菜鸟教程小白 发表于 2022-12-13 06:05:19

ios - 以编程方式使用 Autolayout 自定义 UITableViewCell 的布局

                                            <p><p>我有一个在 iPhone 5s 上运行良好的自定义 UITableViewCell,但是自从这个计划开始以来,我们现在必须更新它以支持 iPhone 6 和 iPhone 6 Plus。 </p>

<p>我已经在我的 .xib 文件中使用 Autolayout 解决了大部分升级问题。但是,此单元格没有 .xib,因此我必须以编程方式完成所有操作。为了清楚起见,我暂时在有问题的标签周围画了一个边框</p>

<p>这是 iPhone 5S 上的样子</p>

<p> <img src="/image/mbaWa.png" alt="label with good positioning on iPhone 5s"/> </p>

<p>这是它在 iPhone 6 上的样子</p>

<p> <img src="/image/QsQwG.png" alt="problematic label positioning on iPhone 6"/> </p>

<p>这些表格 View 是可展开/可折叠的。在屏幕截图中,您会看到它已展开。 </p>


<pre><code>#import &#34;LotsDetailTableViewCell.h&#34;
#import &#34;MSCellAccessory.h&#34;

@interface LotsDetailTableViewCell ()

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *data;
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIView *detailView;


const float LABEL_HEIGHT = 22.0f;

@implementation LotsDetailTableViewCell

- (id)initWithData:(NSArray *)data reuseIdentifier:(NSString *)reuseIdentifier
    self = ;
    if (self) {
      self.data = data;
      self.textLabel.textColor = RGB(39, 143, 191);
      self.textLabel.font = ;

      self.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight;
      self.clipsToBounds = true;

    return self;

- (void)layoutSubviews {

    self.textLabel.frame = CGRectMake(self.textLabel.frame.origin.x,
   self.accessoryView.frame = CGRectMake(self.accessoryView.frame.origin.x, 6, 32, 32);

#pragma mark Detail View

- (void)setupDetailView
    self.detailView = [ init];

    UILabel *previousLabel;

    for (NSObject *detail in self.data) {
      CGFloat frameY;
      NSString *keyText;
      NSString *valueText;

            keyText = @&#34;&#34;;
            valueText = (NSString *)detail;
      } else if(]){
            keyText = ((NSDictionary *)detail)[@&#34;key&#34;];
            valueText = [(NSDictionary *)detail objectForKey:@&#34;value&#34;];

      if (previousLabel) {
            frameY = previousLabel.frame.origin.y+previousLabel.frame.size.height;
      } else {
            frameY = self.frame.origin.y+44.0f+*LABEL_HEIGHT;

      UILabel *keyLabel = [ initWithFrame:
                           CGRectMake(self.frame.size.width*.05, frameY, self.frame.size.width*.45, )

      UILabel *valueLabel = [ initWithFrame:
                           CGRectMake(self.frame.size.width*.5, frameY, self.frame.size.width*.45, )

      valueLabel.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakByWordWrapping;
      valueLabel.numberOfLines = 0;
      keyLabel.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakByWordWrapping;
      keyLabel.numberOfLines = 0;
      valueLabel.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentRight;
      keyLabel.font = ;
      valueLabel.font = ;
      keyLabel.textColor = RGB(119, 119, 119);
      valueLabel.textColor = RGB(39, 143, 191);
      keyLabel.text = keyText;
      valueLabel.text = valueText;

      valueLabel.layer.borderColor = ;
      valueLabel.layer.borderWidth = 1.0f;


      previousLabel = valueLabel;


- (CGFloat)heightForValueLabel:(NSString *)text
    return [ heightForValueLabel:text width:self.frame.size.width*.5];

+ (CGFloat)heightForValueLabel:(NSString *)text width:(CGFloat)width
    CGSize constrainedSize = CGSizeMake(width, CGFLOAT_MAX);

    NSDictionary *attributesDictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                                          , NSFontAttributeName,

    NSMutableAttributedString *string = [ initWithString:text attributes:attributesDictionary];

    CGRect requiredHeight = ;

    return requiredHeight.size.height+5.0;

+ (CGFloat)heightForData:(NSArray*)data width:(CGFloat)width
    CGFloat height = 0.0;

    for (NSObject *detail in data) {
      NSString *valueText;

            valueText = (NSString *)detail;
      } else if(]){
            valueText = ((NSDictionary *)detail)[@&#34;value&#34;];

      height = height + ;

    return height;


<p>大部分相关的绘图都是在 <code>setupDetailView</code> 方法中进行的。 </p>

<p><strong>我想要什么:</strong>我希望标签与 tableviewcell 的右侧对齐,以充分利用可用空间。 </p>

<p><strong>我尝试了什么:</strong>我尝试使用以下 co 以编程方式在 <code>setupDetailView</code> 中添加 <code>NSLayoutConstraint</code> </p>

<pre><code>NSLayoutConstraint *constraint = ;



<p>但这会导致运行时崩溃。 </p>



<pre><code>2015-03-25 14:19:04.047 App The view hierarchy is not prepared for the constraint: &lt;NSLayoutConstraint:0x7faf5049a630 UILabel:0x7faf50499a50&#39;8050&#39;.trailing == LotsDetailTableViewCell:0x7faf50494840&#39;LotDetailInfoCell&#39;.right + 1&gt;
    When added to a view, the constraint&#39;s items must be descendants of that view (or the view itself). This will crash if the constraint needs to be resolved before the view hierarchy is assembled. Break on - to debug.
2015-03-25 14:19:04.048 App View hierarchy unprepared for constraint.
    Constraint: &lt;NSLayoutConstraint:0x7faf5049a630 UILabel:0x7faf50499a50&#39;8050&#39;.trailing == LotsDetailTableViewCell:0x7faf50494840&#39;LotDetailInfoCell&#39;.right + 1&gt;
    Container hierarchy:
&lt;LotsDetailTableViewCell: 0x7faf50494840; baseClass = UITableViewCell; frame = (0 0; 320 44); layer = &lt;CALayer: 0x7faf50494c50&gt;&gt;
   | &lt;UITableViewCellContentView: 0x7faf5049c070; frame = (0 0; 320 44); gestureRecognizers = &lt;NSArray: 0x7faf504a2530&gt;; layer = &lt;CALayer: 0x7faf50455b60&gt;&gt;
    View not found in container hierarchy: &lt;UILabel: 0x7faf50499a50; frame = (156 44; 144 19.304); text = &#39;8050&#39;; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = &lt;_UILabelLayer: 0x7faf50499870&gt;&gt;
    That view&#39;s superview: NO SUPERVIEW
2015-03-25 14:19:04.058 App *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception &#39;NSGenericException&#39;, reason: &#39;Unable to install constraint on view.Does the constraint reference something from outside the subtree of the view?That&#39;s illegal. constraint:&lt;NSLayoutConstraint:0x7faf5049a630 UILabel:0x7faf50499a50&#39;8050&#39;.trailing == LotsDetailTableViewCell:0x7faf50494840&#39;LotDetailInfoCell&#39;.right + 1&gt; view:&lt;LotsDetailTableViewCell: 0x7faf50494840; baseClass = UITableViewCell; frame = (0 0; 320 44); layer = &lt;CALayer: 0x7faf50494c50&gt;&gt;&#39;
                                    <br><hr><h1><strong>Best Answer-推荐答案</ strong></h1><br>
                                            <p><p>将 leftConstarint 添加为您的标签后,将其添加为 subview 。</p>


NSLayoutConstraint *leftConstraint = [NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:_label


<p> 必须是您的 。//可能。
希望能帮助到你。 :)</p></p>
                                                <p style="font-size: 20px;">关于ios - 以编程方式使用 Autolayout 自定义 UITableViewCell 的布局,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:
                                                        <a href="https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29256659/" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow" style="color: red;">
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