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libsearpc: 简单易用的 C 语言 RPC 框架,包括客户端和服务器端(包括 Python实现) ...

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Introduction Build Status

Searpc is a simple C language RPC framework based on GObject system. Searpchandles the serialization/deserialization part of RPC, the transportpart is left to users.

The serialization/deserialization uses JSON format via json-gliblibrary. A serialized json object is returned from server to clientafter executing the RPC function. Each RPC function defined in theserver side should take an extra GError argument to report error. Thereturned json object contains three fields:

  • ret: the return value of the RPC function
  • err_code: error code. This field is only set if the RPC functionreports an error.
  • err_msg: error message. This field is only set if the RPC functionreports an error.



./autogen.sh; ./configure; make; make install

To enable profile, Use

CFLAGS="-DPROFILE" ./configure

When profile is enabled, the time spend in each rpc call will be printed.



In the client side, you need to:

  • Create a rpc_client and supply the transport function.
  • write code to send the request to server and get the resonpse from it.

Create rpc_client

The client needs to create a SearpcClient object and supply atransport function. For example:

/* create an rpc_client and supply the transport function. */SearpcClient *rpc_client;rpc_client = searpc_client_new();rpc_client->transport = transport_callback;rpc_client->arg = &sockfd;

Suppose we have a get_substring function defined in server as follows:

gchar *get_substring (const gchar *orig_str, int sub_len, GError **error)

To call this function, we type:

gchar* result;GError *error = NULL;result = searpc_client_call__string (client, "get_substring", &error,                                     2, "string", "hello", "int", 2);

string in searpc_client_call__string specify the return type. "get_substring"is the function name. The remain parameters specify the number of parameters the rpcfunction took and the type of each parameter and its value. So

2, "string", "hello", "int", 2

means "get_substring" takes 2 parameters, the first is of type "string", the value is"hello", the second is of type "int", the value is 2.

Transport function

When the client-side function is called, Searpc does the following work:

  • Pack the function name and the params into JSON data format.
  • Call your transport function to send the JSON datato the server, and get the returned data from the server.
  • Unpack the returned JSON data and return the value as the returnvalue of the client-side function.

Your transport function is supposed to:

  • Send the request data to the server.
  • Receive the returned data from the server.

The prototype of the transport function is:

/*  * arg: rpc_client->arg. Normally a socket number. * fcall_str: the JSON data stream generated by Searpc. * fcall_len: the length of `fcall_str`. * ret_len: place to get the length of the returned json data stream. * Returns: A newly allocated string stores the JSON data stream. */static char *transport_callback (void *arg, const char *fcall_str, size_t fcall_len, size_t *ret_len);


In the server side, you need to:

  • Init searpc server
  • Create services and register your functions
  • write code to receive the request and send the result

And Searpc handles the others for you.


  • Marshal: The process of unpacking the function arguments fromJSON data, call the RPC function and packing the result into JSONdata format is called marshalling. The function used topack the result is called a marshal.

  • Signature: Every function has a signature determined by itsreturn type and parameter types. Knowning a function's signatureenable us to use a corresponding marshal to call it and convertthe result into json string.

Init Searpc Server

First write rpc_table.py to contain the rpc function signatures as follows:

# [ <ret-type>, [<arg_types>] ]func_table = [     [ "int", ["string"] ],     [ "string", ["int", "string"] ],]

Add makefile rule:

searpc-signature.h searpc-marshal.h: rpc_table.py    python searpc-codegen.py rpc_table.py

searpc-signature.h and searpc-marshal.h will be created containing thefunction signatures and corresponding marshals. searpc-marshal.h also containsa function called register_marshals.

Then we init the server as follows:

#include "searpc-signature.h"#include "searpc-marshal.h"static voidinit_rpc_service(void){    /* register_marshals is defined in searpc-marshal.h */    searpc_server_init(register_marshals);}

Register Functions

To register a function we first need to create a service. A service isa set of functions.

Suppose we want to make searpc_strlen callable from some networkclients, we can do this by putting the following code somewhere:

static intsearpc_strlen(const char *str){    if (str == NULL)        return -1;    else        return strlen(str);}static voidregister_functions(){    searpc_create_service("searpc-demo");    /* The first parameter is the implementation function.     * The second parameter is the name of the rpc function the      * client would call.     * The third parameter is the signature.     */    searpc_server_register_function("searpc-demo",                                    searpc_strlen,                                    "searpc_strlen",                                    searpc_signature_int__string()); }

The seaprc_server_register_function routine registers a function asa RPC function. Theprototype of this function is:

/* * service:     the name of the service * func:        pointer to the function you want to register * fname:       the name of the function. It would be the key of your  *              function in the fucntion hash table. * signature:   the identifier used to get the corresponding marshal. * Returns:     a gboolean value indicating success or failure */ gboolean searpc_server_register_function (const char *service,                                           void* func,                                           const gchar *fname,                                           gchar *signature);

Call the RPC fucntion

After the registration, you should listen to the socket and wait for theincoming request data stream. Once you get a valid request, call thesearpc_server_call_function() routine, which will automatically do thefollowing work for you:

  • Parse the JSON data stream to resolve the function name and the data.
  • Lookup the function in internal function table according to the funcname.
  • If a proper function is found, call the function with the given params.
  • Packing the result into a JSON data string.

The prototype of searpc_server_call_function is:

/* * service: Service name. * data:    The incoming JSON data stream. * len:     The length of **`data`**. * ret_len: Place to hold the length of the JSON data stream to be returned * Returns: The JSON data containing the result of the RPC */gchar* searpc_server_call_function (const char *service,                                    gchar *data, gsize len, gsize *ret_len)

The value returned by searpc_server_call_function() is the JSON dataready to send back to the client.

Note, the JSON data stream from client does not contain the servicename, it's left to the transport layer to solve the problem. There areseveral ways, for example:

  1. You may listen on different sockets and determine the service bythe incoming socket.
  2. The client transport function prepend the service name into the requestbefore the json data, and the server transport function first read the servicename and read the json data.


Pysearpc is the Python binding of Searpc. Only the client side function issupported. To use it, simply define a class which inherits SearpcClient, andprovide a call_remote_func_sync method, which is equivalent to thetransport_callback.

To define your RPC funtion, use the @searpc_func decorator. It isequivalent to SEARPC_CLIENT_DEFUN_XXX__YYY macro. To define a RPCfunction which accepts multiple params, here is an example:

class SampeSearpcClient(SearpcClient):    def call_remote_func_sync(self, fcall_str):        # your transport code here        ...        @searpc_func("int", ["string", "string"])    def searpc_demo_func(self):        # this is enough for the client side        pass

See the demo program for a more detailed example.


There are well-commented demos in both C and Python.

  • searpc-demo-server.c: The server side demo program
  • searpc-demo-client.c: The client side demo in C
  • pysearpc-demo-client.py: The client side demo in Python

To run the demo, run the server demo in a shell, and run the clientdemo in another. To run the python demo, you should first install thepackage and setup the PYTHONPATH appropriately.


The following packages are required to build libsearpc:

  • glib-2.0 >= 2.26.0
  • gobject-2.0 >= 2.26.0
  • jansson >= 2.2.1
  • python simplejson (for pysearpc)








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