Actually, how to do this is undocumented, but is possible. If your looking to implement a for..Each syntax for a collection, then you can do the following:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public colT As New Collection
Public Function NewEnum() As IUnknown
Set NewEnum = colT.[_NewEnum]
End Function
Public Property Get NextItem() As IUnknown
Attribute NextItem.VB_UserMemId = -4
Attribute NextItem.VB_MemberFlags = "40"
Set NextItem = colT.[_NewEnum]
End Property
Note the Attribute settings in the above. You have to use the SaveAsText and edit code as above in notepad. You then re-import the code using loadfromText in the debug command line. Once you do the above, then you can go:
Dim n As clstest1
Dim v As Variant
Set n = New clstest1
[ code here that adds to collection]
For Each v In n
Debug.Print v
And, if you not looking to use for...each for a collection, you could/can also setup a default property of the class by going:
Public Property Get Item(Optional ndx As Integer = 1) As Variant
Attribute Item.VB_UserMemId = 0
Select Case ndx
Case 1: Item = Me.s1
Case 2: Item = Me.s2
Case 3: Item = Me.s3
End Select
End Property
Public Property Get count() As Integer
count = 3
End Property
Then, you can go:
Dim n As clstest1
Dim i As Integer
Set n = New clstest1
For i = 1 To n.count
Debug.Print n(i)
However, I not aware how you can automatic add each method/member of the class to a built-in object collection automatic (there is no way to serialize this with compiler options, but I have seen code with each procedure having Attribute Item.VB_UserMemId = 1, then 2 then 3). Perhaps someone with more knowledge can jump in).
However, as the above shows, you can implement a for..each for collections. And you can implement an index for each of the properties/methods if you create a custom item property. And, as the above shows, you can even set that item property you create as the default. I put in the "optional", and thus even:
debug.print n
Will work, or
debug.print n.Item(1)