
标题: ios - 如何为 iOS 手动设置设备的锁定时间 [打印本页]

作者: 菜鸟教程小白    时间: 2022-12-12 18:10
标题: ios - 如何为 iOS 手动设置设备的锁定时间

我知道在 iOS 中,如果您让设备闲置 45 秒,屏幕会变暗,如果再闲置 15 秒,设备将自动锁定。

我们可以通过以下方式禁用自动锁定 [UIApplication sharedApplication].idleTimerDisabled = YES



Best Answer-推荐答案

您可以在一定程度上通过监控用户与您的应用的交互(触摸事件)并在自定义空闲计时器到期时设置 [UIApplication sharedApplication].idleTimerDisabled = NO; 来实现。

您可以了解有关监控事件的更多信息 on this blog .不过,我已经通过 ARC 的代码更新概述了以下步骤。

关于测试后可能发生的事情的一些背景知识。无论 idleTimerDisabled = YES; 是否设置,Apple 的内部空闲计时器都会运行。这意味着如果用户在设置 idleTimerDisabled = NO; 时没有与手机交互超过自动锁定设置(即 1 分钟),则设备将立即变暗并在之后完全关闭15 秒。所以我们可以做的是禁用 idleTimer,并手动创建一个新的计时器,它会等待 x 分钟,然后再次启用 idleTimer。


使用以下代码(假设您将 Auto-Lock 设置为 1 分钟),应用将保持唤醒状态 2 分钟,之后我们设置 idleTimerDisabled = NO; 使应用变暗 15 秒它会关闭。

  1. 将以下两个文件添加到您的项目中(original source here) :


    //  ELCUIApplication.h
    //  Created by Brandon Trebitowski on 9/19/11.
    //  Copyright 2011 ELC Technologies. All rights reserved.
    #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
    // # of minutes before application times out
    #define kApplicationTimeoutInMinutes 2
    // Notification that gets sent when the timeout occurs
    #define kApplicationDidTimeoutNotification @"ApplicationDidTimeout"
     * This is a subclass of UIApplication with the sendEvent: method 
     * overridden in order to catch all touch events.
    @interface ELCUIApplication : UIApplication {
        NSTimer *_idleTimer;
     * Resets the idle timer to its initial state. This method gets called
     * every time there is a touch on the screen.  It should also be called
     * when the user correctly enters their pin to access the application.
    - (void)resetIdleTimer;


    //  ELCUIApplication.m
    //  Created by Brandon Trebitowski on 9/19/11.
    //  Copyright 2011 ELC Technologies. All rights reserved.
    #import "ELCUIApplication.h"
    @implementation ELCUIApplication
    - (void)sendEventUIEvent *)event {
        [super sendEvent:event];
        // Fire up the timer upon first event
        if(!_idleTimer) {
            [self resetIdleTimer];
        // Check to see if there was a touch event
        NSSet *allTouches = [event allTouches];
        if ([allTouches count] > 0) {
            UITouchPhase phase = ((UITouch *)[allTouches anyObject]).phase;
            if (phase == UITouchPhaseBegan) {
                [self resetIdleTimer];         
    - (void)resetIdleTimer {
        if (_idleTimer) {
            [_idleTimer invalidate];
    //        [_idleTimer release];
        // Schedule a timer to fire in kApplicationTimeoutInMinutes * 60
        float timeout = kApplicationTimeoutInMinutes * 60;
        _idleTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:timeout
    - (void)idleTimerExceeded {
        /* Post a notification so anyone who subscribes to it can be notified when
         * the application times out */ 
        [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
         postNotificationName:kApplicationDidTimeoutNotification object:nil];
    //- (void) dealloc {
    //  [_idleTimer release];
    //  [super dealloc];
  2. 在您的 Supporting Files 文件夹中打开 main.m,更新以下内容:

    #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
    #import "AppDelegate.h"
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        @autoreleasepool {
            return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv,  @"ELCUIApplication", NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class]));
  3. AppDelegate.m 中编辑 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: 方法并添加 applicationDidTimeout: 方法。

    - (BOOL)applicationUIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptionsNSDictionary *)launchOptions
        // Override point for customization after application launch.
        [UIApplication sharedApplication].idleTimerDisabled = YES;
        [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selectorselector(applicationDidTimeout
                                                 name:kApplicationDidTimeoutNotification object:nil];
        return YES;
    - (void) applicationDidTimeoutNSNotification *) notif {
        [UIApplication sharedApplication].idleTimerDisabled = NO;

关于ios - 如何为 iOS 手动设置设备的锁定时间,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21324060/

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