菜鸟教程小白 发表于 2022-12-11 19:57:09

ios - 核心数据变更处理错误

                                            <p><p>我正在开发一个硬币收集应用程序,我最近开始将核心数据集成到我的应用程序中。我有一个存储自定义 CoinCategory 对象的核心数据数据库,每个 CoinCategory 对象都有一个 Coin 对象数组。这样,我的应用程序就可以按类别存储所有内容。</p>


<p><code>2017-06-26 09:55:37.218 CoinCollection -:无法识别的选择器发送到实例 0x608000236cc0
2017-06-26 09:55:37.219215-0400 CoinCollection [错误] 错误:严重的应用程序错误。在核心数据更改处理期间捕获到异常。这通常是 NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification 观察者中的一个错误。 -:无法识别的选择器使用 userInfo (null) 发送到实例 0x608000236cc0
CoreData:错误:严重的应用程序错误。在核心数据更改处理期间捕获到异常。这通常是 NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification 观察者中的一个错误。 -:无法识别的选择器发送到实例 0x608000236cc0 和 userInfo (null)</code></p>


<p>我在下面为我的 ViewController 和运行核心数据的应用程序委托(delegate)附加了我的代码。 </p>

<pre><code>    AppDelegate.swift
    //We customize the app, system-wide
    import UIKit
    import CoreData

    class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

var window: UIWindow?

//MARK: - Core Data stack
lazy var persistentContainer: NSPersistentContainer = {
    let container = NSPersistentContainer(name: &#34;CoinCollection&#34;)
    container.loadPersistentStores(completionHandler: { (storeDescription,
      error) in
      if let error = error as NSError? {
            fatalError(&#34;Unresolved error \(error), \(error.userInfo)&#34;)
    return container
// MARK: - Core Data Saving support
func saveContext ()
    let context = persistentContainer.viewContext

    if context.hasChanges
            try context.save()
            // Replace this implementation with code to handle the error appropriately.
            // fatalError() causes the application to generate a crash log and terminate.
            //You should not use this function in a shipping application, although it may be useful during development.
            let nserror = error as NSError
            fatalError(&#34;Unresolved error \(nserror), \(nserror.userInfo)&#34;)

<p>然后是我的 ViewController 。请注意,我从调用此方法的 subviewController 中获取 Coin 对象,并且我们决定 Coin 对象是否适合现有类别。如果没有,那么我们添加新币。</p>

<pre><code>    //Controls the table view controller showing the general coins (one per each category)
    import UIKit
    import CoreData

    class CoinTableViewController: UITableViewController, NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate {

//this is an array of all the coins in the collection
//each row of this two-dimensional array represents a new category
var coinsByCategory: = []
var fetchResultController: NSFetchedResultsController&lt;CoinCategoryMO&gt;!

//other attributes....

override func viewDidLoad()

    //we now fetch the data
    let fetchRequest : NSFetchRequest&lt;CoinCategoryMO&gt; = CoinCategoryMO.fetchRequest()

    if let appDelegate = (UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate)
      let context = appDelegate.persistentContainer.viewContext

      let sortDescriptor = NSSortDescriptor(key: &#34;coinCategory&#34;, ascending: true)
      fetchRequest.sortDescriptors =

      fetchResultController = NSFetchedResultsController(fetchRequest: fetchRequest, managedObjectContext: context, sectionNameKeyPath: nil, cacheName: nil)
      fetchResultController.delegate = self

            try fetchResultController.performFetch()
            if let fetchedObjects = fetchResultController.fetchedObjects
                self.coinsByCategory = fetchedObjects

    //configure even more....      

// MARK: - Table view data soure

func deleteCoinCategory(rowPath: IndexPath)
    if 0 &lt;= rowPath.row &amp;&amp; rowPath.row &lt; self.coinsByCategory.count
      //we have just tested that the rowPath index is valid
      if let appDelegate = (UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate)
            let context = appDelegate.persistentContainer.viewContext
            let coinCategoryToDelete = self.fetchResultController.object(at: rowPath)


func deleteCoin(c: Coin, indexOfSelectedCategory: IndexPath) -&gt; Bool
    //we have a coin that we want to delete from this viewcontroller
    //and the data contained in it.
    //the parameter indexOfSelectedCategory refers to the IndexPath of the
    //row in the TableView contained in THIS viewcontroller whose category
    //of coins we are modifying in this method
    //Return value: a boolean that indicates whether a single coin has
    //been deleted - meaning that the user should return to the parentviewcontroller
    if 0 &lt; indexOfSelectedCategory.row &amp;&amp; indexOfSelectedCategory.row &lt; self.coinsByCategory.count &amp;&amp; self.coinsByCategory.coinCategory?.hasCoin(c: c) == true
      //the index is valid as it refers to a category in the coinsByCategory array
      //and the examined category has the coin in question
      if self.coinsByCategory.coinCategory?.count == 1
            //the coin &#34;c&#34; that we are going to delete is the only coin in the entire category
            self.deleteCoinCategory(rowPath: indexOfSelectedCategory)

            return true
            //more than one coin in the category
            self.coinsByCategory.coinCategory?.removeCoin(c: c)

            //we save the changes in the database...
            if let appDelegate = (UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate)

            return false

    return false

func addCoin(coinToAdd: Coin)
    //we check over each category to see if the coin can be added
    for category in self.coinsByCategory
      if category.coinCategory?.coinFitsCategory(aCoin: coinToAdd) == true
            //we can add the coin to the category
            category.coinCategory?.addCoin(newCoin: coinToAdd)

            if let appDelegate = (UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate)
                //we save changes to the database

                //we are DONE with this function

    //since the coinToAdd does not fall in the existing categories, we create a new one
    if let appDelegate = (UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate)
      let newCategory = CoinCategoryMO(context: appDelegate.persistentContainer.viewContext)

      newCategory.coinCategory = CoinCategory(coins: , categoryType: CoinCategory.CategoryTypes.COUNTRY_VALUE_AND_CURRENCY)

      print(&#34;Saving data to context ...&#34;)

//delegate methods control the core data database
func controllerWillChangeContent(_ controller: NSFetchedResultsController&lt;NSFetchRequestResult&gt;)

func controller(_ controller: NSFetchedResultsController&lt;NSFetchRequestResult&gt;, didChange anObject: Any, at indexPath: IndexPath?, for type: NSFetchedResultsChangeType, newIndexPath: IndexPath?)
    switch type
    case .insert :
      if let newIndexPath = newIndexPath
            tableView.insertRows(at: , with: .fade)

    case .delete:
      if let indexPath = indexPath
            tableView.deleteRows(at: , with: .fade)

    case .update:
      if let indexPath = indexPath
            tableView.reloadRows(at: , with: .fade)


    if let fetchedObjects = controller.fetchedObjects
      self.coinsByCategory = fetchedObjects as!

func controllerDidChangeContent(_ controller: NSFetchedResultsController&lt;NSFetchRequestResult&gt;)



<p>我的 CoinCategory 类代码:</p>

<pre><code>    //This class is supposed to represent a category of coin objects in CoreData

import Foundation
import CoreData

    public class CoinCategory: NSObject, NSCoding
      //These are the various types of categories that a user can create out of their coin collection
      enum CategoryTypes : NSString
            case COUNTRY_VALUE_AND_CURRENCY = //...
            case COUNTRY = //...
            case YEAR = //...
            case CURRENCY = //...
            case NO_CATEGORY = //...

//this struct is used to encode data in Key-Value pairs per the NSCoding protocol
struct Keys
    static let Current_Category_Type = &#34;current_category_type&#34;
    static let Coins_In_Category = &#34;coins_in_category&#34;

//this is the collection of the coins in the category
var coinsInCategory: = []//initially we have no coins in the collection
var currentCategoryType : CategoryTypes.RawValue = &#34;&#34;

public var count : NSNumber
      //..number of coins in category

public var array :
      //read-only copy of the Coins array..

public required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder)
    //we decode this object&#39;s information
    if let categoryTypeObject = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: Keys.Current_Category_Type) as? CategoryTypes.RawValue
      self.currentCategoryType = categoryTypeObject

    if let coinsInCategoryArrayObject = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: Keys.Coins_In_Category) as?
      self.coinsInCategory = coinsInCategoryArrayObject

public func encode(with aCoder: NSCoder)
    //we encode this object&#39;s information
    aCoder.encode(currentCategoryType, forKey: Keys.Current_Category_Type)
    aCoder.encode(self.coinsInCategory, forKey: Keys.Coins_In_Category)

override init()
    self.currentCategoryType = CategoryTypes.COUNTRY_VALUE_AND_CURRENCY.rawValue
    self.coinsInCategory = []

convenience init(coins: , categoryType: CategoryTypes.RawValue)
    self.coinsInCategory = coins

    if isACategoryType(categoryType: categoryType) == true
      self.currentCategoryType = categoryType
       self.currentCategoryType = CategoryTypes.NO_CATEGORY.rawValue

func isACategoryType(categoryType: NSString) -&gt; Bool
    switch categoryType
    case CategoryTypes.COUNTRY_VALUE_AND_CURRENCY.rawValue:
      return true
    case CategoryTypes.COUNTRY.rawValue:
      return true
    case CategoryTypes.YEAR.rawValue:
      return true
    case CategoryTypes.CURRENCY.rawValue:
      return true
      return false

func addCoin(newCoin: Coin)
    //we are adding a new Coin object to this category
    //if it falls into the category&#39;s type
    if self.coinFitsCategory(aCoin: newCoin) == true

func coinFitsCategory(aCoin: Coin) -&gt; Bool
    //this function tests if aCoin fits into the category type
    //but that all varies depending on which category the coin is
    if self.coinsInCategory.count == 0
      //this category is currently empty, so any addition goes!
      return true

    //otherwise, this category is not empty... so we are now going to
    //examine the situation more critically
    let testCoin = self.coinsInCategory

    switch self.currentCategoryType
      case CategoryTypes.COUNTRY_VALUE_AND_CURRENCY.rawValue:
            return (testCoin.getCountry().lowercased == aCoin.getCountry().lowercased) &amp;&amp; (testCoin.getValue() == aCoin.getValue()) &amp;&amp; (testCoin.getDenomination().lowercased == aCoin.getDenomination().lowercased)

    case CategoryTypes.COUNTRY.rawValue:
      return testCoin.getCountry().lowercased == aCoin.getCountry().lowercased

    case CategoryTypes.CURRENCY.rawValue:
      return testCoin.getDenomination().lowercased == aCoin.getDenomination().lowercased

    case CategoryTypes.YEAR.rawValue:
      return testCoin.getYear() == aCoin.getYear()

      return false

func getIndexOfCoinInCollection(coin: Coin) -&gt; Int
    //we are going to return -1 if the coin does not exist in the collection
    //and are going to return the index otherwise if yes
    for i in 0..&lt;self.coinsInCategory.count
      if coinsInCategory == coin
            return i

    //have not found anything
    return -1

func removeCoin(at: Int)
    //we remove the coin at the index if it is in a valid range of the coinInCategory array
    if isValidArrayIndex(index: at)
      self.coinsInCategory.remove(at: at)

func getCoin(at: Int) -&gt; Coin?
    //we return nil if there is an issue in accessing the coin
    if isValidArrayIndex(index: at)
      return self.coinsInCategory
      return nil

func assignCoin(at: Int,c: Coin)
    if isValidArrayIndex(index: at)
      self.coinsInCategory.assign(right: c)

func deleteAllCoins()
    //we delete all the coin in this category

func removeCoin(c: Coin)
    //we delete a coin from the category
    for i in 0..&lt;self.coinsInCategory.count
      if self.coinsInCategory == c
            //the coin at index &#34;i&#34; is equal to the coin &#34;c&#34; that we want to delete from the category
            self.coinsInCategory.remove(at: i)

func hasCoin(c: Coin) -&gt; Bool
    return getIndexOfCoinInCollection(coin: c) != -1

func swapValuesWithAnotherCategory(other: CoinCategory)
    swap(&amp;self.currentCategoryType, &amp;other.currentCategoryType)

func swapCoins(indexOne: Int, indexTwo: Int)
    if isValidArrayIndex(index: indexOne) &amp;&amp; isValidArrayIndex(index: indexTwo)

private func isValidArrayIndex(index: Int) -&gt; Bool
    return (0 &lt;= index &amp;&amp; index &lt; coinsInCategory.count)

               //这为项目提供了 Class Coin 的类定义</p>

<pre><code>    import UIKit
    import CoreData

    enum TimePeriods: String
      //this enumeration represents the different time periods that a
      //coin was minted in, for the sake of this programn
      case BCE = &#34;BCE&#34;
      case CE = &#34;CE&#34;

    public class Coin : NSObject, NSCoding
      //this struct represents all the keys used in encoding and decoding this object
      struct Keys
            static let Country = &#34;country&#34;
            static let Mint = &#34;mint&#34;
            static let Year = &#34;year&#34;
            static let Currency = &#34;currency&#34;
            static let Value = &#34;value&#34;
            static let Grade = &#34;grade&#34;
            static let Comments = &#34;comments&#34;
            static let NumInstances = &#34;numberInstances&#34;
            static let Description = &#34;description&#34;
            static let Obverse = &#34;obverse&#34;
            static let Reverse = &#34;reverse&#34;
//this represents a coin in the table view
static let GRADING_LOWER_LIMIT: NSNumber = 1
static let GRADING_UPPER_LIMIT: NSNumber = 70

//this represents the default strings returned if a field does not have the needed information
static let DEFAULT_DESCRIPTIVE_NAME: NSString = &#34;(Description?)&#34;
static let DEFAULT_COMMENTS: NSString = &#34;(Comments?)&#34;
static let DEFAULT_DENOMINATION: NSString = &#34;(Denomination?)&#34;
static let DEFAULT_MINT: NSString = &#34;(Mint?)&#34;
static let DEFAULT_COUNTRY: NSString = &#34;(Country?)&#34;
static let DEFAULT_YEAR: NSString = &#34;(Year?)&#34;
static let DEFAULT_GRADE: NSString = &#34;(Grade?)&#34;
static let DEFAULT_VALUE_AND_DENOMINATION: NSString = &#34;(Value?) (Currency?)&#34;

static let OBVERSE_IMAGE_STRING : NSString = &#34;Obverse&#34;
static let REVERSE_IMAGE_STRING : NSString = &#34;Reverse&#34;

static private let BULLET = &#34;➣ &#34;         //represents the kind of bullet to be used to build a complete summary of the coin

//declare members with setters and getters
private var country: NSString = &#34;&#34;      //what country/empire/etc. used in?
private var mint: NSString = &#34;&#34;            //where minted? EX: US Mint, St. Petersburg
private var year: NSNumber? = nil            //what year minted? per gregorian calendar
                                    //the year can be negative to represent the BCE period
                                    //positive to represent the CE periods
private var typeCurrency: NSString = &#34;&#34;   //what is the unit of value? EX: Cents, dollars, centavos, etc
private var theValue: NSNumber = 0         //how many? EX: how many dollars, cents, centavos, etc.?

//additional information about the coin
private var grade: NSNumber?            //on the american grading scale for coins. 1-70
private var comments: NSString = &#34;&#34;      //extra comments stored by the user for himself

private var numberOfInstances: NSNumber = 0 //number of coins exactly like this. EX: 1,2,3,4...etc? For each instance, it must be &gt;= 1.

//This describes the type of the coin
//EX: Walking Liberty Quarter, Barber Quarter, Standing Liberty Quarter... etc
private var descriptiveName: NSString = &#34;&#34;

private var obverseImage: UIImage? = nil
private var reverseImage: UIImage? = nil

public var valueAndDenomination: NSString
      //need to check four cases
      //case 1: we have the right values for value and denomination
      //case 2: we do not have a value but do have denomination
      //case 3: we have a value but do not have denomination
      //case 4: we do not have both
      //the reason why we consider 0 to be an empty value is because a coin that was worth
      //nothing would not have been minted in the first place!!!
      if (self.theValue != 0 &amp;&amp; self.typeCurrency != &#34;&#34;)
            //have value and denomination
            return &#34;\(self.theValue) \(self.typeCurrency)&#34; as NSString //like &#34;20 Cents&#34;

      else if (self.theValue == 0 &amp;&amp; self.typeCurrency != &#34;&#34; )
            //do not have value, but have denomination
            return &#34;(Value?) \(self.typeCurrency)&#34; as NSString

      else if (self.theValue != 0 &amp;&amp; self.typeCurrency == &#34;&#34;)
            //we have value, but do not have denomination
            return &#34;\(self.theValue) (Currency?)&#34; as NSString

            //we do not have both
            return Coin.DEFAULT_VALUE_AND_DENOMINATION as NSString


public required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder)
    //we decode this object&#39;s information
    if let countryObject = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: Keys.Country) as? NSString
      self.country = countryObject

    if let mintObject = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: Keys.Country) as? NSString
      self.mint = mintObject

    if let yearObject = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: Keys.Year) as? NSNumber
      self.year = yearObject

    if let currencyObject = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: Keys.Currency) as? NSString
      self.typeCurrency = currencyObject

    if let valueObject = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: Keys.Value) as? NSNumber
      self.theValue = valueObject

    if let gradeObject = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: Keys.Grade) as? NSNumber
      self.grade = gradeObject

    if let commentObject = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: Keys.Comments) as? NSString
      self.comments = commentObject

    if let numInstancesObject = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: Keys.NumInstances) as? NSNumber
      self.numberOfInstances = numInstancesObject

    if let descriptiveNameObject = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: Keys.Description) as? NSString
      self.descriptiveName = descriptiveNameObject

    if let obverseImageObject = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: Keys.Obverse) as? UIImage
      self.obverseImage = obverseImageObject

    if let reverseImageObject = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: Keys.Reverse) as? UIImage
      self.reverseImage = reverseImageObject
override init()
    //default initializer

    self.country = &#34;&#34;
    self.mint = &#34;&#34;
    self.year = nil
    self.typeCurrency = &#34;&#34;
    self.theValue = 0
    self.comments = &#34;&#34;
    self.numberOfInstances = 1
    self.descriptiveName = &#34;&#34;
    self.obverseImage = nil
    self.reverseImage = nil

init(country: NSString,year: Int?,typeCurrency: NSString, theValue: NSNumber,mint: NSString,grade: Int?,numInstances: NSNumber = 1,description: NSString, comments: NSString)
    self.country = country
    self.mint = mint
    self.year = year! as NSNumber
    self.typeCurrency = typeCurrency
    self.theValue = theValue
    self.comments = comments
    self.numberOfInstances = numInstances
    self.descriptiveName = description

    self.obverseImage = nil
    self.reverseImage = nil

init(country: NSString,year: NSNumber?,typeCurrency: NSString, theValue: NSNumber,mint: NSString,grade: NSNumber?,numInstances: NSNumber = 1,description: NSString, comments: NSString,obverseImage: UIImage, reverseImage: UIImage)
    self.country = country
    self.mint = mint
    self.year = year
    self.typeCurrency = typeCurrency
    self.theValue = theValue
    self.comments = comments
    self.numberOfInstances = numInstances
    self.descriptiveName = description

public func encode(with aCoder: NSCoder)
    //we encode the coin&#39;s information
    aCoder.encode(self.country, forKey: Keys.Country)
    aCoder.encode(self.mint, forKey: Keys.Mint)
    aCoder.encode(self.year, forKey: Keys.Year)
    aCoder.encode(self.typeCurrency, forKey: Keys.Currency)
    aCoder.encode(self.theValue, forKey: Keys.Value)
    aCoder.encode(self.grade, forKey: Keys.Grade)
    aCoder.encode(self.comments, forKey: Keys.Comments)
    aCoder.encode(self.numberOfInstances, forKey: Keys.NumInstances)
    aCoder.encode(self.descriptiveName, forKey: Keys.Description)
    aCoder.encode(self.obverseImage, forKey: Keys.Obverse)
    aCoder.encode(self.reverseImage, forKey: Keys.Reverse)

//setter and getter functions for class members...

func getCompleteSummary() -&gt; NSString
    //returns a bulleted list that represents the coin
    //and it describes every single detail...

func getIncompleteSummary() -&gt; String
      //returns a bulleted list string that represents the coin
      //and it describes every single detail...   


func ofSameType(rhs: Coin) -&gt; Bool
    return (self.getCountry().lowercased == rhs.getCountry().lowercased) &amp;&amp; (self.getValue() == rhs.getValue()) &amp;&amp; (self.getDenomination().lowercased == rhs.getDenomination().lowercased)

public static func==(lhs: Coin, rhs: Coin) -&gt; Bool
    //we compare two coin objects for equality in ALL Categories
    returnlhs.country.lowercased == rhs.country.lowercased &amp;&amp;
            lhs.theValue == rhs.theValue &amp;&amp;
            lhs.typeCurrency.lowercased == rhs.typeCurrency.lowercased &amp;&amp;
            lhs.mint.lowercased == rhs.mint.lowercased &amp;&amp;
            lhs.year == rhs.year &amp;&amp;
            lhs.grade == rhs.grade &amp;&amp;
            lhs.comments == rhs.comments &amp;&amp;
            lhs.numberOfInstances == rhs.numberOfInstances &amp;&amp;
            lhs.descriptiveName == rhs.descriptiveName &amp;&amp;
            lhs.obverseImage == rhs.obverseImage &amp;&amp;
            lhs.reverseImage == rhs.reverseImage

func assign(right: Coin)
    //we implement this instead of overloading the assignment &#34;=&#34; operator
    //as it is not possible to overload the &#34;=&#34; operator
    //we assign the right-hand-coin&#39;s field values
    //to the left-hand coin&#39;s side
    self.country = right.country
    self.theValue = right.theValue
    self.typeCurrency = right.typeCurrency
    self.mint = right.mint
    self.year = right.year
    self.grade = right.grade
    self.comments = right.comments
    self.numberOfInstances = right.numberOfInstances
    self.descriptiveName = right.descriptiveName
    self.obverseImage = right.obverseImage
    self.reverseImage = right.reverseImage

                                    <br><hr><h1><strong>Best Answer-推荐答案</ strong></h1><br>
                                            <p><p>看起来问题是您的 <code>CoinCategory</code> 类没有实现 <code>compare:</code> 方法:</p>

<p>: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x608000236cc0</p>

<p>我的猜测是 FRC 试图将第二个 <code>CoinCategoryMO</code> 的 <code>coinCategory</code> 属性与第一个 <code> 的 <code>coinCategory</code> 属性进行比较>CoinCategoryMO</code> 以便以正确的顺序获取它们(因为您的 FRC 使用 <code>coinCategory</code> 属性进行排序)。</p>

<p>所以直接的答案是您需要为您的 <code>CoinCategory</code> 类实现一个 <code>compare:</code> 方法。但我认为这只是你需要改变方法的一个指标。而不是拥有一个具有自定义对象(或其集合)属性的实体,您可能应该致力于拥有多个实体(例如,一个 <code>CoinMO</code> 实体,一个 <code>CoinCategoryMO</code> 实体, <code>CoinCategoryTypeMO</code> 实体等),它们之间具有一对多的关系。如果您显示自定义对象的代码(<code>Coin</code> 和 <code>CoinCategory</code>),则更容易建议如何在 CoreData 中对它们进行最佳建模。</p></p>
                                                <p style="font-size: 20px;">关于ios - 核心数据变更处理错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:
                                                        <a href="https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44762356/" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow" style="color: red;">
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