s and k3OS versions, plus their configuration and the operator will roll that out tothe cluster.

Automatic Upgrades

Integration with rancher/system-upgrade-controller has been implemented as of v0.9.0.To enable a k3OS node to automatically upgrade from the latest GitHub release you will need to make sure it has the labelk3os.io/upgrade with value latest (for k3OS versions prior to v0.11.x please use label plan.upgrade.cattle.io/k3os-latest). The upgrade controller will then spawn an upgrade jobthat will drain most pods, upgrade the k3OS content under /k3os/system, and then reboot. The system should come back up running the latestkernel and k3s version bundled with k3OS and ready to schedule pods.

Pre v0.9.0

If your k3OS installation is running a version prior to the v0.9.0 release or one of its release candidates you can setupthe system upgrade controller to upgrade your k3OS by following these steps:

# apply the system-upgrade-controller manifest (once per cluster)kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rancher/k3os/v0.10.0/overlay/share/rancher/k3s/server/manifests/system-upgrade-controller.yaml# after the system-upgrade-controller pod is Ready, apply the plan manifest (once per cluster)kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rancher/k3os/v0.10.0/overlay/share/rancher/k3s/server/manifests/system-upgrade-plans/k3os-latest.yaml# apply the `plan.upgrade.cattle.io/k3os-latest` label as described above (for every k3OS node), e.g.kubectl label nodes -l k3os.io/mode plan.upgrade.cattle.io/k3os-latest=enabled # this should work on any cluster with k3OS installations at v0.7.0 or greater

Manual Upgrades

For single-node or development use cases, where the operator is not being used, you can upgrade the rootfs and kernel with the following commands. If you do not specify K3OS_VERSION, it will default to the latest release.

When using an overlay install such as on Raspberry Pi (see ARM Overlay Installation) the original distro kernel (such as Raspbian) will continue to be used. On these systems the k3os-upgrade-kernel script will exit with a warning and perform no action.

export K3OS_VERSION=v0.10.0/usr/share/rancher/k3os/scripts/k3os-upgrade-rootfs/usr/share/rancher/k3os/scripts/k3os-upgrade-kernel

You should always remember to backup your data first, and reboot after upgrading.

Manual Upgrade Scripts Have Been DEPRECATED

These scripts have been deprecated as of v0.9.0 are still on the system at /usr/share/rancher/k3os/scripts.


To build k3OS you just need Docker and then run make. All artifacts will be put in ./dist/artifacts.If you are running on Linux you can run ./scripts/run to run a VM of k3OS in the terminal. To exitthe instance type CTRL+a c to get the qemu console and then q for quit.

The source for the kernel is in https://github.com/rancher/k3os-kernel and similarly youjust need to have Docker and run make to compile the kernel.

Configuration Reference

Below is a reference of all keys available in the config.yaml


A list of SSH authorized keys that should be added to the rancher user. k3OS primarilyhas one user, rancher. The root account is always disabled, has no password, and is neverassigned a ssh key. SSH keys can be obtained from GitHub user accounts by using the formatgithub:${USERNAME}. This is done by downloading the keys from https://github.com/${USERNAME}.keys.


ssh_authorized_keys:- "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC2TBZGjE+J8ag11dzkFT58J3XPONrDVmalCNrKxsfADfyy0eqdZrG8hcAxAR/5zuj90Gin2uBR4Sw6Cn4VHsPZcFpXyQCjK1QDADj+WcuhpXOIOY3AB0LZBly9NI0ll+8lo3QtEaoyRLtrMBhQ6Mooy2M3MTG4JNwU9o3yInuqZWf9PvtW6KxMl+ygg1xZkljhemGZ9k0wSrjqif+8usNbzVlCOVQmZwZA+BZxbdcLNwkg7zWJSXzDIXyqM6iWPGXQDEbWLq3+HR1qKucTCSxjbqoe0FD5xcW7NHIME5XKX84yH92n6yn+rxSsyUfhJWYqJd+i0fKf5UbN6qLrtd/D"- "github:ibuildthecloud"


A list of files to write to disk on boot. These files can be either plain text, gziped, base64 encoded,or base64+gzip encoded.


write_files:- encoding: b64  content: CiMgVGhpcyBmaWxlIGNvbnRyb2xzIHRoZSBzdGF0ZSBvZiBTRUxpbnV4...  owner: root:root  path: /etc/connman/main.conf  permissions: '0644'- content: |    # My new /etc/sysconfig/samba file    SMDBOPTIONS="-D"  path: /etc/sysconfig/samba- content: !!binary |    f0VMRgIBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAIAPgABAAAAwARAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAAJAVAAAAAA    AEAAHgAdAAYAAAAFAAAAQAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAAAAAEAAQAAAAAAAwAEAAAAAAA    AAAAAAAAAwAAAAQAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAACQAAAAAAAAAJAAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAAAB    ...  path: /bin/arch  permissions: '0555'- content: |    15 * * * * root ship_logs  path: /etc/crontab


Set the system hostname. This value will be overwritten by DHCP if DHCP supplies a hostname forthe system.


hostname: myhostname

init_cmd, boot_cmd, run_cmd

All three keys are used to run arbitrary commands on startup in the respective phases of initrd,boot and runtime. Commands are ran after write_files so it is possible to write a script todisk and run it from these commands. That often makes it easier to do longer form setup.


These are the data sources used for download config from cloud provider. The valid options are:


More than one can be supported at a time, for example:

k3os:  data_sources:  - openstack  - cdrom

When multiple data sources are specified they are probed in order and the first to provide /run/config/userdata will halt further processing.


A list of kernel modules to be loaded on start.


k3os:  modules:  - kvm  - nvme


Kernel sysctl to setup on start. These are the same configuration you'd typically find in /etc/sysctl.conf.Must be specified as string values.

k3os:  sysctl:    kernel.printk: 4 4 1 7      # the YAML parser will read as a string    kernel.kptr_restrict: "1"   # force the YAML parser to read as a string


Fallback ntp servers to use if NTP is not configured elsewhere in connman.


k3os:  ntp_servers:  - 0.us.pool.ntp.org  - 1.us.pool.ntp.org


Fallback DNS name servers to use if DNS is not configured by DHCP or in a connman service config.


k3os:  dns_nameservers:  -  -


Simple wifi configuration. All that is accepted is name and passphrase. If you require morecomplex configuration then you should use write_files to write a connman service config.


k3os:  wifi:  - name: home    passphrase: mypassword  - name: nothome    passphrase: somethingelse


The password for the rancher user. By default there is no password for the rancher user.If you set a password at runtime it will be reset on next boot because /etc is ephemeral. Thevalue of the password can be clear text or an encrypted form. The easiest way to get this encryptedform is to just change your password on a Linux system and copy the value of the second field from/etc/shadow. You can also encrypt a password using openssl passwd -1.


k3os:  password: "$1$tYtghCfK$QHa51MS6MVAcfUKuOzNKt0"

Or clear text

k3os:  password: supersecure


The URL of the k3s server to join as an agent.


k3os:  server_url: https://myserver:6443


The cluster secret or node token. If the value matches the format of a node token it willautomatically be assumed to be a node token. Otherwise it is treated as a cluster secret.


k3os:  token: myclustersecret

Or a node token

k3os:  token: "K1074ec55daebdf54ef48294b0ddf0ce1c3cb64ee7e3d0b9ec79fbc7baf1f7ddac6::node:77689533d0140c7019416603a05275d4"


Labels to be assigned to this node in Kubernetes on registration. After the node is first registeredin Kubernetes the value of this setting will be ignored.


k3os:  labels:    region: us-west-1    somekey: somevalue


Arguments to be passed to the k3s process. The arguments should start with server or agent to be valid.k3s_args is an exec-style (aka uninterpreted) argument array which means that when specifying a flag with a value onemust either join the flag to the value with an = in the same array entry or specify the flag in an entry by itselfimmediately followed the value in another entry, e.g.:

# K3s flags with values joined with `=` in single entryk3os:  k3s_args:  - server  - "--cluster-cidr="  - "--service-cidr="# Effectively invokes k3s as:# exec "k3s" "server" "--cluster-cidr=" "--service-cidr=" 
# K3s flags with values in following entryk3os:  k3s_args:  - server  - "--cluster-cidr"  - ""  - "--service-cidr"  - ""# Effectively invokes k3s as:# exec "k3s" "server" "--cluster-cidr" "" "--service-cidr" "" 


Environment variables to be set on k3s and other processes like the boot process.Primary use of this field is to set the http proxy.


k3os:  environment:    http_proxy: http://myserver    https_proxy: http://myserver


Taints to set on the current node when it is first registered. After thenode is first registered the value of this field is ignored.

k3os:  taints:  - "key1=value1:NoSchedule"  - "key1=value1:NoExecute"


Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Rancher Labs, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not usethis file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of theLicense at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributedunder the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES ORCONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for thespecific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.













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