There are two ways to embed the same form multiple times on the page.
1. Using formKey
(Redux Form 5)
is the official way of doing this when using redux-form@5
(or below). You have to pass the key from the parent to identify the form: =>
<PanelForm key={panel.uuid} formKey={panel.uuid} initialValues={panel} />
declare the form key
Your form definition would be:
reduxForm({form: "AddCardForm", fields: ["text"], validate})
However this pattern has been removed from redux-form@6
2. Using a unique form
name (Redux Form 5 and above)
The following pattern is the recommended way of identifying forms since Redux Form 6. It is fully compatible with previous versions. =>
<PanelForm key={panel.uuid} form={`AddCardForm_${panel.uuid}`} initialValues={panel} />
declare the form identifier
Your form definition would be:
reduxForm({fields: ["text"], validate})
// No `form` config parameter here!