Creating a generic component as output of React.forwardRef
is not directly possible 1 (see bottom). There are some alternatives though - let's simplify your example a bit for illustration:
type Option<O = unknown> = { value: O; label: string; }
type Props<T extends Option<unknown>> = { options: T[] }
const options = [
{ value: 1, label: "la1", flag: true },
{ value: 2, label: "la2", flag: false }
Choose variants (1) or (2) for simplicity. (3) will replace forwardRef
by usual props. With (4) you globally chance forwardRef
type definitions once in the app.
// Given render function (input) for React.forwardRef
const FRefInputComp = <T extends Option>(p: Props<T>, ref: Ref<HTMLDivElement>) =>
<div ref={ref}> { => <p>{o.label}</p>)} </div>
// Cast the output
const FRefOutputComp1 = React.forwardRef(FRefInputComp) as
<T extends Option>(p: Props<T> & { ref?: Ref<HTMLDivElement> }) => ReactElement
const Usage11 = () => <FRefOutputComp1 options={options} ref={myRef} />
// options has type { value: number; label: string; flag: boolean; }[]
// , so we have made FRefOutputComp generic!
This works, as the return type of forwardRef
in principle is a plain function. We just need a generic function type shape. You might add an extra type to make the assertion simpler:
type ForwardRefFn<R> = <P={}>(p: P & React.RefAttributes<R>) => ReactElement |null
// `RefAttributes` is built-in type with ref and key props defined
const Comp12 = React.forwardRef(FRefInputComp) as ForwardRefFn<HTMLDivElement>
const Usage12 = () => <Comp12 options={options} ref={myRef} />
2. Wrap forwarded component
const FRefOutputComp2 = React.forwardRef(FRefInputComp)
// ? T is instantiated with base constraint `Option<unknown>` from FRefInputComp
export const Wrapper = <T extends Option>({myRef,}: Props<T> &
{myRef: React.Ref<HTMLDivElement>}) => <FRefOutputComp2 {} ref={myRef} />
const Usage2 = () => <Wrapper options={options} myRef={myRef} />
3. Omit forwardRef
Use a custom ref prop instead. This one is my favorite - simplest alternative, a legitimate way in React and doesn't need forwardRef
const Comp3 = <T extends Option>(props: Props<T> & {myRef: Ref<HTMLDivElement>})
=> <div ref={myRef}> { => <p>{o.label}</p>)} </div>
const Usage3 = () => <Comp3 options={options} myRef={myRef} />
4. Use global type augmentation
Add following code once in your app, perferrably in a separate module react-augment.d.ts
import React from "react"
declare module "react" {
function forwardRef<T, P = {}>(
render: (props: P, ref: ForwardedRef<T>) => ReactElement | null
): (props: P & RefAttributes<T>) => ReactElement | null
This will augment React module type declarations, overriding forwardRef
with a new function overload type signature. Tradeoff: component properties like displayName
now need a type assertion.
1 Why does the original case not work?
has following type:
function forwardRef<T, P = {}>(render: ForwardRefRenderFunction<T, P>):
ForwardRefExoticComponent<PropsWithoutRef<P> & RefAttributes<T>>;
So this function takes a generic component-like render function ForwardRefRenderFunction
, and returns the final component with type ForwardRefExoticComponent
. These two are just function type declarations with additional properties displayName
, defaultProps
Now, there is a TypeScript 3.4 feature called higher order function type inference akin to Higher-Rank Types. It basically allows you to propagate free type parameters (generics from the input function) on to the outer, calling function - React.forwardRef
here -, so the resulting function component is still generic.
But this feature can only work with plain function types, as Anders Hejlsberg explains in [1], [2]:
We only make higher order function type inferences when the source and target types are both pure function types, i.e. types with a single call signature and no other members.
Above solutions will make React.forwardRef
work with generics again.
Playground variants 1, 2, 3
Playground variant 4