I am uploading files which could be 2 gb in size does .net core 5 support file sizes of that size. I am using mega and I am also wanting to get back a progress value of percentage, now I no what most say this figure is abituary but I would like to give some idea to my user of when the upload would be complete.
I am using this package to using in code behind https://github.com/gpailler/MegaApiClient but I didn't see any examples of how to use a progress feed back to the end user?.
public async Task<IActionResult> UploadFiles([FromForm]FileManagerViewModel fileManager)
var uploads = Path.Combine(hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath, "Uploads");
string uploadsUserId = uploads + @"" + UserId.ToString() + @"";
if (!Directory.Exists(uploadsUserId))
foreach (IFormFile formFile in fileManager.File)
string fullFile = uploads + @"" + UserId.ToString() + @"" + formFile.FileName;
using (var stream = new FileStream(fullFile, FileMode.Create))
await formFile.CopyToAsync(stream);
if (ModelState.IsValid)
var section = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("FileTransferConfig") as NameValueCollection;
var userName = section["UserName"];
var password = section["Password"];
FileClient client = new FileClient();
FileInfo info = new FileInfo(formFile.FileName);
var remoteIpAddress = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress;
await client.UploadFileAsync(_context, userName, password, fullFile, info.Extension.ToLower(), UserId.ToString(), remoteIpAddress.ToString());
return View("~/Views/FileManager/Index.cshtml", _context.FileManager.Where(w => w.UserId == UserId).ToList());
My UploadFileAysnc as you see I do get a ProgressChanged event back but how would one show that on the ui some how gracefully to the end user. I would prefare a popup or some form of visual indication.
public async Task<double> UploadFileAsync(MSFSAddonDBContext context, string UserName,string Password, string fileName,string extension,string userId,string ipAddress) {
double progressValue=0.00;
var client = new MegaApiClient();
client.Login(UserName, Password);
IEnumerable<INode> nodes = client.GetNodes();
INode root = nodes.Single(x => x.Type == NodeType.Root);
INode myFolder = nodes.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ParentId == root.Id && x.Type == NodeType.Directory && x.Name == userId) ?? client.CreateFolder(userId, root);
var progress = new Progress<double>();
progress.ProgressChanged += (s, progressValue) =>
//Update the UI (or whatever) with the progressValue
progressValue = Convert.ToInt32(progressValue);
if (uploadCancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
uploadCancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
INode myFile =await client.UploadFileAsync(fileName, myFolder,progress, uploadCancellationTokenSource.Token);
Uri downloadLink = client.GetDownloadLink(myFile);
FileManger uploadRecord= new FileManger();
Guid.TryParse(userId, out Guid userIdValue);
uploadRecord.UserId = userIdValue;
uploadRecord.isZipFile = true;
uploadRecord.OrignalFilename = fileName;
uploadRecord.FileExtension = Path.GetExtension(fileName);
uploadRecord.isActive = true;
uploadRecord.IPAddressBytes = ipAddress;
uploadRecord.isDeleted = false;
uploadRecord.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
uploadRecord.CreatedBy = UserName;
uploadRecord.canBeDownloadedByOtherUsers = true;
uploadRecord.DownloadLink = downloadLink.ToString();
var upload = context.FileManager.Add(uploadRecord);
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
return progressValue;