菜鸟教程小白 发表于 2022-12-13 02:35:58

iphone - 为什么我在网络通信期间会发生随机崩溃 - (CFRelease 中的崩溃)?

                                            <p><p>我正在处理我的一个项目,该项目处于维护阶段,所以我没有太多的自由来一次更改主要 block ,在处理这个问题时,我在模拟器和设备上都看到了这个随机崩溃而应用程序与服务器同步。流动的存在

<p> <img src="/image/P0Tvd.png" alt="enter image description here"/> </p>

<img src="/image/k4fVK.png" alt="enter image description here"/> </p>


<p>httpClient.h -------</p>

<pre><code>#define TIMEOUT_SEC   30.0

@protocol HttpClientEventHandler_iPhone
- (void)requestSucceeded;
- (void)requestFailed:(NSError*)error;

@class Reachability;
@interface HttpClient_iPhone : NSObject{
    NSURLConnection *connection;
    NSMutableData *recievedData;
    int statusCode;
    id delegate;
    Reachability* hostReachable;
    BOOL networkChecked;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableString *previousRequest;
@property (readonly) NSMutableData *recievedData; // XX should be (readonly, retain)
@property (readonly) int statusCode;
@property (nonatomic, assign) id delegate;

+ (NSString*)stringEncodedWithBase64:(NSString*)str;
+ (NSString*) stringOfAuthorizationHeaderWithUsername:(NSString*)username password:(NSString*)password;
- (NSMutableURLRequest*)makeRequest:(NSString*)url;
- (NSMutableURLRequest*)makeRequest:(NSString*)url username:(NSString*)username password:(NSString*)password;
- (void)prepareWithRequest:(NSMutableURLRequest*)request;
- (void)requestGET:(NSString*)url;
- (void)requestPOST:(NSString*)url body:(NSString*)body type:(NSString*)type;
- (void)requestGET:(NSString*)url username:(NSString*)username password:(NSString*)password;
- (void)requestPOST:(NSString*)url username:(NSString*)username password:(NSString*)password body:(NSString*)body type:(NSString*)type;
- (void)requestPOST:(NSString*)url username:(NSString*)username password:(NSString*)password bodydata:(NSData*)body contenttype:(NSString*)type;
- (void)uploadImage:(NSString*)requesturl

- (void)cancelTransaction;
- (void)reset;
- (BOOL)checkNetworkStatus;

<p>//HttpClient.m ------------</p>

<pre><code>#import &#34;HttpClient_iPhone.h&#34;
#import &#34;Base64.h&#34;
#import &#34;Reachability.h&#34;
#import &#34;SyncLiteral.h&#34;

@implementation HttpClient_iPhone

@synthesize recievedData, statusCode;
@synthesize delegate,previousRequest;

- (id)init {
    if (self = ) {
      delegate = nil;
      networkChecked = NO;
    return self;

- (void)dealloc {

- (void)reset {
    recievedData = [ init];
    connection = nil;
    statusCode = 0;
    networkChecked = NO;

+ (NSString*)stringEncodedWithBase64:(NSString*)str {
    static const char *tbl = &#34;ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/&#34;;
    const char *s = ;
    int length = ;
    char *tmp = malloc(length * 4 / 3 + 4);

    int i = 0;
    int n = 0;
    char *p = tmp;

    while (i &lt; length) {
      n = s;
      n *= 256;
      if (i &lt; length) n += s;
      n *= 256;
      if (i &lt; length) n += s;

      p = tbl[((n &amp; 0x00fc0000) &gt;&gt; 18)];
      p = tbl[((n &amp; 0x0003f000) &gt;&gt; 12)];
      p = tbl[((n &amp; 0x00000fc0) &gt;&gt;6)];
      p = tbl[((n &amp; 0x0000003f) &gt;&gt;0)];

      if (i &gt; length) p = &#39;=&#39;;
      if (i &gt; length + 1) p = &#39;=&#39;;
      p += 4;
    *p = &#39;\0&#39;;
    NSString *ret = ;
    return ret;

#pragma mark - HTTP Request creating methods

- (NSMutableURLRequest*)makeRequest:(NSString*)url {
    NSString *encodedUrl = (NSString*)CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(
                                                                              NULL, (CFStringRef)url, NULL, NULL, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
    NSMutableURLRequest *request = [[ init] autorelease];
    return request;

- (NSMutableURLRequest*)makeRequest:(NSString*)url username:(NSString*)username password:(NSString*)password {
    NSMutableURLRequest *request = ;
    return request;

+ (NSString*) stringOfAuthorizationHeaderWithUsername:(NSString*)username password:(NSString*)password {
    return [@&#34;Basic &#34; stringByAppendingString:[HttpClient_iPhone stringEncodedWithBase64:

- (void)prepareWithRequest:(NSMutableURLRequest*)request {
    // do nothing (for OAuthHttpClient)

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark HTTP Transaction management methods

/* Sending the Http Request for &#34;GET&#34; */
- (void)requestGET:(NSString*)url {

    //Reseting the http client

    //Checking the internet connection
    if ( == NO){
      if (self.delegate != nil &amp;&amp; ){
    //Sending the http requqest
    NSMutableURLRequest *request = ;

    if(![ isEqualToString:@&#34;pda_errorlogs&#34;])
      self.previousRequest = ;

    connection = [ initWithRequest:request delegate:self startImmediately:YES];

/* Sending the Http Request for &#34;POST&#34; */
- (void)requestPOST:(NSString*)url body:(NSString*)body type:(NSString*)type {

    //Reseting the http client
    //Checking the internet connection
    if ( == NO){
      if (self.delegate != nil &amp;&amp; ){
    //Sending the http requqest
    NSMutableURLRequest *request = ;
    if (type != nil &amp;&amp; !)
    if (body) {
    if(![ isEqualToString:@&#34;pda_errorlogs&#34;])
      self.previousRequest = ;
    connection = [ initWithRequest:request delegate:self];

/* Sending the Http Request for &#34;GET&#34; with username and password */
- (void)requestGET:(NSString*)url username:(NSString*)username password:(NSString*)password {
    //Reseting the http client

    //Checking the internet connection
    if ( == NO){
      if (self.delegate != nil &amp;&amp; ){
    //Sending the http requqest
    NSMutableURLRequest *request = ;
    if(![ isEqualToString:@&#34;pda_errorlogs&#34;])
      self.previousRequest = ;
    connection = [ initWithRequest:request delegate:self startImmediately:YES];

/* Sending the Http Request for &#34;POST&#34; with username and password */
- (void)requestPOST:(NSString*)url username:(NSString*)username password:(NSString*)password body:(NSString*)body type:(NSString*)type {
    //Reseting the http client
    //Checking the internet connection
    if ( == NO){
      if (self.delegate != nil &amp;&amp; ){
    //Sending the http requqest
    NSMutableURLRequest *request = ;
    if (type != nil &amp;&amp; !)
    if (body) {
    if(![ isEqualToString:@&#34;pda_errorlogs&#34;])
      self.previousRequest = ;
    connection = [ initWithRequest:request delegate:self];

/* Sending the Http Request for &#34;POST&#34; with username and password */
- (void)requestPOST:(NSString*)url username:(NSString*)username password:(NSString*)password bodydata:(NSData*)body contenttype:(NSString*)type {
    //Reseting the http client
    //Checking the internet connection
    if ( == NO){
      if (self.delegate != nil &amp;&amp; ){
    //Sending the http requqest
    NSMutableURLRequest *request = ;
    if (type != nil &amp;&amp; !)
    if (body) {
    if (body != nil &amp;&amp; &gt; 0){
      NSString* length_str = ];
    if(![ isEqualToString:@&#34;pda_errorlogs&#34;])
      self.previousRequest = ;
    initWithData:body encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]autorelease]];

    connection = [ initWithRequest:request delegate:self];

/* Sending the Http Request for uploading the image from database */
- (void)uploadImage:(NSString*)requesturl
          imagedata:(NSData*)imagedata {

    //Reseting the http client

    //Checking the internet connection
    if ( == NO){
      if (self.delegate != nil &amp;&amp; ){
    //Sending the http requqest
    NSString *boundary = @&#34;---------------------------14737809831466499882746641449&#34;;
    NSString *contentType = ;
    NSURL *url = ;

    NSMutableURLRequest *request = ;

    NSMutableData *postbody = ;
    NSData* encoded_data = ;

    connection = [ initWithRequest:request delegate:self];

/* Canceling the HTTP Transaction */
- (void)cancelTransaction {

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark NSURLConnectionDelegate methods

- (NSCachedURLResponse *)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection willCacheResponse:(NSCachedURLResponse *)cachedResponse {
    return nil;

- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveResponse:(NSURLResponse *)response {
    statusCode = [(NSHTTPURLResponse*)response statusCode];

- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveData:(NSData *)data {
#ifdef _DEBUG
    NSLog(@&#34;Receieved the http body data : \n%@\n&#34;, [[ initWithData:data
                                        encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding] autorelease]);

- (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection {
#ifdef DEBUG
    NSLog(@&#34;Receieved the http body data : \n%@\n&#34;, [[ initWithData:recievedData
                                                                           encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding] autorelease]);
    if (self.delegate != nil &amp;&amp; ){

- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didFailWithError:(NSError*) error {
#ifdef _DEBUG   
    NSLog(@&#34;didFailWithError \n %@&#34;,);
    if (self.delegate != nil &amp;&amp; ){

//check network status chages
- (BOOL)checkNetworkStatus {
    BOOL result = NO;
    Reachability* reachability = ;
    NetworkStatus remoteHostStatus = ;

    if(remoteHostStatus == NotReachable) {
#ifdef _DEBUG      
      NSLog(@&#34;\nNetwork Status : not reachable\n&#34;);
      result = NO;
    }else if (remoteHostStatus == ReachableViaWWAN) {
#ifdef _DEBUG      
      NSLog(@&#34;\nNetwork Status : reachable via wwan\n&#34;);
      result = YES;
    }else if (remoteHostStatus == ReachableViaWiFi) {
#ifdef _DEBUG
      NSLog(@&#34;\nNetwork Status : reachable via wifi\n&#34;);
      result = YES;      
    return result;


<p>如果有人可以指导我正确的方向,那将有很大帮助。该项目使用 SDK 6.1 和部署目标 4.3。</p>



<pre><code>@interface HttpClient_iPhone : NSObject{
    NSURLConnection *connection;
    NSMutableData *recievedData;
    int statusCode;
    id delegate;
    Reachability* hostReachable;
    BOOL networkChecked;

@property (retain,atomic) NSMutableString *previousRequest;
@property (retain,readonly) NSMutableData *recievedData;
@property (readonly) int statusCode;
@property (nonatomic, assign) id delegate;


<pre><code>@implementation HttpClient_iPhone

@synthesize recievedData, statusCode;
@synthesize delegate,previousRequest;

- (id)init {
    if (self = ) {
      delegate = nil;
      networkChecked = NO;
    return self;

- (void)dealloc {
    if (connection) {
    connection = nil;

    if (recievedData) {
      recievedData = nil;

- (void)reset {
    if (recievedData) {
      recievedData = nil;

    recievedData = [ init];

    if (connection) {
      connection = nil;
    statusCode = 0;
    networkChecked = NO;

- (void)requestGET:(NSString*)url {

    //Reseting the http client

    //Checking the internet connection
    if ( == NO){
      if (self.delegate != nil &amp;&amp; ){

    NSMutableURLRequest *request = ;
    if(![ isEqualToString:@&#34;pda_errorlogs&#34;])
      self.previousRequest = ;

    connection = [ initWithRequest:request delegate:self startImmediately:YES];

- (void)requestPOST:(NSString*)url body:(NSString*)body type:(NSString*)type {
    if ( == NO){
      if (self.delegate != nil &amp;&amp; ){
    NSMutableURLRequest *request = ;
    if (type != nil &amp;&amp; !)
    if (body) {
    if(![ isEqualToString:@&#34;pda_errorlogs&#34;])
      self.previousRequest = ;
    connection = [ initWithRequest:request delegate:self];

- (void)requestGET:(NSString*)url username:(NSString*)username password:(NSString*)password {
    if ( == NO){
      if (self.delegate != nil &amp;&amp; ){
    NSMutableURLRequest *request = ;
    if(![ isEqualToString:@&#34;pda_errorlogs&#34;])
      self.previousRequest = ;
    connection = [ initWithRequest:request delegate:self startImmediately:YES];

- (void)requestPOST:(NSString*)url username:(NSString*)username password:(NSString*)password body:(NSString*)body type:(NSString*)type {
    if ( == NO){
      if (self.delegate != nil &amp;&amp; ){
    NSMutableURLRequest *request = ;
    if (type != nil &amp;&amp; !)
    if (body) {
    if(![ isEqualToString:@&#34;pda_errorlogs&#34;])
      self.previousRequest = ;
    connection = [ initWithRequest:request delegate:self];

- (void)requestPOST:(NSString*)url username:(NSString*)username password:(NSString*)password bodydata:(NSData*)body contenttype:(NSString*)type {

- (void)cancelTransaction {

- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveResponse:(NSURLResponse *)response {
    statusCode = [(NSHTTPURLResponse*)response statusCode];

- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveData:(NSData *)data {

- (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection {
    if (self.delegate != nil &amp;&amp; ){

- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didFailWithError:(NSError*) error {
    if (self.delegate != nil &amp;&amp; ){

<p>//Crashlytics 上报告的崩溃日志图像</p>

<p>第 1 部分,共 2 部分
<img src="/image/0za4V.png" alt="enter image description here"/> </p>

<p>第 2 部分,共 2 部分
<img src="/image/ASrE5.png" alt="enter image description here"/> </p></p>
                                    <br><hr><h1><strong>Best Answer-推荐答案</ strong></h1><br>

<p>1) 将 header 中的 recievedData 属性类型更改为“保留”(即使它没有在您的代码中用作属性)</p>

<p>2) 在你释放一个NSURLConnection之前,你应该发送它<code>cancel</code>,即<code></code>。你在 dealloc 和 reset 中释放它。另外,首先要取消它 - 不要事先发布可能被它使用的数据。</p>

<p>编辑:根据您当前的代码,您的 <code>reset</code> 方法在修改可变数据之前仍然会取消。我修改了您的代码,如下所示,以反射(reflect)您的 <code>dealloc</code> 方法(您不需要 nil 语句):</p>

<pre><code>- (void)reset {
    if (connection) {
      connection = nil;
    if (recievedData) {
      recievedData = nil;

    recievedData = [ init];

    statusCode = 0;
    networkChecked = NO;

- (void)dealloc {
    if (connection) {

    if (recievedData) {

                                                <p style="font-size: 20px;">关于iphone - 为什么我在网络通信期间会发生随机崩溃 - (CFRelease 中的崩溃)?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:
                                                        <a href="https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16602738/" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow" style="color: red;">
页: [1]
查看完整版本: iphone - 为什么我在网络通信期间会发生随机崩溃 - (CFRelease 中的崩溃)?