I am just experiencing a slight issue with an array as I have created a JSON list of podcast episodes, and when you click one it will play that podcast episode on the next screen.
I pass both the selected episode + the whole episodes array onto the player screen. Like so
const { episodes, episode } = route.params;
Then I add them both to an array, and then loop through the array and remove the duplicate element of the array.
var updated_array = [episode, ...episodes];
updated_array.forEach(obj => {
// check if their are any duplicate ids
// if so, push only one to the newArray
if (!newArray.some(o => o.id === obj.id)) {
newArray.push({ ...obj })
//newArray.sort((a, b) => (a.id > b.id) ? 1 : -1);
Which then I add the array to the TrackPlayer
await TrackPlayer.add([...newArray]);
If there is a cleaner way of doing this please let me know but at the moment if I select an episode which has the id of 4 for example, it'll mess up structure of the array, as when I go the next element, it will not be element 5, it will be element 1.
So all I want to do is have the newArray be sorted so whatever the selected index is, the array will sort it so the flow is not messed up when I am toggling through the podcast episodes.