Using the helper AnyShape
type eraser
struct AnyShape: Shape {
private let builder: (CGRect) -> Path
init<S: Shape>(_ shape: S) {
builder = { rect in
let path = shape.path(in: rect)
return path
func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path {
return builder(rect)
your function can be written as
func getShape(shape: Int, i: Int) -> some View {
let selectedShape: AnyShape = {
switch shape {
case 0:
return AnyShape(Rectangle())
case 1:
return AnyShape(Capsule())
case 2:
return AnyShape(Ellipse())
return AnyShape(Rectangle())
return selectedShape
.frame(width: CGFloat(shapeWidth), height: CGFloat(shapeHeight))
.rotationEffect(Angle(degrees: Double(i) * Double(angleStep))))